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Chapter 311: Xu Zimo

the next day.

Chen Yefeng was also very rare to get up early, but what surprised him was that his little girl actually got up earlier than himself.

Looking at the little girls in pajamas with long white legs and tender legs, Chen Yefeng yawned and asked, "What are you doing up so early?"

"Eating~" Chen Yuanliang pointed the white porridge in his hand, and then snarled at the fried eggs and fried dough sticks on the dining table.

Upon seeing this, Chen Yefeng also smashed his tongue twice.

Not to mention, it’s good for my aunt to come back, at least don’t worry about the dark cooking of my little princess, and the possibility of explosions in the kitchen at all times!

In general, it's good to be able to drink a bowl of warm porridge in the morning.

"By the way, don't I remember that there are not many things in the house?" Chen Yefeng said suspiciously while looking at the rich breakfast on the table.

When her cousin said so, Chen Yuan showed a grieved expression.

"Your aunt, you dragged me out of the bed in the morning, and I faced the cold wind and ran out to buy it in the morning!"

"Are you so diligent??" Chen Yefeng's expression looked a little shocked.

Chen Yuan smiled, "Of course, who made me your wise and sensible, cute and charming sister, brother, please quickly compliment me!"

"You are awesome!" Chen Yefeng also praised helplessly.

"Brother, tell the truth, what's great!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Isn't this my line? How did this little princess learn it?

Broken, this little girl was so broken by herself!

In fact, Chen Yefeng has always had no habit of eating breakfast. It would be thank good if he could eat breakfast for five days for thirty days a month.

Breakfast is actually dispensable for him. Of course, although he is not very hungry now, he can't waste the hard work of his little princess and aunt, so he had to sit at the table and eat. .

The steaming white porridge, the refreshing pickled cucumbers, the fragrant fried ham and the appetizing poached eggs are simple but very warm.


This warm and simple breakfast ended in a family chatting while eating.

"Brother, take me to eat chicken today?"


"What kind of chicken?"

"Of course it's the chicken from PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds!"

After Chen Feng heard it, he was taken aback, because he remembered the fear of being dominated by the little girl.

This girl, it's not a question of food, it is simply the crater of Digimon Pipi Shrimp! ! !

"Ahem, brother still has things today..."

Chen Yefeng coughed awkwardly.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Team affairs..."

"Brother, you can't make such a low-level excuse if you want to refuse me?"

"How come!" Chen Yefeng assured, "It's true!"

"Well then..." Chen Yuan pouted, as the baby looked very aggrieved, "What about the night?"

"At night, brother might..."

"Brother, is it possible that you are planning to spend the night outside at night?" Chen Yuan pouted, with a gloomy look, "Brother, are you worthy of Xiaoxue like this? worthy of me! worthy of sister!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

The little girl's bitter tone is the situation?

No matter what Xiaoxue is, this is her current girlfriend after all, but...what's the matter with you girl who is okay? ! !

Besides, what's the situation with sister?

Why is it so intriguing when it comes to the little girl's mouth?

"Wait for me at home, don't remember to make your mother angry, or I won't be able to spare you when I come back!!!"

"Then what if my mother forces me!"

"Then you can dye your hair back obediently!"


Chen Yefeng immediately went out and drove to the magic city.

After a long journey, Chen Yefeng also came to the place agreed with the other party. It was a relatively large-scale cafe. Looking at the waiters wearing maid costumes walking around, Chen Yefeng also found a window. Sat down at the side position.

Of course, the reason why he chose this position is not that all the maids and waitresses can be seen from this angle, but because an old man in front of him is actually playing a desktop computer!

Although some people like to work in a coffee shop, at most they bring a laptop.


This guy even moved out his desktop computer, he just made the cafe feel like an Internet cafe!

Sure enough, the waiter in the maid costume came up to stop it.

"Are you discriminating against desktop computers?"

The man suddenly said a word, and then argued with the waiter. The two of them said something to each other, which made Chen Yefengle awful.

As he watched with gusto at the two people in front of him who were constantly arguing centered on the desktop computer, a woman wearing a professional suit and a charming mature femininity came over.

"long time no see."

