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Chapter 312: Create a club

You know, there are two kinds of people who appear in the E-Sports Association, one is the staff here, and the other is the team leader like him.

After all, the current Sky Blue team can say that half of the right to speak is in the hands of Lu Qingkong, and his current identity is also somewhat special, that is, a coach, a player, and a manager.

"I have something to do, so I won't talk about it for now." After that, Lu Qingkong turned around and walked away without a trace of muddle.

"This..." Xu Zimo looked at Lu Qingkong's leaving back, and then at Chen Yefeng who was silent, not knowing what to say.

The woman's sixth sense told her that there was definitely something in it, but... she didn't seem to be able to ask more.


Following Xu Zimo, Chen Yefeng completed all the procedures, and he also established a club. Of course, he didn't need to worry about the cost. Before leaving yesterday, my sister gave him and Chen Yuan 10 million in pocket money.

Although the club has been established, he still needs to make progress on the matter of team performance.

Unless he is willing to spend a lot of money to directly purchase a top team to get a spot, but it is clear that Black Rose is hopeless, and Su Liyang's Thunder team will definitely not sell it. As for LN and Sky Blue, it is definitely hopeless.

Therefore, he can only form a team by himself and enter it step by step.


"Let's go, go to my office, I'll buy you a coffee, I didn't drink it just now, now I'll buy you enough!"

After getting everything done, Xu Zimo invited him out loud.

Of course, Chen Yefeng wouldn't refuse. Following Xu Zimo, he walked into her office.

Just like what you saw on TV, the mahogany desk in the large office, coupled with the boss chair, looks as magnificent as it is.

"How about it, my office is not bad."

"Yeah, it's exactly the same as what you saw on TV!" Chen Yefeng exclaimed. He had a headache when he thought of sitting in this kind of office and strategizing after taking over the Chen Group.

This kind of life is not what he wants, what he wants is an unfettered, free life.

Unfortunately, it is clear that this is just a luxury.

It is absolutely impossible for my elder sister to help herself manage her life, and she will hand it over to herself sooner or later.

"Sit and wait a while, I'll make you a cup."

Xu Zimo motioned Chen Yefeng to sit casually, then walked to the side and started to brew coffee expertly.

Although instant coffee is not as pure as freshly ground coffee in cafes, Chen Yefeng naturally does not account for these things.

After all, it was also the intention of an old friend, so I was too embarrassed to refuse.

When Xu Zimo was brewing coffee again, Chen Yefeng also walked casually in the office, looking at the contents.


"Can I see what's on the table?"

Chen Yefeng asked slightly, because he found something of interest.

"Of course you can, just look, what you are doing so politely between us, we are all so familiar!"

Xu Zimo, who was at the coffee, also said very generously.


After about five minutes.

"Coffee is here."

Holding two cups of steaming coffee, Xu Zimo cautiously walked to Chen Yefeng's side.

"Thank you!"

After thanking him, Chen Yefeng took a small sip after reaching out to take it.


Since he focused on the information he found on Xu Zimo's desk just now, he did not notice the steaming hot coffee.


If one didn't pay attention, Chen Yefeng was also sadly reminded, and as a result, he subconsciously exploded in foul language.

Because the coffee was too hot, he shook his hands and spilled all over his body.

Seeing Chen Yefeng who was scalding and grinning, Xu Zimo smiled apologetically, "I'm really sorry, I forgot to remind you not to be scalded."

"It's okay, it's okay." Chen Yefeng forced an indifferent smile, "As long as it doesn't burn my handsome face, all this is trivial!"

A witty remark made Xu Zimo cover his mouth and laugh.

"But this hot coffee might foam."

"It's okay, I am a thick-skinned person, I am not afraid of being burnt!"

"Or, let me apply toothpaste for you, it might make you feel better." Xu Zimo suggested.

"Yes, you can, but where do you find toothpaste?" Chen Yefeng looked around for a while, how it didn't look like there was toothpaste.

"Of course there is." Xu Zimo smiled, "Sometimes I work overtime too late, so I will make do with the night in the office, so I bought a set of toiletries and put them here as a spare."

While talking, Xu Zimo also put down the coffee in his hand, walked to the desk, opened the drawer and took out a half-used toothpaste.

