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Chapter 298: Blast attack!

The two of them were like lost lambs. They looked around and looked around. People who didn't know thought they were visiting the mall.

In the end, there was no alternative, Chen Yefeng had to mark a few places for the two people and told them both, this is the point of brushing the car!

The two heard that they finally had a direction and a destination, and walked towards the place marked by Chen Yefeng.


There is good news.

Listening to the excited voice of the little apprentice Igueda Naizi in the earphones, Chen Yefeng also knew that he didn't have to travel a long distance to run poison.

"There is a daughter-in-law, it's a jeep, daughter-in-law, you are too good, how did you know there is a car here!!!"

"Great! You don't need to run poison at last!" Jiang Xuefen looked at this jeep, almost crying. Although she was here to find a little man to play, what she needed was to let the little man kill him. Come to protect yourself, a weak woman, instead of endless drug abuse!

"Yeah, finally there is no need to run poison!" Chen Yefeng also cried excitedly.

To kill the gods dignifiedly, the future world champion, running poison is a waste of time to kill the enemy, if it weren't for running poison, I had already got 20 kills, which is still less. Say, if there are more, I'm afraid there will be at least thirty, right?

After all, for a master like himself, this is a normal thing.

"Wait for me where you are, and I'll be there right away." After Chen Yefeng finished speaking, Sa Yazi ran in the direction of the two of them.

It was just that when he walked to the two of them, he saw the jeep in the mouth of the little apprentice Iguodha. The front of the car was smoking, and it looked like it was about to explode.

Of course, if it's just like this, it's okay. Be careful and go around. As long as you don't see it, it doesn't matter.

But the most important thing is that after getting in the jeep, I discovered that there was only one stop of gas. Obviously, this was a car that had been used.

Of course, as a professional player, Chen Yefeng remembers this place very clearly, and here is a spot for car parking.

But obviously, there was a car here, but it was replaced by someone, leaving behind such a used car.

"Daughter-in-law, what should we do? Do you want to open it!" The little apprentice Igueda is also very entangled. Don't open it, run the poison. Who knows how long to run, open it, this accidental stumbling may happen A car accident is about to happen.

"Of course it's going to be driven!" Chen Yefeng didn't say a word, Jiang Xuefen spoke first, "Anyway, I don't want to run poison. I would rather be killed in the car with the little man and be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks. Run down!"

"Shente, desperate mandarin duck, do you still want to stage a jeep version of the Titanic with me?" Chen Yefeng vomited.

"Aren't you willing?"

"Of course not!"

The two people were arguing, and suddenly there was a sound of cars driving from far and near.

Listening to the voice, Chen Yefeng knew that he was coming in this direction!

Chen Yefeng, who was a little bit cried looking at the smoking car with only one cell of oil, said excitedly: "Hurry up and hide, I'll get a courier!"

"What kind of express delivery? Is anyone delivering express delivery so late?" Jiang Xuefen wondered.

"I'm too lazy to explain to you!" Chen Yefeng was depressed, this woman really didn't understand anything!

She was still the little apprentice Iguodha, who was sensible, and said after hearing: "Daughter-in-law, you have to be careful!"

But she knows that the daughter-in-law said to take the express delivery, that is to fight with others, although the daughter-in-law is very powerful, but the apprentice still has to remind them.

"Hey, you really want to get the courier, but I heard the sound of the car, there is someone here!"

Chen Yefeng curled his lips when he heard that this woman was a headache.

The express in my mouth is the person who is about to drive, not the real express!

This express is not that express. Do you understand?

Since you can't find the car, you can grab someone else's car, just by the way, you can add the wasted medicine just now!

Ignoring the clamor of the woman Jiang Xuefen, Chen Yefeng rushed towards the source of the sound of the car in a jeep with smoke from the front of the car.

Hearing the sound of the car, within a few seconds, Chen Yefeng saw a light blue car appeared in his line of sight not far ahead.

Originally, Chen Yefeng was ready to stop and go, but who knows, the car did not stop, but rushed towards him very fiercely.

Now Chen Yefeng is dissatisfied. As a qualified old driver, only others make way for me. When will I make way for others?

Ever since, Chen Yefeng didn't stop, stepped on the accelerator and rushed toward the car with increased horsepower!

The ideas of both sides were surprisingly consistent, and neither meant any retreat.

In this way, two cars, one large and one small, smashed together.


The two cars crashed into each other so hard, it was like two bulls!

Most importantly, at this time, the bombing zone is also here!

I see.

Because of the impact of the impact, the HP of the Jeep, which was originally low in HP, dropped rapidly.

"Fuck! Not good!"

When Chen Yefeng realized that something was wrong and wanted to get out of the car, it was too late. When the last HP of the jeep disappeared, the whole car suddenly exploded.

The speed is so fast that he has no time to react.


It can be said that the two cars produced a huge explosion at the same time.

Next second.

Three boxes fell off the car, and Chen Yefeng rolled out of the car because the young disciples Igueda and Jiang Xuefen were not in the car, and were knocked down. Into a box.


"You knocked yourself down in a vehicle..."


Seeing such a line of small characters appeared on the screen, Chen Yefeng wanted to cry without tears.

Who knows that these little bosses on the opposite side are so skinny, they really don't give up, they have to compete with themselves!

The fans in the live broadcast room immediately laughed happily, and they almost fired a cannon to celebrate.

"Brother brother, this wave has the taste of a death squad, and he deserves to be the patriarch of our pretending family!"

"The other side is also amazing. Knowing that Brother Blew up this truck, they didn't expect them to hide at all."

"I'm not afraid of the brash man, I'm afraid the man has the brain, obviously the other side has no brain."

"Uncle, are you performing explosive art?!"

"If you don't blow it, you can do it. To be honest, I can do it with me, so my brother and I should be 50-50!"

"Upstairs, what time is it open?"

"I suspect that you are consuming my grandfather Lu, but I have no evidence!!!"

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