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Chapter 302: Two things

Seeing the two people cuddling together, Chen Yefeng twitched at the corner of his mouth. This is really his position!

However, Chen Yefeng was relieved soon.

Because of these two people, it was too embarrassing to see Chen Yefeng alone, and he simply held Chen Yefeng's arm alone.

This can make the pedestrians in the commercial street look dumbfounded!

Is this so handsome, can you really do whatever you want?

The three people get along so harmoniously!

Of course, only Chen Yefeng knows the suffering in this, and he can only bear everything silently.

No way, maybe this is a man.

The three of them ate while strolling around, and today Chen Yefeng has re-recognized this terrible creature like a woman.

He even wondered if women didn't have to walk at all when they were shopping, and if they were floating!


As time passed, Chen Yefeng had more and more things in his hands. Seeing his girlfriend and his little princess were still excited, he couldn't tell.

"Brother, look at it, it looks like an older sister!"

Suddenly, Chen Yuan, who was walking in the front, ran back and grabbed Chen Yefeng's arm, and pointed to a man in the distance who was wearing a windbreaker, cap and knee-high boots with a very powerful aura.

Chen Yefeng glanced at it slightly, and he recognized it at a glance. This was her sister Chen Shiyi!

"Strange, why did my sister suddenly rush to Xicheng? Does it miss me?"

No wonder Chen Yefeng thinks this way. After all, my sister once said that as long as her sister thinks about you, she will definitely come to see you.

Now it seems like this is the eight achievements!

The three greeted them, and Chen Shiyi also took off her sunglasses, revealing a face like a goddess, smiling at her baby brother.

But, don't know why, Chen Yefeng suddenly felt something in his heart at this moment, and it was a bit wrong for some reason.

"This is...?" Chen Shiyi looked at Ye Shengxue who was silent and even a little bit twisted and blushing, and asked with a smile.

"Sister, this is my sister-in-law!" Chen Yuan grinned over Ye Shengxue and introduced generously.

"sister in law?"

"Yes, this is Brother's girlfriend. Didn't Brother tell you?" Chen Yuan was puzzled.

"No." Chen Shiyi smiled, then looked at her baby brother sweating profusely, and said: "Since we met, let's have lunch together, it's not too early."

"Okay, okay, sister, I want to eat steak!" When it comes to eating, Chen Yuan is of course very excited. "Wait until we finish eating, sister, you can go shopping with us!"

Of course, the little girl has her own wishful thinking in her heart.

If my brother and sister help me intercede together, then my mother will definitely not force herself!

"Okay!" Chen Shiyi smiled and nodded, "I just know that there is a good steak, my sister will take you to eat!"

With that said, Chen Shiyi took three people to a theme western restaurant.

The reason why it is a theme western restaurant is completely because the decoration here is based on the theme of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

"It seems that the boss here is also a chicken-eating lover!" Looking at the surrounding environment, Chen Yefeng, a chicken-eating monster, also sighed.

"By the way, sister, why did you come back suddenly?"

"I came back this time for two things." Chen Shiyi said with a smile.

"Which two things?" Chen Yuan asked with a smile.

"What about the first thing..." Chen Shiyi glanced at Ye Shengxue, who seemed to be unable to let go, and then said: "The first thing, let's not mention it, the second thing is to open a store for my friend to celebrate. "

"I thought you missed me. It wasn't because of doing it for a long time." Chen Yefeng finished speaking, shrugging his shoulders, and sighing, looking like I was very sad.

"My sister always keeps you in her heart, and always misses you again." Chen Shiyi said with a smile.

"Ah, elder sister, you are partial, what about me? What about me!" Chen Yuan immediately yelled in dissatisfaction when he heard it.

"You too."

"Huh, it's eccentric, I actually use this word when I get to it!"

"You girl!"

Looking at her sister and younger sister, Chen Yefeng also suddenly remembered a very important thing.

That is the second thing my sister said she came back this time!

"Sister, don't tell me this store is opened by your friend!" Chen Yefeng asked with a twitch.

"As expected, I'm Chen Shiyi's baby brother, and I guessed it right!" Chen Shiyi smiled, "Let's go and take you enough to eat."

"I will definitely not disappoint my sister's expectations!" Chen Yuan excitedly held Chen Shiyi's arm, and the two beauties, one big and one small, immediately made everyone look at it.

"Why are you stunned, let's go!" Looking at Ye Shengxue, who was a little bit unable to let go, Chen Yefeng stretched out her hand and scratched her nose, "Don't worry, my sister is easy to get along with. Bring out my spirit!"

