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Chapter 313: Is this girl a dog?

"An annual salary of one million? If I don't have so many years of salary, would you give me?"

"It's not impossible. After I created the team, I must be looking for a team consultant. How about you play this role?"

"That depends on my mood!" Xu Zimo smiled, "Let's go, invite you to dinner!"

"Just please? Isn't this too sloppy?" Chen Yefeng vomited.

"Is there a person like you!" Xu Zimo gave Chen Yefeng a white glance, "You beg me to do something, and you don't have to invite me to eat. If I invite you to eat, you are so picky!"

"Isn't I running out of time, I will definitely invite you another day!"

"Surely another day?"

"It must be another day!"

"Don't let the pigeons?"

"Never let go!"


After the agreement was made, Chen Yefeng also followed Xu Zimo.

Under the leadership of Xu Zimo, Chen Yefeng also wandered around the E-Sports Association.

Except for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, everything like League of Legends, Dota, etc. has special responsibility.

During this period, Chen Yefeng also had to sigh that e-sports has indeed become more and more accepted by the public.

Of course, this also means that the game is indeed one of the most profitable industries, which can be seen through the luxurious decoration of the E-Sports Association.

Xu Ye saw Chen Yefeng's emotion, and Xu Zimo also said with a smile: "In fact, it's not as good as you think. After all, there is not necessarily one in 10,000 people who can really play a professional career."


"Because talent is very important. For example, if you have a talent like you, I don't think the whole China can find one!"

After Chen Yefeng heard it, he nodded in agreement. There was no way, this man was handsome, that's it.

"What are you thinking about?"

On the way to the cafeteria, when Chen Yefeng hadn't spoken, Xu Zimo was naturally trying to find a topic.

After all, this is his old friend. Although he may not be very old, in the e-sports world, this guy is also considered an old guy.


Chen Yefeng smiled casually, and urged: "Hurry up and take me to lunch, you can't let me go for nothing, right?"

"okay then."

Originally, Xu Zimo planned to take Chen Yefeng around for a while. After all, he is going to set up an e-sports club, so it would be nice to learn more about this.

But after hearing him say that, I had to take him to eat something.

Chen Yefeng followed Xu Zimo, and the two came to the dining hall on the third floor.

"Our company's food is pretty good. In order to take care of the employees from all over the place, it should be able to meet your appetite. You can choose what you want to eat. Swipe my card!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Zimo raised the meal card in his hand, looking rich and wealthy.

"Then I'm not welcome, I have to eat you up."

Because of Xu Zimo, even if Chen Yefeng does not have a meal card, he can still eat delicious meals.

Seeing the dazzling array of delicious food in the canteen, Chen Yefeng naturally sighed again and again.

This is worthy of the E-Sports Association. What it eats is different from other companies, and it simply crushes the food of most companies.

To be honest, Chen Yefeng felt that this was not much better than the food provided by his own Chen group.

Chen Yefeng remembered that when she was a child, when her sister took her to the company and went to the company to find her parents, she just ate a meal.

It's not much different from the one in front of you. There are all kinds of big fish and meat, vegetables and fruits!

Chen Yefeng also found a place with Xu Zimo for some braised pork ribs and chicken thighs.

"You have to eat more vegetables." Xu Zimo reminded with a smile, "or lack of nutrition!"

"I'm a carnivore, the one who doesn't like meat!" Chen Yefeng said, using chopsticks to pick up a piece of braised pork ribs, and gnaw with relish.


Chen Yefeng, who was not paying attention, drank a sip of millet porridge, choked and coughed excitedly.

"Slow down, no one will grab you!" Looking at Chen Yefeng who was choked, Xu Zimo also helped him pour a glass of water, and said jokingly: "You are eating like you have not eaten in a long time. Don't worry, we have no limit on quantity, no time limit, if you can eat, you can eat it all!"


As soon as Chen Yefeng spoke, he saw a familiar figure in front of him.

I see.

Qing Lengyue, with pretty short hair, was holding the dinner plate, standing not far away, her delicate eyes seemed to be looking for a place to stay.

If it were before, Chen Yefeng would definitely say hello and greet Qing Lengyue to come and sit by herself.

But now it is obviously impossible.

But what surprised Chen Yefeng was that when he was about to pretend to see nothing, Qing Lengyue had already walked to the side with the dinner plate.


Qing Lengyue put the plate on the dining table fiercely, and at the same time it made a sound, it also attracted Nie Xiaoyu's attention.

