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Chapter 309: People rely on clothing

Although Bai Ningxin was a little unwilling.


Chen Yefeng didn't feel anything. He looked at Bai Ningxin who was silent, and patted her on the shoulder carelessly, and said.

"Remember to work hard, I'll go first, by the way, and wear more next time, don't catch a cold!!!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Yefeng was pulling Chen Yuan and preparing to leave, and the people around him at this moment also consciously made way for the brother and sister.

Staring at Chen Yefeng's slowly disappearing back, there was a firm look in Bai Ning's eyes.

Even if you want to be friends, you must be the best and closest friends! ! !


"Brother, you sing well~"

"Of course!"

"Brother, I'm hungry!"

"Are you so hungry again?" Chen Yefeng twitched at the little girl who was tapping her belly.

How long does it take to finish eating, this little girl is hungry again!

However, Chen Yefeng was also understandable when he saw that his little princess was so old.

"Then what do you want to eat, brother takes you to supper!"

"I want to eat chicken!"

"Chicken? What chicken?"

"roast chicken!"

"Oh, that's okay!" Chen Yefeng breathed a sigh of relief. "Brother can help you satisfy this wish!"

With that said, Chen Yefeng took her little princess to go for a supper.

Of course, he also knew that this little girl was actually not really hungry, she just wanted to delay the time to go home.

In order not to go back and be frustrated by my aunt, I will go back a little later. My aunt has fallen asleep, so she can deal with the past day.

For the little girl, it must be able to drag a day, it is a day!

On the way to the roast chicken restaurant, Chen Yuan also looked at his cousin with a look of admiration.

"Brother, you sing so good!"

"Just so-so, it's the number one in the world," Chen Yefeng said with a smile.

"But... Brother, so many people ask you to sing it again, why don't you satisfy them?"

"Of course it's because Brother has important things to do."

"What matters?" Chen Yuan asked like a curious baby.

"The important thing, of course, is that the weather is so cold that I can't freeze my baby sister to death."

"Hey, brother, you are so nice..."


Walking on a busy street crowded with pedestrians.

Chen Yuan was eating the fragrant squid that his cousin bought again for him, while shaking his head around.

"Brother! Do you think this looks good?"

Looking at the roadside stalls on the street, Chen Yuan also ran over, holding the hairpin on it, gently placing it on his long pink hair, and asking aloud.

When Chen Yefeng heard that, he also looked at it slightly. This blue butterfly hairpin was paired with the little girl's long pink wavy hair.

Not to mention, it really made Chen Yuan more of a girl's agility, just like a girl who broke through the barrier of the second dimension.

"good looking!"

"Really?" Chen Yuan heard his cousin's praise, not to mention how happy he was.

"Of course, you are my sister of Chen Yefeng, you are not good-looking, who is good-looking!"

Chen Yefeng added one last sentence, causing the little girl to pull her face down.

This made Chen Yefeng a little helpless. He praised this little girl for being pretty, but in the end, how could this little girl still seem to be disappointed?

"How much is the boss?" Chen Yuan pouted and took the issuance card off, and then handed it to the boss.

The boss gave Chen Yefeng a thumbs up, and said with a smile, "It's rare that you two young people love each other so much. Just give you a cost price of ten yuan!"

Looking at the little girl who ran away with the hairpin again toward the front, Chen Yefeng reluctantly paid the money while also explaining in embarrassment.

"Boss, you misunderstood, this is not my girlfriend, she is my sister!"

"I understand, I understand!" The young boss gave Chen Yefeng a look that a man understands. "My girlfriend and I sometimes use other names to call each other, but my girlfriend basically calls my father ."

Chen Yefeng: "..."

What does this mean?

What's wrong with this world now? Why no one believes the truth! ?

I, Chen Yefeng, look like the kind of rabbit who eats grass around the nest?

What a joke! ! !

After paying the money, Chen Yefeng rushed to catch up with her little princess.


Looking at the passers-by, Chen Yefeng kept looking at her little princess. Chen Yefeng twitched her mouth and led her into a women's clothing store.

"Brother, why did you bring me here?" Chen Yuan asked very curiously.

"Buy you two new year clothes!"

"Why, I wear this well, I look very slim!" Chen Yuan was a little confused about what his cousin wanted to do, although it was indeed about the New Year.

However, even if it is a New Year's gift, how can someone buy it without asking others' opinions!

"You are slender, it seems that you are in good shape, but when others look at you, it may feel that it is not so cold today!"

"Brother, what do you mean, why don't I understand?"

