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Chapter 299: It was the wrong payment after all

"Well, everyone has been solved by me, you can come and lick the bag."

Although the result was a little unexpected, Chen Yefeng was also relieved looking at the three boxes in front of him.

However, these people are a little bit stubborn. They dare to bump into it. I am not worried that this kind of problem will happen if there is no one to help after the young disciple Igeda and Jiang Xuefen are beside me.

What happened to these three personnel? Thought you were playing with bumper cars?

Still too young!

"Ah, why did you fall, my daughter-in-law!!!" The little apprentice Iguodha went to the front, only to realize afterwards, he immediately cried out in surprise.

"Don't ask first, help as a teacher first!" Chen Yefeng didn't explain too much, after all, he had to retain the impression of invincibility in front of the little apprentice.

After hearing this, the little apprentice Yigeda Yuzi quickly ran towards Chen Yefeng's location.

Although I don’t know why my daughter-in-law fell to the ground, after looking at the three boxes not far away, the little apprentice felt that her daughter-in-law must have had a vicious fight here just now, because he vaguely heard a huge The explosion sound, one can imagine, the struggle just now will definitely be very fierce!

When I remembered that the daughter-in-law had just let himself hide aside, and he himself was a great figure rushing up single-handedly, the little apprentice was not even touched by his heart now.


This is my wife, a person who loves me so much!

Jiang Xuefen, who was next to him, naturally saw this scene too, and asked smoothly, "I said, why did you fall?"

"It can't be done by someone else!" Chen Yefeng said casually.

"Aren't you a professional player, aren't you the number one in the world!"

"What happened to the professional player, what happened to the world's No. 1 player, and not omnipotent. I was knocked down normally, okay?" Of course Chen Yefeng would not tell Jiang Xuefen how he was knocked down, so it was a fanfare immediately. stand up.

"Don't you know how insidious these three people were when I rushed over by myself just now, if I hadn't been more skilled, I would have become a box!"

Fans in the live broadcast room were shocked by Chen Yefeng's cheeky.

"To be honest, I have never seen someone like Brother Brother, so brazen!"

"I thought I was the only one who could brag, but I didn't expect that the big-eyed man with big eyebrows and big uncle would start bragging too!"

"Uncle brother, please play, I can stand it!"

"There is something wrong with you upstairs, what do you mean, you are easy to misunderstand, OK!"

"Our eldest uncle talked about bragging about this aspect, not to mention the unprecedented, that is also the one who has never come!"

"God doesn't give birth to my eldest brother, forcing eternity like a long night!"


"That's too dangerous!" Jiang Xuefen also muttered while listening to her little man, but looking at the blood red in the lower right corner, she kindly reminded: "Bombing zone, should we hide first!"

"What to hide? Help me up first!" Originally, Chen Yefeng wanted to say that he didn't do anything wrong and was not afraid of bombing the area, but when he thought of being punished by justice in the last game, he had no choice but to shut down. Mouth.

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and Chen Yefeng is like that now.

I was ruthlessly deprived of this woman for the first time!

Think about it after playing for such a long time that I haven't been blown down by a bombing zone once. As a result, after this woman came, she was gone for the first time!

Isn't this your own hit nemesis? ? ?

"What if you are blown down by any chance!" Jiang Xuefen said, "Help you up and you were blown down again. Isn't it a waste of help?"

"Stop the crow's mouth!"

Chen Yefeng frowned, just reminded him, and then felt his heart beating wildly, as if something bad was about to happen.

At this moment, there was a harsh sound in the sky, which was a prelude to the sky fire falling downward and raging across the entire land.

"Swipe, brush, brush!!!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The sound of falling sky fire and the sound of explosion are endless,

As if the end had come, raging across the whole land!

The little apprentice Igueda, who was halfway there, hadn't waited to help his daughter-in-law, but he saw that not far away, a ball of flames mixed with splashing mud rose from the body that his wife had knocked down.


The little apprentice Igueda screamed in surprise, and immediately heard the angry roar of his daughter-in-law...

"What did I do wrong!!!"

Seeing a box abruptly on the ground, the little apprentice Igueda stunned, then weakly asked: "Daughter-in-law, why are you making a box again!"

"Oh, hurry up and lick the bag!!!" He sighed, Chen Yefeng was also a little physically and mentally exhausted. Who can stand it? Not to mention being the number one in the world, even the number one in the universe is useless. !

