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Chapter 310: A headache baby pro


He found that the boy's eyes were not on himself at all, but on his cousin.


No wonder, who made her own little princess naturally beautiful, let alone the windbreaker she picked for her, it is understandable that she is attractive on her upper body.

"Beautiful lady, can I sit here?"

"You are the young lady, and your whole family is the young lady!" Chen Yuan glared at it with slanted eyes, and then continued to nibble the chicken legs with relish.

"Sorry, I didn't mean that.

So... may I sit here? "

"Of course not!" Chen Yuan glanced at the man impatiently, "My brother said no, you should change your position."

"Well then, can you add a WeChat?" The man showed a smile that he thought was very warm, and slowly took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

"Why do you add WeChat?" Chen Yuan frowned.

"Then I need to say, I must want to soak you." Chen Yefeng said with a bit of discomfort. Seeing the man seemed to want to explain, he immediately interrupted again: "Don't say you want to be friends. If you don't even believe in yourself, everyone is a man. I know what you are thinking about in your heart, but I advise you to put your mind on others.

My sister, my brother, can still take care of her, and I don’t need others to take care of her for the time being. "

Listening to her cousin's words, the little girl looked excited, but Chen Yefeng saw the sly look deep in her eyes, and Chen Yefeng knew that things seemed not that simple.

Sure enough, my little princess spoke!

"I ask you, do you really want to soak me?"

Things have already reached this point, and Lu Liang naturally has no need to keep going.

Because he was really holding this idea, otherwise, who would have nothing to do with a girl.

Just now, when he saw Chen Yuan's first glance, he immediately moved his heart. This girl who seemed to have walked out of the second element, her smile and her smile affected his heart, making him a little bit lost.

If he didn't know what love at first sight was before, now he knows it, which is called love at first sight!


Therefore, Lu Liang simply admitted it.

"Then I ask you, do you have a car?"

"Yes!" Lu Liang smiled slightly, showing a sense of confidence.

He felt that according to his own situation, it should be able to meet the needs of most girls.

"Do you have a room?" Chen Yuan asked again.

"There is one."

With that, Lu Liang showed his Porsche key.

"Then I will ask you again, who do you save first when your mother and I fall into the water?"

Lu Liang: "..."

"If in the future I have a dystocia, your mother will force you to keep you small, what should you do?"

Lu Liang: "..."

Reaching out and wiping the sweat that did not know when on his forehead, he deeply felt the pressure of a world-class insolvable problem.

"Sorry, I still have something..."

Looking at Lu Liang who was running away in a desperate way, Chen Yuan smiled triumphantly, "Hmph, just want to soak me!"

"You really have you!" Chen Yefeng couldn't help but laugh.

Although knowing that my little princess may embarrass the other party, it is also a bit uncomfortable.

"Hey, what you said just now is true, brother?"

"What do you mean?" Chen Yefeng asked while helping the little girl tear a chicken leg and put it on the plate in front of him.

"That's..." Chen Yuanqiao's face blushed slightly, "Just what you just said, take care of me!"

"Of course!" Chen Yefeng smiled, "You are my baby sister of Chen Yefeng, you shouldn't be a brother to take care of you."

"Then you have to take care of me forever."

"Don't talk about a lifetime, ten lifetimes will do!"


"Don't be silly, eat quickly, go home after eating, or if your aunt calls us later, you know the consequences!!!"


Seeing a serious and respectful Chen Yuan, Chen Yefeng shook his head helplessly.

Sometimes my little princess is very clever, sometimes she always looks like a child. I really don't know when this little girl will grow up quickly, although she is already quite big now.

"By the way, haven't your aunt and uncle contacted you recently?"

"The two of them may still be traveling on their honeymoon and enjoy their old age. Anyway, as much leisure is as possible." Chen Yefeng couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth when he thought of his old Chen.

My old father got him a baby kiss, to be honest, it's a bit outrageous!

"What's the matter, miss your aunt?"


"Hurry up and eat, they will come back during the Chinese New Year, let them wrap you a big red envelope at that time!"


Chen Yefeng ordered two roast chickens in total, but one more got into the belly of the little girl.

Looking at his cousin's young but unusually developed pectoral muscles, Chen Yefeng sighed slightly.

Tell me, can it be so edible?

When the two of them walked out of the roast chicken shop, they found that in the dark sky, it started to rain at some time, making the already cold surroundings even more cool!

The rain in winter is not as mild as spring, nor as hearty as summer, and some are just bitingly cold!