"Xiaoyue, why are you here!" Xu Zimo looked at the two people with a surprised expression in his eyes.

"I understand, you two..." Xu Zimo was full of smiles, and his tone was full of envy, "A lover finally becomes a family member!"

"What's the mess, don't talk nonsense about it, OK..." Chen Yefeng lowered his head and explained aloud in embarrassment.

"Don't be shy, everyone is grown up." Xu Zimo smiled and nodded, and immediately stretched out his hand to greet very generously: "Xiaoyue, it's been a long time, so sit down and eat together."

With that said, Xu Zimo helped Qing Lengyue pull out the stool and motioned her to sit down.

"Yeah, long time no see." Qing Lengyue was as cold as ever, and after speaking, she sat beside Xu Zimo.

The appearance of the two of them made Chen Yefeng a little difficult.

Xu Zimo didn't know what happened that year, but just felt disbanded, not a big deal.

Because in e-sports, the disbanding of teams throughout the year is countless!

The three of them were sitting together for dinner, and the atmosphere was slightly mysterious.

Chen Yefeng didn't speak, but the two women kept talking.

"By the way, what cosmetics do you usually use, Satsuki?"

"Me? I usually use..."


The two women chatted like two little sparrows, but Chen Yefeng on the side looked like an outsider at this moment.

Soon an awkward lunch was finished like this. After eating, Chen Yefeng naturally bid farewell to Xu Zimo and drove home.

When he returned to Xicheng, returned home, and opened the door, the little girl's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Brother, you are back!"

"Yeah, why are you still up?"

Looking at Chen Yuan leaning on the sofa and watching TV, Chen Yefeng was a little depressed.


He was afraid that his cousin would take her to eat chicken.

After all, her little princess is a true dripping pit, and unlike her little apprentice, she belongs to the kind of pit who doesn't know her or obeys the command.

It can really make it popular.

"I won't wait for you to come back again!" Chen Yuan looked at Chen Yefeng with a smile, "By the way, have you eaten yet? There are braised eggplants made by my mother on the dinner table, as well as my favorite small fried pork. Oh, if you haven’t eaten, I’ll heat it up for you!!!"

"It's so late, I must have eaten it!" Chen Yefeng was sitting on the sofa as he spoke, and then Chen Yuan leaned up like a puppet cat.


Suddenly, Chen Yuan sniffed his nose vigorously and made a questioning sound.

"What's wrong?" Chen Yefeng was a little puzzled.

"Brother, you smell of woman's perfume!"

"Yes, I did meet a female friend today!" Chen Yefeng admitted generously.

"Not one, but two!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Damn, my little princess is not a dog, and her nose is so bright. You must know that I have contacted two women today, one is Xu Zimo, my old friend, and the other is former teammate Qing Lengyue.

"Brother, tell me what you did today!" Chen Yuan was anxious at the time, holding his cousin's arm and began to question.

"I didn't do anything..." Chen Yefeng was depressed.

"Woo, brother, you don't love me anymore!" Chen Yuan pouted and looked aggrieved, "You actually dated two women today. Are you worthy of me? Are you worthy of Xiaoxue!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

This girl, how a good thing, from her mouth, has become so outrageous! ?

"I can't explain it clearly to you!"

After speaking, Chen Yefeng rubbed his temples with a headache.

Come and take my sister away personally, this girl is really crazy!

"Does Xiaoxue mind, doesn't sister mind?" Chen Yuan was stunned, and then said with a look of admiration: "Brother, you are not doing this right!"




Listening to the little girl, the more ridiculous, Chen Yefeng had no choice but to stretch out his hand, bend his fingers, use Chen's head to kill, knock her forehead fiercely, and make her close her mouth obediently.

"Okay, it's too early, go to bed early!" Pushing away Chen Yuan, who was so tired of himself, Chen Yefeng also sat up straight.

"Wait later, the show that Xinxin is participating in is about to begin. I have to cheer Xinxin!"

With that, Chen Yuanliang brightened his mobile phone, which contained the chat records between her and Bai Ningxin.

The two also added WeChat after meeting in the rain last night.

"Look at that, I'll go back to sleep."

Chen Yefeng is not really interested in this kind of variety show, but when he just wanted to get up from the sofa, he was hugged fiercely by his little princess.

"Brother, you watch with me, if you watch with me, I will reward you with one!"

"That won't work!" Chen Yefeng decisively shook his head and refused when he heard it. "Brother's advantage is that you want to take it?"

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