The woman walked up to Chen Yefeng and greeted her familiarly. The person here was the head of the team management of the China E-Sports Association, and she could be regarded as an old acquaintance of Chen Yefeng.

Looking at the pretty short-haired woman in front of him, Chen Yefeng smiled slightly and said, "Long time no see!"

Xu Zimo also smiled slightly when he heard that, "I didn't expect that after so many years, you are still so handsome!"

"Fortunately, so-so, it's just number one in the world."

"After so many years, you are still as humble as ever!"

"Humility is a virtue of our China, of course I have to keep it up!" Chen Yefeng spoke openly.

"Then let's go?" Xu Zimo was not verbose, ready to get into the topic, after all, her time is also very precious.

"Let's go now? Sit down here?"

"I am not as laid back as you. There are still a lot of things to do. You think everyone is like you, born at the end. We still have to work hard."

Thinking of Chen Yefeng's little by little before, Xu Zimo also felt a lot when looking at the still young and handsome face in front of him.

Young is the advantage of an e-sports player. The younger he is, the greater his potential will be. Obviously, Chen Yefeng is like that. He was just 19 years old this year. For some veterans, he is still in e-sports. The golden age of, this is something that all professional players cannot compare.

"I'm like those second generation ancestors who are eating and waiting to die. I am a second generation who works very hard, OK, and I am still very humble and handsome!" Chen Yefeng said with a smile.

"I won't be poor with you, so hurry up."


Xu Zimo nodded and walked out of the cafe, looking at Chen Yefeng's sports car, Xu Zimo was naturally sighed again.

With just this car, 80% of the people in this world may work hard for a lifetime without even buying a wheel. He drove a car and went to the China branch of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.


On the way to the E-Sports Association, Chen Yefeng also had a brief chat with Xu Zimo.

Through the conversation, he also learned some of the main situations of the China PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds team recently.

Except for Qing Lengyue's Black Rose, and Su Liyang's Thunder Team, two of the four major teams actually belonged to the same person.

One is the Sky Blue team where he was before, and the other is the LN team where Chu Changkong was.

And through Xu Zimo's narration, Chen Yefeng was also a little puzzled.

I don't know why that guy would have such a puzzling thing about two teams. You know, the cost of one team is astronomical, let alone two teams.

"But with you, I am afraid that in the future, our China will change from the Fourth World Team to the Five World Team."

"Don't breast-feed, okay, will you die halfway?"

Xu Zimo looked at the little man who was a few years younger than him, with a smile on his face, "I believe you can do it!"

"You believe I can't do it, you still have to see the final result." Chen Yefeng said with a smile.

The two chatted, and soon reached the place where the E-Sports Association is located.

Staring at the e-sports logo on the building in front of him, Chen Yefeng followed Xu Zimo to the place in charge of PUBG e-sports.

After arriving on the floor dedicated to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, looking at the iconic 98K and third-level head decoration on the wall, Chen Yefeng also slapped his tongue twice.

If you don't have a career in the future, it seems that it would be great to come here for a job.

Of course, Chen Yefeng can only think about it. After all, as the eldest master of the Chen Group, he will definitely take over the family business in the future.

Look, people who are born to the end of life are sometimes so helpless.

"This is where you are in charge of the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds team, how about it, the environment is not bad?" Xu Zimo looked at Chen Yefeng with a smile and introduced him aloud.

In fact, she was quite happy when she received the call from Chen Yefeng that day. After all, where she works, either a programmer with little hair left or the kind with a beer belly.

Suddenly there is such a handsome little brother contacting him, if he is not excited, it is definitely impossible.

"By the way, are you sure you want to do it again..." Xu Zimo suddenly asked in the corridor.

Chen Yefeng just wanted to talk about his little wish, or was unwilling.


There were footsteps nearby.

Chen Yefeng turned his head subconsciously and saw a familiar but unfamiliar face.

Lu Qingkong.

A familiar stranger to Chen Yefeng.

Xu Zimo naturally saw it too, and immediately said hello with a smile.

"Qingkong, why are you here?" Xu Zimo naturally didn't know what happened back then, so for her, Lu Qingkong was still an old acquaintance of her, and it was understandable to say hello.

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