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Chapter 314: Meet

"Then brother, what do you say?"

"Well, if I watch TV with you, I won't take you to eat chicken?"

"What!" After Chen Yuan heard this, he slammed Chen Yefeng's chest with his head in dissatisfaction, "Brother, are you despising my food?"

"It's not a question of whether it's not a dish, OK!" Chen Yefeng said, "It's your operation, it's not like a good fight alone!"

"I..." Chen Yuan also knew his skills, and smiled embarrassed after hearing it, "Brother, I'm not a vegetable, I'm just not obvious!"

"Watch TV with you, take you to eat chicken, you can choose one."

"Children make choices, of course adults want them all!"

Looking at the weird little girl, Chen Yefeng, as the elder brother, naturally only smiled in love.

"Okay, I will stay with you for a while."

"It's a while before the show starts. Brother, I'll cut a watermelon for you. I just bought this today!"

With that, Chen Yuan got up from the sofa, ran to the kitchen, cut the watermelon, put it on a plate, and brought it out.

"Brother, taste it, it's sweet." Chen Yuan, who sat back on the sofa again, also held a piece of watermelon and handed it to Chen Yefeng's mouth.

Despite the hospitality, Chen Yefeng had no choice but to enjoy the feeding work of his cousin.

When the watermelon was almost eaten, the show that Bai Ningxin participated in finally began.


I saw it on TV.

Accompanied by the music and the host’s opening remarks, the guests participating in this program also appeared in sequence.

"Brother, look, it's heart-to-heart!" Chen Yuan exclaimed excitedly.

The body shaken by her little princess almost fell apart, and Chen Yefeng also reminded: "I saw it, don't shake it, shake it again and you won't be able to stand it!"

"Brother, you said that the second season I want to be a singer is about to begin. If I want to go and try it, I might also become a big star just like my heart!"

"You? You should dye your hair back to its normal color first!" Chen Yefeng curled his lips when he finished speaking.

The two chatted while watching TV.

The show invites several singers who have been popular recently, and the content is also very simple, nothing more than singing, interacting with fans and so on.

As the other guests who participated in the show finished singing, Chen Yefeng also made a serious comment: "These guests seem to be very powerful. Some of them are very accomplished in the music industry. If she doesn't show some real skills, I'm afraid It's really shameful."

"Brother, don't worry, Xinxin told me just now that she has prepared an original song!"


"Yeah!" Chen Yuan nodded excitedly, "Look, Bai Ning has a good-looking heart and talent. If I'm not a woman, I will definitely chase her!"

"If it's an original song, then it should surprise fans, or she just wants to take advantage of this show to promote her new song?"

No wonder Chen Yefeng thought about it this way. After all, he asked Fatty Yan to take care of her a lot. According to Fatty Yan's status in the entertainment industry and his own face, that would definitely not be said.

This show may be just to hold Bai Ningxin!

Like other guests who participated in the show just now, they either sang their old songs or sang covers, but she is the original.

This is very intriguing, OK!

Although listening to the singing, the other guests do have the strength, but there is no way, a few of these people sing other people's songs after all, and no matter how good they sing, they will eventually lose a little meaning.


at last.

As the last guest to appear, Bai Ningxin appeared on the stage, and her figure appeared on the TV.

As she saw that night, she was still wearing a white dress, with long black hair like a waterfall draped behind her, with a light makeup, and she looked very elegant.

"Hello everyone, this is Bai Ningxin."

Holding the microphone, Bai Ningxin introduced herself and bowed slightly.

after all.

Without the support of fans, she might not have made this step at all.

"Actually, I was very scared of today's show. I was afraid that my performance would be abnormal and disappoint the fans who supported me."

"However, the appearance of one person made me regain my confidence. His appearance felt more like a rescuer sent by God."

This word came out.

Many of Bai Ningxin's fans were stunned.

who is it?

Who is it! ?

Let Bai Ningxin, who had not had enough confidence in him, regain his confidence! ?


"Brother, I feel as if my heart is talking about you..." Chen Yuan looked at Chen Yefeng after hearing it, and immediately laughed madly.

"Say me? Tell me what am I doing?"

"That means it must be because my brother is so handsome!"

"Your mouth is sweet!" Chen Yefeng stretched out his finger and nodded Chen Yuan's forehead.

"You haven't tasted it again, how do you know sweetness!"