"Wow, brother, you see it's raining, it looks like we can't go back, we can only find a hotel to make do for one night!"

"How do I feel that you seem to be excited?" Chen Yefeng asked suspiciously.

"Is there? No, how can it be possible!" Chen Yuan quickly quibbleed.

"What are you afraid of? Call Didi." Chen Yefeng said, took out his mobile phone and called a car.

Then the two brothers and sisters waited for the bus while sheltering from the rain at the entrance of the roast chicken shop.

at this time.

While Chen Yefeng was chatting with Chen Yuan, suddenly a woman with no rain gear came over quickly.

Because she was blocking her forehead with her hand and didn't look at the road ahead carefully, the girl slammed into Chen Yefeng's arms.

"Are you OK?"

Chen Yefeng subconsciously reached out to support the woman.

The woman realized that she had hit someone, she also raised her head quickly, ready to apologize.


The moment the girl looked up, the two of them all stunned.


"It's you?"

"why you?"

Two different sounds came from the mouths of two people.

"Ah! How come Xinxin is you!"

Chen Yuan greeted him warmly.

And Chen Yefeng also stared at Bai Ningxin who crashed into his arms, and chuckled, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay..." Bai Ningxin glanced at the person in front of him who was very familiar with him, and his entire face turned red.

"I don't know why it rained suddenly." Bai Ningxin said in a flustered manner.

"Yeah, it rained suddenly. This day I really said that when you change your face, you change your face!" Chen Yuan also vomited.

"By the way, Xinxin, aren't you participating in some show tomorrow? You have to work hard!"

"Thank you."

Bai Ningxin smiled slightly, and the two women began to chat.

And Chen Yefeng next to him was thinking about his baby kiss.

No way, he had never thought that this kind of unreliable thing would fall on his head like this, it was a bit confusing!

This winter rain came quickly and stopped quickly.

Taking a glance at the dark sky, Bai Ningxin said goodbye to the two.

Looking at Bai Ningxin who was leaving, Chen Yuan couldn't help but said, "Brother, or you just accept it!"

"What are you receiving?" Chen Yefeng's face turned black.

"Such a big beauty, if I were a man, I would definitely not let it go!"

"Brother is not a scumbag!"

"What's the matter, brother, you look handsome!"

"Go and go, the car is here, and you are going home! Next time you talk nonsense, brother will never spare you!"


the other side.

After returning home, Bai Ningxin couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth when she thought of everything she met tonight.

Bai Ningxin under the lamp recalled the scenes of tonight.

That sudden rain, those deep eyes...

She was still a little worried about participating in the show as a guest tomorrow, but she suddenly smiled.

Staring at the blank paper in front of her, she lowered her head and began to write on the paper.


And the other side.

Chen Yefeng, who took a taxi and returned home with his little princess, took a shower and lay in bed ready to go to sleep.

However, his aunt Chen Shuyun called him into the living room.

As my little princess had expected, after coming back so late, my aunt had forgotten to let her dye her hair.

"You have a baby boy, do you know?"

Looking at aunt who was straight to the point, Chen Yefeng also nodded.

"Your dad told you?"

"No..." Chen Yefeng shook his head, "I just met my sister, he told me."

"How, how did you feel after knowing this?"

"Depressed!" Chen Yefeng sighed, "I'm wondering, what age is this, why does he still follow the older generation!"

"I thought you would be very happy."

"What am I happy about? I already have a girlfriend."

"Oh? When will you bring it to my aunt?"

"My sister has already watched it, and she is very satisfied!"

"Your sister is not satisfied, but your dad is satisfied."

Listening to what aunt Chen Shuyun said, Chen Yefeng also said helplessly: "I know too, but his old stubborn knows what, anyway, I won't agree with a baby kiss or something!"

"You kid, you have to trust your dad's vision!"

"It's not him, of course he doesn't care, anyway I don't agree!"

"Okay, it's not too early. Let's wash and sleep quickly. I'll see if Xiao Yuan has dyed her hair obediently."

"Um...that, aunt..." Chen Yefeng yelled while looking at the aunt who had already walked to the door of her little princess's room.

"what happened?"

"It's okay..."

Chen Yefeng thought for a while and decided to forget it, let the little girl enjoy her maternal love.

After a brief wash, Chen Yefeng also returned to the room.

Of course.

He also didn't forget to lock the door behind him, so that someone would sneak onto his bed in the middle of the night.

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