"It's best if you don't understand, you won't be saved if you understand!"

"Huh! Brother, you always say something that Xiaowan doesn't understand, and you say I'm out of help!"

After spending thousands of oceans for my little princess, I bought a few oversized windbreakers to cover her figure perfectly.

Chen Yefeng also took Chen Yuan's hand and walked on the street again.

Looking at the little girl in a brown trench coat, Chen Yefeng also nodded straight.

The saying that people rely on clothes is really not just talking about it. If the little girl was a little cute before, now she wears it like this, and she is full of style.

Because the little girl was screaming that she was hungry just now, Chen Yefeng also took her into a roast chicken restaurant.

Entering the store, Chen Yefeng also waved his hand, and said with great pride: "Open your arms to eat, haven't you eaten enough? This time I will let you eat chicken and vomit!"

"Thank you brother." Chen Yuan smiled.

The two found a place to sit and wait while chatting.

"Brother, tell the truth! What do you want to say now!"

"What am I talking about?"

"Only the baby kiss, I didn't know that my uncle arranged a baby kiss for you. I didn't expect that my brother was booked in advance!"


As the little girl talked more and more ridiculously, Chen Yefeng also slammed directly on his forehead without hesitation.

"Yeah! Brother, did I say something wrong? Why did you knock on my head again!" Chen Yuan held his forehead and held his head high, a baby looked super unconvinced.

"Why do good words change when they come out of your mouth?" Chen Yefeng squeezed Chen Yuan's face.

"From your mouth, how does it feel like Brother has become a cargo!"

"Brother, you are not a cargo!" Chen Yuan hugged Chen Yefeng's arm and said with a serious face: "You are my Chen Yuan's male god!"

"Go go, don't always use your brother to get rid of it!"

Chen Yefeng rubbed the head of her little princess, with a helpless and indulgent look on her face.

No way, who can only have this baby sister, what else can you do except pet?

The two brothers and sisters are chatting with each other.

Soon, the cooked roast chicken was brought up.

Seeing Chen Yuan gnawing on a chicken leg with a mouth full of oil, as if she hadn't eaten enough for a long time, Chen Yefeng also reminded softly: "You girl, eat slowly, no one will grab it with you."

"Brother, don't you want to eat it?" Chen Yuan handed the nibble chicken leg to Chen Yefeng's mouth.

"I'm not hungry!" Chen Yefeng looked at his little princess with a black face, "you can eat it!"

"Brother, do you dislike me?"


"Huh! I'm not doing it with you!"

The two siblings were eating and talking.

"Brother, do you think I have the potential to be a singer in the next edition!"

Seeing the serious look of her little princess, although Chen Yefeng didn't want to discourage her, she still said with a smile.

"If you want me to tell you, you just stay at home and stay beautiful as a quiet little princess!"

"But brother, look at Xinxin, the parents have to look good, sing good, and have so many fans, I want to be like her."

"Don't you also have a lot of fans?" Chen Yefeng knows her little princess, who is known as the three silly betta fish!

"Oh, that's different!"

"What's the difference?" Chen Yefeng said with his lips curled, "Furthermore, Bai Ningxin is very self-disciplined. Maybe they eat healthy meals every day and exercise every day in order to keep in shape. Like you, you know to eat except for eating all day long, and you lie down every day when you eat, either sleeping or eating!"

It's strange to say that the pig-like life of my little girl should belong to the kind of two hundred catties cute, but... who can tell me why this little girl is so slim.

Even if you are slim, the question is, who can tell me why this little girl should not have any fat at all, and the big place is not small at all! ?

"What's the matter, I'm also insisting on it every day..." Chen Yuan held his head unconvinced.

"Oh?" Chen Yefeng immediately became happy when he heard it. "Then tell me, what do you insist on every day?"

"In order to be beautiful, I must use beauty every time I take a photo!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

It seems that this girl must have been knocked down by himself! ! !

Otherwise, this is still something people can say?

"Brother, you eat too, otherwise I would feel embarrassed to eat alone!"

"Are you still embarrassed?"

Seeing the chicken wings that Chen Yuan handed to him, Chen Yefeng also quietly enjoyed the feeding of his little princess.

When the two of them had eaten halfway, a gentle voice came from the side.

"Excuse me, can I sit here?"

Chen Yefeng followed the prestige, and what caught his eye was a gentleman-looking man with gold-framed glasses and a suit and leather shoes.

"No!" Chen Yefeng refused without hesitation without even thinking about it.

Those made Chen Yefeng a little unhappy!

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