Looking at Xu Zimo who squeezed the white toothpaste onto the back of his hand, Chen Yefeng also quickly said, "Give me the toothpaste, and I can do it myself!"

"I've got it all done, I can paint it for you. Anyway, it's because of me that you got burnt. Even if I apologize to you."

"okay then……"

Since Xu Zimo said so, Chen Yefeng would naturally not say anything too hypocritical.

"Come on, sit down, stretch out your hand!" Xu Zimo motioned to Chen Yefeng to sit on the sofa, and she herself squatted halfway on the floor, spreading the toothpaste evenly on Chen Yefeng's hands burnt by coffee on.

The cool sensation of the toothpaste also made Chen Yefeng feel a little better, at least not as hot and painful as before.

"Well, this should make you feel much better." Xu Zimo, who had finished painting, also stood up from the ground and smiled.

"you guys……"

I don't know when to open the door, but the staff who originally wanted to ask Xu Zimo something about it, the whole person was shocked.

Guess what I saw!

One is a handsome guy who does not know where he is, and the other is his own beautiful boss, they actually...

Recalling what I saw just now, the visitors felt a little clouded.

A man leaned on the sofa, a woman squatted halfway in front of him, and stretched out her hands not knowing what she was doing.

Especially his own beautiful boss actually said something that should feel better like this!

This is so...

Seeing the toothpaste remaining on the back of his beautiful boss's hand, the person who came in felt a little flustered in his heart now.

Have you discovered a terrible secret? ?

Will the two of them kill themselves! ?

Seeing Chen Yefeng with a comfortable expression on his face, the person who came in was completely dumbfounded.

Just say it!

In this daytime, how could my own beautiful boss suddenly bring back a little white face, and brought it directly to the office, this daytime, after a long time, it turned out to be...

The world is getting worse and worse! ! !

"Don't knock on the door!" Xu Zimo is more easy-going with the people under his hand. They are not like subordinates or superiors, but more like friends.

So most of them are very casual and will not knock on the door.

Xu Zimo glared, then smiled and asked: "What's the matter, what's the matter?!"

Xu Zimo naturally didn't know what he was thinking in his mind, otherwise he would definitely become angry.

"No, it's okay!" How dare those who came in say anything now, even if something happens, it's obviously not a good time to say things.

Now his head is shaking like a rattle, and his tone is a bit sly, "Then what, you continue, I haven't seen anything!"

"Huh?" Xu Zimo didn't know what to say when he looked at the figure of his subordinates who quit in a panic.

How does it feel that he is very afraid of himself?

But on weekdays, everyone doesn’t mix together. It’s more friends instead of subordinates.

Why has this suddenly changed so much?

"What's wrong with him?" Chen Yefeng was also particularly curious, because the face of the big brother who had just entered was a bit too rich.

"I don't know." Xu Zimo shook his head, turned around and helped Chen Yefeng refill a cup of coffee, and reminded, "Be careful this time."

"Thank you..." Chen Yefeng also learned to be smart this time, and only slowly tasted after blowing slightly with his mouth.

"By the way, what were you looking at just now? So fascinated."

After all, the steaming coffee, even if you don't need to remind yourself, Xu Zimo thinks Chen Yefeng should have noticed.

"It's these things." Chen Yefeng said, pointing at the information on the table.

"Oh~ these things." Xu Zimo smiled.

"is this real?"

"Who knows whether it's true or not, and there is no substantive evidence. I just collected a little bit."

"Well, if it were true, it would be horrible!"


Seeing Chen Yefeng look like an old **** is there, Xu Zimo smiled, "It's not suitable for you to make this expression at your age now!"

"What's wrong with me?" Chen Yefeng wondered.

"too small!"

Of course, the most taboo thing for a man is that others say that he is young and that he is no good, so Chen Yefeng heard it and retorted decisively: "Do you know I am young again?"

"It's not as big as me anyway."

"Ahem!" Chen Yefeng swallowed forcibly.

Almost inadvertently, he was about to cheer again without closing the door.

"By the way, it's almost noon. Would you like to have lunch in our company?" After taking a look at the time, Xu Zimo also invited Chen Yefeng aloud, "Just let you see our company's food and yours. How does the daily food of the big local tyrants compare."

"What kind of local tyrant, I usually eat very homely, OK? Do you think we rich people are all lobster, abalone, Poseidon crab or something? It's all on TV, OK?"

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