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Chapter 295: I swear to the lamp!

After Chen Yefeng removed the silencer and put away the Hextech gun, he also ran non-stop in the direction of the young disciple Igeda and Jiang Xuefen.

"You really didn't fight it?" Jiang Xuefen, who had learned from the past, still expressed doubts about Chen Yefeng.

"Of course, it hurts me to be idle!?"

In a word, fans in the live broadcast room can't stand it anymore.

"Miss Sister, there is no need to doubt, this kind of thing, except for a brute like elder brother, ordinary people can't do it!"

"The eldest brother is really a beast, so he treats little sister like this, I'm cracked!"

"Looking at it, the uncle is still doing human affairs? What is talking about people?"

"What do you know, Brother Uncle is a role model for men of my generation!"

"Women can't get used to it, the more you get used to it, the more you will die. The eldest brother has done a beautiful job. I will support with my hands!

"A handsome person like Brother Uncle must have the best appearance in the world, right?"


"It's really not you?" Jiang Xuefen couldn't help asking again.

"I swear to the lamp, it's really not me!" Chen Yefeng also opened his eyes and said nonsense, saying that he was slippery than anyone else.

"There may be someone, be careful!" Jiang Xuefen said, and began to look around. However, there was no figure in front of him, and only his little man behind. It didn't seem to be right.

"There are real people or fake ones? Don't lie to me!"

"I was shot, what do you say!" Jiang Xuefen was depressed.

"Well, then you cross the bridge first!" Chen Yefeng showed a big man's appearance, "Don't worry, I will definitely do my best to protect you. With me, he should not dare Easy to show up!"

"Yeah, is the little man getting awake?" Jiang Xuefen was naturally happy when he heard it.

But just in case, she asked a second time: "You swear again, really you didn't shoot the shot just now?"

"I swear to the lamp!" Chen Yefeng's tone was full of earnestness, and he said the truth.

"Are you sure you did it?" Just in case, Chen Yourong confirmed again.

Chen Yefeng's heart also burst upon hearing this, and it seems that this woman still has not given up on her doubts!

However, this is certainly not difficult for him.

"Don't worry, I'm not a kid anymore. Doing it once is enough. How can I do it a second time!"

Moreover, what's the situation now, we are so far from the safe zone, what am I going to do in my spare time, I really want to fight, can't I run into the safe zone! "

"You mean, you have this plan. The reason why you didn't act is because you are not in the safe zone?" Jiang Xuefen grasped the point.

"What am I..." Chen Yefeng hesitated to say, would this woman grasp the words so well, how can you answer yourself!

"I'm just talking about playing, how could I really do such a conscience!"

Looking at what his little man said is the same, Jiang Xuefen also said in a leisurely tone, "Then do you want to swear!"

"Damn, you actually suspect me!" Chen Yefeng's voice showed a grievance, as if he had been wronged.

"Let's do it, I swear to the lamp, I really don't have this idea, just a joke!"


Just after Chen Yefeng's words, with a sudden click, the originally brightly lit room instantly dimmed.

"This..." Chen Yefeng was stunned. What's the situation?

Could it be a power outage? No, my computer is still on!

Is the light bulb really broken?

Obediently burrow in the ground, swear by yourself that you broke the light bulb?

Fortunately, this woman doesn't know, otherwise she has no appointments this time!

The fans in the live broadcast room were also stunned.

"I'll go, it's really effective, brother brother, don't swear indiscriminately in the future, I don't want to have no anchors to watch in the future!"

"Uuuu, just today, I lost my elder brother forever!"

"Ouuuuu, the eldest brother is down, and youth is over!!!"

"People are doing it, and the sky is watching. Sooner or later, my uncle will get the reward he deserves. It's just a small first step now!"

"Uncle brother, be careful recently, this light bulb is only the first step, and then going out is likely to be thunderous!"

Looking at the barrage, when Chen Yefeng was so depressed, he suddenly smelled a scent that seemed like nothing, and Chen Yefeng was very familiar with this fragrance, because he didn't know how many times a day he would smell it!

Just when Chen Yefeng was about to speak, a strong wind suddenly came from behind, and then a pair of arms hugged his shoulders!

"Guess who I am!"

"Hurry up and turn on the light!" Chen Yefeng curled his lips helplessly. Sometimes her little princess is like a child, but you can't say her, you can only cooperate with the brother.

"Oh, brother, can't you cooperate with me!" Chen Yuan slammed Chen Yefeng's head with dissatisfaction.

"What am I doing with you!" Chen Yefeng glared. This little girl almost made herself think that God really worked.

Let's just say, I am so handsome, how could I be targeted by God!

"Have you packed up your things?" Chen Yefeng asked.

