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Chapter 297: Ruthless man

"Is there no other way?" Jiang Xuefen asked. After all, she was still a little afraid of being attacked into boxes by herself.

"Then you have a better way?"


"That's not the end!"

"But, daughter-in-law, what if someone does!"

Although the little apprentice Iguodha is very obedient to Chen Yefeng’s words, this little confusion is not stupid. He acts alone. What should I do if I meet someone else? If my wife is not by my side, isn’t he going to be killed by others? Up?

"Don't worry, being a teacher will protect you, and won't hurt you!"

Jiang Xuefen, who was next to him, was stunned when he heard that, what was the situation.

Why did you become the same as before?

"What about me?" Jiang Xuefen couldn't help asking.

"You?" Chen Yefeng thought about it very seriously, "What are you supposed to do, just go!"

Jiang Xuefen: "..."

Isn't this a ruthless little man?

Now, not only this woman, but the fans in the live broadcast room can't stand it anymore.

"I'm so sour brothers, my elder brother is like this, and my little sister still persists. When can I be treated like my elder brother?"

"You don't understand, this is obviously something Ecstasy the elder brother gave to the little sister, otherwise it doesn't make sense!"

"God please hurry up and strike this beast with thunder, I don't want to see him in this place for a day!"

"Ten Thousand People's Blood Books, I beg God to punish Brother Brother!"

"You are too much. My elder brother is only loyal to his sister-in-law. What's wrong with him!?"


Looking at the Igueda scorpion who was going away step by step, Jiang Xuefen quickly asked: "You are so relieved to let your little apprentice go to find a car alone?"

I thought that this little man would be ruthless to him, but he did not expect that he would be ruthless to his little apprentice!

Then the question is, what kind of man does this little man like! ?

At first I thought he liked the young, cute and obedient type, so he ignored his mature and attractive type, but now it seems that it's not the same thing!

Then the question is, what type of man likes this little man, how can you make a change!

"Why don't you worry about this? What do you mean?" Chen Yefeng didn't know what this woman meant, but felt a little inexplicable.

"Of course it means literally. If you let your apprentice go alone like this, what should you do if someone else kills you? Don't you feel bad?"

"Distressed!" Chen Yefeng responded quickly, "So, I will look at her from a distance, let alone a person, even if it's a fly, don't even think about approaching her easily and moving her. A cold hair!!!"

Jiang Xuefen: "???"

Isn't this a man yet?

Why is it not like this to me? Is he not beautiful? Is his charm too small? Why is this little man's attitude towards himself and his little apprentice completely different!

At this point, Jiang Xuefen also took a deep breath. Maybe this is a woman who is struggling! ! !

But Jiang Xuefen was puzzled and said that he was a straight boy. The remark just now was like a girl killer. If you told him, he would definitely not be able to withstand it. Say he was warm. In the end, he was angry enough.

This is such a little man who makes people wonder what to say! ! !

"Forget it, let's be together, you are all the way, the two of us are all the way, if we meet someone at that time, we can still have some help." Jiang Xuefen said with a sigh.

"Huh?" Chen Yefeng also sighed when he heard it. Hey, it seems that if he is in danger, he still can't just sit idly by.

Do you want to shoot this woman down directly from a long distance?

However, Chen Yefeng had to give up this idea when he thought that knocking down his teammates would be obvious.

However, why does this woman want to stay with her little apprentice? Is she suspecting that her marksmanship cannot protect her little apprentice?

Damn it, who is Chen Yefeng?

Not to mention the number one in the country, it is at least the number one in the world, but as a result, some people actually doubt their marksmanship.

The last person who suspected his marksmanship was Li Muge, and as a result, this kid has been unable to see his back for life!

Moreover, the most important point is that my purpose is to let the little apprentice Iguodhako find a car alone.

Because all the signs showed that after Jiang Xuefen came, he started to be unlucky. This guy was like a goddess of doom.

But in the end, she asked the little apprentice to find a car, but she just wanted to follow. Isn't this spreading bad luck everywhere!

Looking at the two people standing next to him, Chen Yefeng sighed in his heart.

What kind of evil did I have done? How could I show up to this kind of woman? Forget it, the little apprentice, I picked it up by half cheating, but this woman!

This woman thinks about being unruly to herself every day, and moves her feet.

This person is handsome, it is too much trouble!

However, what left Chen Yefeng most helpless was still behind.

Originally, Chen Yefeng planned to call the woman Jiang Xuefen back from the young apprentice, but the young apprentice Igeda Kiezi immediately nodded and agreed.

"Okay, there is one daughter-in-law, and two of us. Don't worry, Miss Sister, Ji Zi will protect you!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

This stupid little apprentice makes people do not know what to say!

"Okay, you two be careful!"

Looking at Chen Yefeng's helpless and very depressed expression, the fans in the live broadcast room almost rushed out of the screen and beat him up.

"Isn't this a stinky man? If you get a bargain, you still sell well?"

"That's right, the young lady is playing with you to give you face, brother, don't be shameless!"

"Bah, scumbag, really embarrassing our family members, such a good young lady doesn't hurry to hold it, wait until you are old, when you regret it!"

"My sister-in-law has gone to make hair, only the elder brother is still holding on for love, brothers who are moved, please type the word moved on the public screen!"

"Brothers, if the eldest brother hadn't been a little more handsome, there would have been no place for him in the live broadcast industry!"

"What do you know, our eldest uncle is thinking about our single brothers who pretend to be a family, or else look at the eldest brother and younger sisters, brothers must not be able to stand it!"

"What I said upstairs makes sense, brothers, we have misunderstood Big Uncle!"


Looking at the barrage, after Chen Yefeng briefly humbled, he stared at the two closely.

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