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Chapter 300: Jiang Xuefen

"Ahem, what? It's just a joke, don't be angry, don't be angry..." Chen Yefeng didn't know what to say.

Anyway, I must coax this woman well now, or if this woman is killed in Xicheng, what should I do with my small body?

When he thought that this woman was very likely to give herself to Fa-rectification on the spot, Chen Yefeng felt that this didn't seem to be a bad thing. Although it was a passive defense, she had resisted it before. Who made her powerful!

The fans in the live broadcast room were all amused and laughed.

"Big Brother, this wave of program effects is directly full!"

"Uncle brother, you knew this a long time ago, why bother back then, now the little sister is angry, what should you do?"

"Hey, such a clingy little sister and elder brother don't cherish it, elder brother is really a brute!"

"Say that beasts are insulting beasts, the eldest brother is nothing!"

"Pretending to be the shame of the family, scum, is there any big brother with me to overthrow the rule of the big brother!"

"Dian Dian Dian, next year today will be the memorial day of my brother, brothers, let us remember this day!"

"I'll talk about the incense first!"



Looking at the barrage and listening to Jiang Xuefen's tone, Chen Yefeng can also feel that this woman is absolutely very angry now.

In an instant, Chen Yefeng couldn't help but draw a picture in his mind.

Jiang Xuefen in a professional suit, with deep breathing, the ups and downs of clothes.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that she is finished. This woman will never let her go easily.

In case of a complaint to his sister, Chen Yefeng doesn't know whether the sister will help her baby brother or a good girlfriend to help her then?

"Then what, I just want to make a joke with you, let you know that I am still the same me as before, just like when you first saw me, I was still the same.

I would still say that sister, you are so beautiful! "

Since hard is not good, Chen Yefeng decided to come soft!

"I can't stand you suddenly like this..." Jiang Xuefen said, feeling a little funny.

"Cough cough, it's okay, I praise you for being beautiful, you have to take my will to eat the chicken!"

"You forgot the agreement between the two of us. If I eat chicken, you have to agree to my request!"

"Of course I remember, but there is no way. The people in the live broadcast room just said, if you can eat chicken, they will give me a gift!"

"Oh, man!!!"


The fans in the live broadcast room were also stunned. They thought that the shamelessness of the older brother was already at the extreme, but he didn't expect him to open his eyes and talk nonsense like this!

"Brothers, the eldest brother is a veritable rich second generation. If you give him gifts, you just look down on him!"

"For such shameless people, we usually report and pull black!"

"Brothers, doesn't this rush the live broadcast room of Brother Uncle?!"

"Today, I, Ye Liangchen, will take the lead in the charge, and rushed to my brother's live broadcast room!"


But after all, everyone is a friend, and Jiang Xuefen didn't care too much about Chen Yefeng's evil taste.

Of course, it's too late now, otherwise Jiang Xuefen would definitely follow this reason and fly directly to Xicheng to punish this little man.

Although I won't be held accountable, as a woman, Jiang Xuefen decided to take revenge in the future.

The young apprentice Igueda and Jiang Xuefen continued the game after Chen Yefeng became a box.

Seeing that the next safe zone was not as far away as possible, Chen Yefeng suddenly had a bad feeling.

Wouldn't it be that these two Teletubbies want to kill and eat chickens at zero?

Time passed by, and the result was self-evident. Just as Chen Yefeng guessed, the various bombing areas helped, or they were poisoned to death because neither side was poisoned.

"Good luck, eat chicken tonight!"

Looking at the eight characters appearing on the screen, Chen Yefeng fell into deep thought again.

Is it really not working anymore?

Can't bring sisters anymore?


Being carried by two teletubbies to eat chicken, Chen Yefeng felt that today's live broadcast was a big mistake.

As the number one in the world, he may become the number one in the universe in the future, but he was taken by his sister to eat chicken, and this time twice!

I am afraid that the shame of the sister world belongs to me! ! !

"Zizi, it's late, are you still playing?" Chen Yefeng asked aloud after he clicked and returned to the lobby.

The meaning can be said to be very obvious, let the little apprentice Iguodha 柰zi give himself a step and hurry down.

However, the little apprentice Igeda Kiezi is obviously on the verge of eating chicken, eating chicken twice in a row, and not relying on his own wife, so that the little apprentice Igeda Kiezi is now very swollen.

Therefore, upon hearing his daughter-in-law’s inquiry, the little apprentice immediately replied, “Play, of course, let’s continue with daughter-in-law!”

"Sister Nafen, you should stop playing, don't you do aerobics every night to maintain a good figure, and women tend to get old when they stay up late, or go to sleep?" Chen Yefeng said again.

Jiang Xuefen: "???"

When did you do aerobics at night?

Could it be that the little man is suggesting that he let himself do it and keep his figure in order to catch him?