"Everything is packed! Brother, when do you take me to eat chicken!" Chen Yuan said as he ran to turn on the light.

At this time, all the fans in the live broadcast room were blown up.

"I knew it was suddenly dark in the live broadcast room. I must have done nothing good!"

"When did Xiao Yuan come in? It was dark for more than a minute. What are you doing, Brother Brother!"

"It's just over a minute for my uncle to get it done? Brothers, I feel our chance has come!"

"No wonder my sister-in-law is going to do her hair. What can I do in more than a minute, Brother Brother is so pitiful!"

"Brothers, it's not that the eldest brother doesn't want to kill him, it's really because he has plenty of heart but lacks energy!"

"Uncle, tell the truth, are you okay? You can't tell me, brothers help you figure out a solution!"

Looking at the barrage, Chen Yefeng felt helpless in his heart. This group of fake fans wanted to embarrass themselves.

"Brother, when do you take me to eat chicken!" Chen Yuan embraced Chen Yefeng's arm and began to act like a baby.

"Today is too late, tomorrow!" Chen Yefeng has now brought two teletubbies, if it is three teletubbies, he has no absolute protection.

The most important thing is that although the current two Teletubbies are also pitted, they are obedient and don't make trouble. If the little princess from the family is not obedient, and occasionally weed out the teletubbies of teammates, how good is it? ? ?

"Okay, then!" Chen Yuan pouted, with a very aggrieved look, "Brother, go to bed earlier when you play for a while, don't play too late!"

"Got it!" Chen Yefeng squeezed the little girl's face as he spoke, "Okay, go to sleep!"

"Then I'm going to sleep, goodbye~"

Seeing the cousin Chen Yuan who opened the door, Chen Yefeng breathed a sigh of relief. It's a shame that this girl didn't act like a baby, or he would definitely compromise.

Once compromised, then his nightmare must come.

After dismissing the little girl, Chen Yefeng was also ready to continue the game.

At this time, after Jiang Xuefen carefully looked around for a while, he also reminded him: "Someone shot me with a silencer just now. We haven't found him yet. I'm afraid it will be dangerous to cross the bridge rashly!"

"I didn't silence it!!!" Chen Yefeng said subconsciously.

Of course, after speaking, he regretted it a little. Isn't this a typical place where there is no silver three hundred taels?

However, seeing that Jiang Xuefen didn't respond, he exhaled heavily, as if the lady hadn't noticed it!

"Well, let's wait and see first. After we are sure that there is no one, we will run. Anyway, I have a lot of medicine here!" Just now the little apprentice Igueda, but he kept throwing Chen Yefeng a lot of medicine, anyway, enough for him. It's been a long time.

"But I don't have medicine!!!" Jiang Xuefen said.

"Oh, I'll give it to you!" Chen Yefeng smiled, like a warm man.

"Really?" Jiang Xuefen was particularly excited, but when he didn't think his voice fell, he heard this ruthless little man say: "Of course it's fake, I don't have enough of it, okay!"

"You..." Jiang Xuefen hesitated to speak, this ruthless little man was afraid that he didn't deliberately anger himself!

Fans in the live broadcast room can't stand it anymore.

"The eldest brother is too brutal. Brothers who have girlfriends should never study!"

"You think too much upstairs. If you have a girlfriend, would you run over to watch Uncle's live broadcast at night?"

"That's right, people with girlfriends have already gone to the two-person world, who would watch this brute live broadcast!"

"Two-person world? What two-person world? Make it clear!"

"Cherish the live broadcast room, promote positive energy, and don't shut down the uncle's live broadcast room!"


The little apprentice Igeda Jiezi next to him heard what they said and said very generously: "Daughter-in-law, young lady, you can ask me for what you don’t have. Jiezi doesn’t lack anything, I have a lot of first aid kits!"

"Sure enough, it's the best sister Jiezi!" Jiang Xuefen was so moved that she almost cried. If she wasn't a woman, this little sister would definitely not let it go.

It's a pity that Sora has an ability to pick up girls, but he is a girl!

"Uh...then what, this is not the point. Our main point now is to cross the bridge first, not to cross the bridge, to enter the safe zone, and to give no amount of medicine to it!!!" In order to make unnecessary people seem to exist , Chen Yefeng decided to carry on the acting to the end. For this reason, he even lied to his little apprentice. It can be said that he made up his mind!

Jiang Xuefen, who was hiding in the middle of the iron bridge, also heard that his face was dark, always feeling weird, but it was so daunting that I couldn't tell where it was.

"Then stop the ink, come here quickly, if the person who hit me just hit you, I will tell you where you are, and then you will avenge me!" Jiang Xuefen reminded quickly.

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