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Chapter 301: Go shopping

After the two brothers and sisters finished washing, they were ready to eat at the table.

As soon as he sat down, he took a slice of fried ham without using chopsticks, and was slapped by his mother.

"Use chopsticks!" Chen Shuyun glared fiercely, a little helpless in his eyes.

My own daughter was really spoiled since she was a child. Although she didn't do much as a mother, her brother was almost going to spoil her.

"Got it!" Chen Yuan pouted, and toward Chen Yefeng, his cousin showed a pitiful look.

"Look at what you are like, your hair is dyed this color, and you can dye it back for me in a while. It saves me trouble!"

While eating, Chen Shuyun also scolded Chen Yuan.

The little girl didn't speak naturally. After all, she knew what her mother said and just nodded, but don't say something, it will pass if it passes.

But if you talk back, it's not just talk, then maybe you will be forced to dye your hair back.

The three of them sat at the dining table, watching their little princess silently, like a good baby, Chen Yefeng also smiled and put the fried ham on her plate.

He remembered that the little girl seemed to like to eat.

"Thank you brother." Chen Yuan smiled, gave his cousin the omelette he didn't like, and ate it happily.

"You can't spoil her too much!" Chen Shuyun glanced at his nephew helplessly.

"I'm the elder brother, shouldn't it be right to pet my sister!" Chen Yefeng said with a smile.

"Yes, Mom, you can't provoke the relationship between our siblings!"

"Shut up and eat your meal!"

In a word, Chen Yuan immediately closed his mouth honestly.

In this way, a fairly warm breakfast was finished. After the meal, Chen Yuan also leaned on the sofa, belching a full without image.

"Look at this girl. After eating, you will know that you are lying down. There is no such thing as a girl!" Chen Shuyun, who was packing up the tableware, saw Chen Yuan's current appearance, naturally there was another whisper, and he kept complaining.

"Okay, Auntie, Xiao Yuan is still small now!" Chen Yefeng also quickly smiled and calmed down.

In fact, sometimes he can't stand his aunt's muttering, although he also knows that it is for his own good, but this kind of thing can not be changed overnight.

"You can protect her!" Aunt Chen Shuyun shook her head helplessly, "Now she is still young, how old she is, and wherever she is, she will become an adult!"

"In my eyes, Xiao Yuan will always be a small child."

As he was talking, the mobile phone in Chen Yefeng's pocket rang suddenly, and after the phone was connected, a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

Listening to this familiar voice, Chen Yefeng's mouth couldn't help but outline a smile.

"Why, done the hair?"

"What's the mess? It's done after you finish it, okay!" Ye Shengxue didn't know what was wrong in this guy's mind. What happened last night, I only asked about it now, it really makes people wonder what to say. .

"Then why are you calling?" Chen Yefeng asked.


"It's alright!"

"I can't call you if I'm okay!" Ye Shengxue was depressed, "Then what, how about you going shopping with me later???"

"Um... shopping?"

Hearing the word shopping, Chen Yefeng couldn't help swallowing.

Although he didn't have much feeling for these two words, but it was said from his girlfriend's mouth, then this has to make people feel scared!

After all, when he came back, Chen Yefeng had just walked the street with his little princess. Good guy, that time, Chen Yefeng felt that his legs had not recovered yet, it was terrifying!

"Why are you shopping all right?" Chen Yefeng asked.

"Isn't it about the New Year? Buy some New Year clothes and you can stay with others, OK?"

Hearing that his girlfriend started acting like a baby, Chen Yefeng didn't immediately agree, but said suspiciously, "Who did you learn to act like a baby?"

"What's wrong with me? How can I act like a baby!"

"Why not, you are acting like a baby now, OK!"

"Let's do it, if you say you have it, then you say you will accompany me or not!"

"Should I say not to accompany?" Chen Yefeng also laughed and jokes when she heard that Nizi started threatening herself.

"Then I will find someone else!"

"Who are you looking for?"

"Of course I'm looking for a small wish, who else can I find!"

"Are you stupid, is there any difference between asking me to be with you and telling her?"

"Yeah... Then do you accompany me or not? If you don't accompany me, then I will let Xiaoyuan let her bother you!

"Well, I'm afraid you can't do it!" Chen Yefeng didn't want to tease this Nizi anymore, and immediately agreed.

"By the way, don't forget to shout a little wish!"

"Damn, isn't it good for the two of us to go shopping, why don't we call her a soy sauce bottle?" Chen Yefeng was very puzzled.

"We are good girlfriends, good friends!"

"I'm still your husband!"