This man must want to send himself away so that he can live a sweet two-person world with his little apprentice!

Oh, it really is a man! ! !

"Well, I know what you mean, but you have to..."

Jiang Xuefen just wanted to say don't forget the bet he made with him, only to find that he was kicked out of the team.

Looking at his computer screen, Jiang Xuefen almost lifted the table, this ruthless little man! ! !

I must not let him go!


"I'm not angry, I'm not angry, no one will come when I get sick." Jiang Xuefen reached out and patted her chest, comforting herself, Jiang Xuefen also took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey, why do you remember calling me!" A gentle voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Shiyi! I want to sue you!"

"Complaint? What is the complaint?"

"Your baby brother's business!"

"Xiao Feng?" Chen Shiyi was taken aback for a moment. When she thought of her brother, a smile appeared in her eyes, "What happened to Xiao Feng?"

"He is mad at me!"

"What's wrong, what's the matter with you two? Have you gotten into the wind again?"

"What caused me to provoke him, obviously he provoke me!" Jiang Xuefen vomited.

"Oh, I believe it." Chen Shiyi smiled, "I just hung up if nothing happened, I'm busy."

"Ah, you pet brother crazy demon, how can you treat your good girlfriend like this!"

"What's wrong with me, you must be molesting Xiaofeng again, or he has no reason to provoke you."

"Um... how did you know?" Jiang Xuefen, who had subconsciously leaked his mouth, quickly changed her words, "Ahem, what's the way it is..."


When Jiang Xuefen and her sister Chen Shiyi were spitting out, Chen Yefeng also took the little apprentice Igeda, who was picked up by him, to start a happy and sweet double row.

After a few rounds, Chen Yefeng also regained the confidence of the man. He went crazy and killed him and brought his little apprentice Iguodha to eat chicken.

Time passed by, and after playing a few rounds with the little apprentice, Chen Yefeng was also ready to broadcast it.


"Uncle, sister-in-law hasn't finished her hair yet? Go ahead and ask, or else the hat is fixed!"

"Uncle, is it going to be broadcast so early, is there any activity!"

"Xiao Yuan has been waiting for my uncle, brothers all understand!"

"Uncle, please be gentle, Xiaoyuan is still a child!"

"Uncle, don't be afraid, just play, I will raise the child!"

"My poor little wish, how come I have a big brother like my uncle? This is a brute!"

Under the barrage of ridicule, Chen Yefeng broadcasted with a black face.

Are you kidding me, is Chen Yefeng the kind of rabbit who eats grass around the nest?

After a brief wash, Chen Yefeng also fell asleep deeply on the bed.

the next day.

Chen Yefeng woke up early, of course, originally he wanted to sleep until three poles of the sun.


The fragrance coming from the crack of the door made Chen Yefeng unable to refuse.

"Aunt, what are you doing, it smells so good." Rubbing his eyes, Chen Yefeng pushed open the door, and just saw aunt Chen Shuyun, who was wearing an apron, walking out of the kitchen with a plate.

"Xiao Feng, go and wash your hands!" Aunt Chen Shuyun smiled, and then exhorted: "Go and call your sister up, this girl is really sad for me. If you are like you, I don't have to worry about it every day!"

"Let me see what good things are made first." Chen Yefeng smelled the scent and leaned forward.

Although it's just a simple fried egg and ham, Chen Yefeng is still appetite!

No way, after all, I have experienced the dark cooking of my little princess. Is there anything more unpalatable than that? Obviously there is none!

After tasting Wei Wei, Chen Yefeng also ran to the door of her little princess's room to call her to eat.

Kicked open the door, and saw that my little princess was lying on the bed in a big font, Xu Ye was having a dream, with a smile that seemed like nothing at the corner of her mouth.

Chen Yefeng smiled helplessly. After walking over, she stretched out her hand to pinch her nose, and when the little girl stretched out her hand, she took it away, and then pinched her hand when she retracted.

After doing this several times, Chen Yuan finally opened his eyes leisurely.

"Get up, have dinner!" Looking at the sleepy little girl, Chen Yefeng smiled dozingly, and stretched out his hand to pinch her face.

"Brother, why did you get up so early!" Chen Yuan stretched out his arms lazily and yawned.

"It's still early, the sun is basking, hurry up!"

"I don't!" Chen Yuan hugged Chen Yefeng's arm, looking crooked.

"You can't afford it, but when my aunt calls you, it won't be as gentle as me!"

"Oh, yes!" Chen Yuan also remembered the two-person world where he and his cousin are not now, so he rushed to the bed and got up.

"Brother, can I see it?" After getting dressed, Chen Yuan ran to Chen Yefeng and turned around.

"Good-looking, good-looking, hurry up and wash your hands and eat!"

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