"Can it be the same!" Ye Shengxue glared at Chen Yefeng.

"What's the difference? I like it, and my sister will definitely like it too. Don't worry."

Speaking of Chen Yefeng gently holding Ye Shengxue's little hand, the four people also entered the theme western restaurant one after another.

After entering, Chen Yefeng found that the waiters inside were also all kinds of PUBG costumes.

For example, some people wear tertiary heads and some people wear yellow clothes. Of course, the opening of a new store will naturally involve all kinds of young ladies. They wear campus suits, white suits and white pleated skirts, looking youthful and beautiful.

"Beauty, how many of you are there?" a person who looked like a foreman came over and asked.

"There are four in total." Chen Yuan jumped out and said sweetly.

Under the leadership of the foreman, the four also chose a position by the window and sat down.

As the only man, Chen Yefeng has already assumed the responsibility of ordering food.

"What are your characteristics?"

While listening to the waiter's introduction, Chen Yefeng slowly checked the menu.

Although Xicheng is not a first-tier city like Magic City, it is definitely a second-tier city, so the things here are quite good.

Of course, Chen Yefeng is most satisfied with the various waiters around him, of course some young ladies and waiters.

Think about how exciting it is when your favorite game character appears in front of you one day.

"Brother, you are peeking at Miss Sister!" Looking at the eyes of his cousin, Chen Yuan unceremoniously opened it up.

"Ahem, I don't have one!" Chen Yefeng reluctantly retracted his gaze and spoke sophistry.

In fact, I shouldn't blame myself, who made the costumes worn by their cos characters happen to be the one they like.

Do you think I want to see it?

Then you guessed it, yes, I want to see it!

"No, your eyes were straight up just now!" Chen Yuan wrinkled his nose and vomited, "Brother, am I not good-looking? Is my sister-in-law not good-looking? Or sister is not good-looking!"

Listening to this question that is no different from death, Chen Yefeng also nodded quickly.

"All look good, all look good!"

"Then you still look at others, brother, you are a hooligan!"

"I didn't, don't talk nonsense, that's not me!" Chen Yefeng finished speaking, reluctantly retracting his gaze.

This is actually no way. For men, even if you keep saying that you only love one person in your life, and you see some beautiful young ladies, you still can’t help but look twice.

This is a normal man. He wants to look more at beautiful things.

Of course, Chen Yefeng is purely appreciative, and has no other thoughts!

Although my little princess is right, my girlfriend and sister are indeed much better than them, but men, this is normal.

Besides, I didn't do anything else, so why did I play a hooligan!

Men see women as hooligans, what about women?

What do women think of men?

Finally, after Chen Yefeng browsed the menu, he also told the waiter what he wanted.

After ordering something, the four people also sat in their seats and chatted slowly.

"Sister, I ran out of money just now, can you support me first!" Although Chen Yuan didn't buy a lot of things just now, the price was not low. Three pleated skirts cost several thousand.

This made Chen Yefeng very depressed. When you buy a skirt in the winter, isn't it because your head was kicked by a donkey?

Moreover, if you buy a skirt in the winter, can you still wear it on the street?

Since you can't wear it on the street, you can only wear it at home. Then who can you wear it at home?

Chen Shiyi smiled, stretched out her finger and nodded on Chen Yuan's forehead, and then took out a bank card. "There seems to be some money in it, take it, save some flowers, and don't care about it.

However, you little girl must remember..."

"I know!" Before waiting for her sister Chen Shiyi to finish speaking, Chen Yuan interrupted: "Don't let my mother know if it's right, don't worry, and promise to complete the task!"

"By the way, sister, how much money is there?"

Looking at Chen Yuan's appearance as a small money fan, Chen Shiyi said dozingly: "I don't remember it very well, probably more than one million."

"Wow! Sister, you are so kind to me!" Chen Yuan jumped up excitedly and took a sip of Chen Shiyi, and then filled the bank card into his bag with joy.

Next to Ye Shengxue, the whole person was stunned. She knew that her boyfriend and her good girlfriend had money at home, but she didn't expect to be so rich, and the pocket money she gave was around one million!

At this moment, she felt a little misty.

"If you want, I will give you something too?" Chen Yefeng leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"No need... I don't know how to spend so much money."

"Xiaofeng, what more are you two whispering?" Chen Shiyi saw her precious brother whispering to other women, and asked with a smile.

"Nothing, sister, you look so good today!"

"Just your sweet mouth!"

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