"Bah!" Although Ye Shengxue was sweet in her heart, she still said arrogantly, "Shameless, who said she would marry you!"

"I won't tell you so much, anyway, hurry up, remember to take a small wish!"

Listening to the busy tone coming from the other end of the phone, Chen Yefeng looked darkly at the relish little girl who was leaning on the sofa at the moment and eating potato chips.

In any case, I did not expect that the biggest love enemy was by my side!

"Brother, what do you think of me?" Seeing her cousin's gaze, the little girl sat up straight from the sofa.

"Brother, tell the truth, do you want to tell me something!"

"How do you know it?"

"Heart-sounding~" Chen Yuan jumped off the sofa, ran to Chen Yefeng, and asked with a smile on his arm: "Brother, just say, what do you want to do!?"

"Yes!" Chen Yefeng's head convulsed, and he said casually.

The result is self-evident, three big question marks suddenly appeared on the little girl Chen Yuan's head.

"Brother, what do you mean?"

"Ahem, nothing!" Chen Yefeng smiled awkwardly, and then said: "Hurry up and change your shoes, okay, brother will take you shopping?"

"Okay!" Chen Yuan jumped up in excitement when he heard that his cousin was going to take him shopping.

However, she calmed down in just an instant, "Brother, I always feel something is wrong!"

"What's wrong?" Chen Yefeng couldn't help knocking on Chen Yuande's forehead, "Brother is taking you shopping, are you still not happy?"

"No, brother, you never offered to take me shopping!" Chen Yuan glanced at his cousin, "Brother, tell the truth, are you hiding something from me!"

"Ahem, it's Xiaoxue going shopping!"

"Ah~" Chen Yuan immediately opened his mouth when he heard it, "I know, brother, you must not be so kind, it turns out I was just incidental.

Ah, ah, brother doesn’t feel sorry for me anymore, Xiaoyuan’s youth is over! "

Chen Yefeng: "..."

"Then are you going?"

"Go! Why not go!" As she said, the little girl ran back to her room and came out with a pair of white shoes.

"Why are you two going?"

Before going out, Chen Shuyun, who came out of the kitchen, also asked aloud when she saw it.

"I'll take Xiaoyuan to go shopping!" Chen Yefeng said with a smile. He didn't say anything to see his girlfriend. If his aunt knew about it, I'm afraid he would have to ask all kinds of questions.

"Go, remember to dye her hair back with her!" Chen Shuyun reminded.

Chen Yuan, who was next to him, didn't speak when he heard it, and began to pretend to be a fool in Dafa.

"Speaking to you, did you hear me!" Chen Shuyun deliberately warned again without receiving a response.


Chen Yuan had no choice but to grievance and agreed.

After leaving the house with the little girl who only promised, Chen Yuan began to complain constantly.

"Brother, my mother is an old antique, you are not, you will not force me, right!"

"Forcing you to do what?" Looking at the little girl's pitiful gaze, Chen Yefeng twitched.

"Forcing me to dye my hair back!" Chen Yuan was particularly depressed. "What age is it now? Mom still looks at things that way!"

"Yes!" Chen Yefeng nodded.

"Brother, do you think my mother is old antique! Now young people must have a little personality?"


"Brother, then don't take me to dye it back, okay!"


"Oh, brother, I beg you, as long as you last through these few days, when mom leaves, I will definitely repay you!" Chen Yuan started acting like a baby again.

I was a little dizzy when the little girl held her arm and swayed. Chen Yefeng also smiled and said, "Then how can you repay me?"

"Brother, you can repay what you say!" After the little girl said, she raised her chest and raised her head, which also caused Chen Yefeng to cough twice.

It seems that my aunt is right, this little girl has indeed grown up and can't be seen as a child!

"let me consider it."

"That brother, consider it carefully!" Chen Yuan smiled hehe, and continued to hold his cousin's arm.

Along the way, the two naturally attracted the attention of many people.

No way, after all, men are handsome and women are lively and smart, it is hard not to attract attention.


At the intersection of Xicheng Commercial Street, Chen Yefeng saw Ye Shengxue standing there from a long distance away.

Maybe because the weather is a bit cold now, Ye Shengxue wears a lot, with a scarf around her neck and a cotton cap on her head, which looks like a ball.

Before Chen Yefeng waited to say hello, the little girl next to him ran up.

The two good girlfriends started chatting as soon as they met, but Chen Yefeng didn't know what to do.

Let's just say, I shouldn't bring the troublesome little girl with me. It's not that she is afraid that she will be a light bulb. The main reason is that she grabs her girlfriend from her!

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