That was the case in the last round, but as a result, this round was the same again, and it was all after the woman reminded.

Isn't this woman really her own hit nemesis?

At this moment, Jiang Xuefen was already silent in shock.

What's going on, why is it that after reminding me, my little man was brutally punished by the bombing zone!

I'm afraid that this bombing zone was not deliberately targeting myself. I finally made such a big improvement with the little man, but he said it was bombed!

Although the behavior of the little man is no different from that of the scumbag, although the scumbag should be thundered by the sky, but...the question is why you have to do it after reminding yourself!

God, you are afraid that you are not deliberately targeting me Jiang Xuefen!

However, it is useless now no matter how to complain, the top priority is to quickly lick the bag and eat chicken with the will of a little man!

Although he is in a box, he still has an agreement with the little man after all!

At this point, Jiang Xuefen began to lick the bag!

Fans in the live broadcast room have already been laughed to the limit, and many people are the first time to see the uncle so unlucky.

In the past, his cousin Chen Yuan was the only one who could make him unlucky and helpless and mad, but now he did not expect to have another one!

"What's going on with Uncle today, why is it so unlucky?"

"People are cheap, and the retribution is coming!"

"Don't ask, it's just that this brute anchor can't stand it anymore, so he deliberately let him thunder and strike!!!"

"Uncle brother is really unlucky today, it's almost time to make fun of fish, is there any big brother who recorded the screen to submit a contribution!"

"Don't make such things public, just pretend that the brothers in the family know it. After all, our elder brother is the best anchor in the game technology in the face value area, and he wants face. If you have any funny moments on your submission, Wasn't it embarrassing to be thrown to grandma's house?"

"That's right! Don't worry about the embarrassment of the eldest uncle, he is already shameless, but it's absolutely impossible for us to pretend to be the family.

"I always feel that God is the punishment that my uncle brought down two younger sisters by himself!!!"

"Now you can't even watch the game. Uncle brother, you should give your sister a point to your brothers!"

"I want Miss Jiezi, and I have a small wish. Sister-in-law is not impossible."

"Big brother upstairs, I think you are thinking about fart!!!"


When Jiang Xuefen suggested to lick the bag quickly, the little apprentice Igeda ran to the car.

As a cute girl lying down, a little apprentice to a bag licking lover, don’t look at the fun, but like to enjoy the pleasure of licking a bag!

There are three boxes here, you can definitely enjoy yourself!

Now that the little apprentice Igeda ran to the three boxes, Jiang Xuefen naturally had to walk to the side of Chen Yefeng's box.

At this time, Chen Yefeng's brows jumped and suddenly remembered a very important thing!

Seeing the figure controlled by Jiang Xuefen slowly walk to the side of his box, Chen Yefeng has closed his eyes.

Sure enough, the next second!

I heard Jiang Xuefen's anger suppressing voice gradually coming out of the earphones.

"Then what, let me ask you a question, didn't you say you don't have a silencer?"

Although it was an ordinary sentence, Chen Yefeng could vaguely feel the questioning and madness in the words!

It sounds as if the person who is speaking wants to eat himself and kill himself with one bite!

"Um, maybe because of the explosion just now, the silencers on the three people on the opposite side flew into my backpack?"

By now, Chen Yefeng knew that he could only pretend to be stupid.


The power of the explosion will make things splash, and accidentally fly into your backpack, which is very reasonable!

As for whether this can be explained in the game, Chen Yefeng is no longer what Chen Yefeng should think about. The only thing he thinks now is how this woman will revenge himself!

The thought of this woman has been slandering her body, Chen Yefeng knew that something was going to happen.

However, as a man, Chen Yefeng is certainly not afraid of it. Isn't it just a fight? Who is afraid of whom!

Although there are only exhausted cattle and no bad land, but...what if you accidentally win?

After that, this woman is still not submissive to herself, she dare not make any mistakes!

"I thought you would say that this is not your box!" Jiang Xuefen was so angry in his heart that he said why he felt something was wrong just now. I didn't expect that his feelings were all right. It was really this little man. Gotta go!

Let's just say, I didn't even see it alone, why suddenly someone shot me.

Thinking of the little man's indispensable performance just now, Jiang Xuefen knew that he had paid the wrong thing after all!

A man's mouth, a deceitful ghost, this sentence is absolutely correct!

It's so irritating! ! !

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