"It's yours, I'll take my brother to get rid of it again, absolutely don't forgive you!" Chen Yefeng knocked on Chen Yuan's forehead and continued to watch TV.

And Bai Ningxin on the TV also continued to speak at this time.

"What I bring to you today is an original song." Bai Ningxin said with a smile, "The name of the song is-Yu!"

Along with the sound of the tune, Bai Ningxin's singing gradually sounded.


"It's all to blame for the rain in such a hurry,

Blame there is no place to hide from the rain.

Will bump into your arms,

Fall into your deep eyes.

I blame the dreams for being too blurred,

I blame you for being too clear.

I always hear the rain ticking in my ears,

I can't forget your gentle expression..."


When Bai Ningxin's elegant singing sounded, everyone couldn't help but a picture appeared in their minds.

The originally clear sky suddenly started to rain, but she who wanted to hide from the rain accidentally ran into someone else's arms.


This song is naturally created by Bai Ningxin's recollection of scenes that happened last night.

She is very fortunate that she has so many fans supporting her, and of course she is even more fortunate that the person who encourages herself with singing.

Don't know what happened, Bai Ningxin, who returned home that night, always had a figure in his mind.

The gentle eyes and the slight caring made her unforgettable.


"Since the day I met you,

My heart no longer belongs to me.

I see you no matter where you are,

Missing is like a shadow.

Can’t guess what this is,

How can I think of you in the dark.

Is it the love they said,

Has quietly broken into my heart..."


When the song ended, thunderous applause broke out.

Compared with other people singing other people's songs, or songs that are already very old, it is clear that Bai Ningxin's original song that no one has heard has gained more support and resonance.

Just like Bai Ningxin sang.

"I can't guess what this is. How can I think of you in the dark and dark.

Could it be that this is the love they are talking about, has quietly broken into their hearts. "

Many people are attracted by this simple but easy-to-understand lyrics.


After Bai Ningxin’s singing was over, this show also entered the final fan voting session.

can be seen.

The number of votes that belonged to Bai Ningxin couldn't stop at all, just like drinking a pulse.

And the last three referees gave me the score, and also gave the highest score for the players in this season's show.


Bai Ningxin also took the first place in the show with a nearly crushing attitude.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yuan also cheered happily.

"As expected of the woman my brother has instructed, I knew Xinxin she would definitely be able to do it!"

"I didn't point her to me. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have gone up that night at all!" Chen Yefeng smiled. "But there is a saying that she is really good at singing. Although her singing skills are not good, it is all right. Practice slowly.


I think in time, after systematic training, I believe her singing skills are likely to be one step closer! "

"But, I feel that my heart is singing very well now!" Chen Yuan hugged Chen Yefeng's arm and leaned affectionately on his cousin's shoulder, looking very satisfied with me.

"Does it sound good?" Chen Yefeng slapped his tongue twice, "It feels okay, even worse than me."

"Of course, you are my Chen Yuan's elder brother!" The little girl chuckled, patted her chest, and the shirt shook with her movement.

"Brother, I decided!

I want to be a singer in the next season, I definitely want to participate, and I want to be a big star just like my heart! "

"You?" Chen Yefeng frowned upon hearing this.

"What's the matter, can't I participate?" Chen Yuan pouted, "Isn't there an old saying, there is no difference between people without dreams and salted fish!"

"Then there is an old saying that the salted fish is still salted if it turns over!" Chen Yefeng teased.

"I don't care. I will definitely participate in the second season of the game. When the time comes, you can just support me!"

"Support the scene? What scene?"

"Um... like playing music, dancing, or writing a song for me by the way!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

After reaching out and knocking the little girl's head, Chen Yefeng glanced at the time, it was too early, and he simply stood up from the sofa and said.

"What time is it, I am ready to go to bed."

"Why sleep for a long time before you die, you will sleep forever after death.

Brother, will multiplayer sports come? ? "

Seeing Chen Yuan pinching his waist with his hands and looking energetic, Chen Yefeng was slightly taken aback.

"Do you have the ability to say it again?"


"Brother, multiplayer sports will come!"

Chen Yuan said it obediently, and the result was self-evident, Chen Yefeng's fingers were bent again, and Chen's head knocked on him fiercely.

"Oh, brother, didn't you let me say it? I said, you still bully me, huh, don't talk to you!"

When Chen Yefeng heard it, he was immediately amused.

"If I let you say it, just say it, why don't you hurry up if I let you go to sleep!"

"This is different!"

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