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Chapter 324: Isn't this just talking about the law?

"Lick the bag!" Chen Yefeng sighed.

"Come on, my little sister obeyed!" Chen Yuan immediately laughed happily when he heard his cousin's words, and immediately ran over and began to lick the bag as if he were visiting a shopping mall.

"Wow, brother, there are so many things in it, there are two eightfold mirrors!"

"So many medicines, and so many bullets, wow, I saw so many things for the first time!"

Listening to the excitement made by her little girl while licking her bag, Chen Yefeng also smiled helplessly and dozingly.

It's no wonder that my little girl is so excited. After all, I don't have my brother to take her. Nine out of ten will fall into a box. This can be seen through the super-skilled skydiving technique of the little girl.

"Brother, do you want something!" After Chen Yuan picked it up, he didn't forget to ask his cousin.

"Let's take it for me!" Chen Yefeng replied. The little girl was also excited and once again put the good things that she had deliberately left to her cousin in her bag.

After everything was settled, Chen Yefeng also greeted her little girl to start running poison.

After all, the Scourge Circle, without a car, can only run away.

With his little princess, the two brothers and sisters are also rushing towards the safe area.

As a result, what made Chen Yefeng most annoyed was that the Scourge Circle even followed him in the bombing zone!

"Brother, something is not quite right today!" Chen Yuan looked at the bombing area, pouting, as if the baby had been targeted.

"Yes, I don't know when this bombing zone will follow us!" Chen Yefeng also sighed helplessly.

However, he can still accept, who makes himself look too handsome, it should be targeted!

Fortunately, not long after the siblings, they saw a jeep not far away.

This feeling is like a person who has been lost in the desert for a long time and is too thirsty, suddenly seeing an oasis, don't mind how excited and excited there is!

"Brother, there is a car ahead!" Chen Yuan, the sharp-eyed little girl, immediately cried out excitedly when she saw it.

"Where are you!?" Chen Yefeng heard it and took a look at it slightly, only to see a car not far ahead diagonally.


Chen Yefeng exclaimed excitedly. Even if it might only have one block of oil, it would be much faster than if the two of them kept running with the little girl.

The two rushed towards the jeep too. As long as they got in the car, they would definitely not have to worry about running drugs.

And, most importantly, maybe you can get rid of this bombing zone quickly!

Halfway through the run, Chen Yefeng didn't know why, and suddenly brows twitched.

The so-called left eye jumping for wealth and right eye jumping for disaster, Chen Yefeng suddenly felt a very vague premonition!

Recalling the scene outside the airport just now, Chen Yefeng suddenly had a very absurd idea.

Will this car be killed by the bombing zone?

When Chen Yefeng had such a ridiculous mentality, he ran to the front because Chen Yuan, who was agitated by the car, looked at when he was a few meters away from that jeep.

As a result, I saw a huge explosion in the jeep ahead!


A jeep that was good at first turned into a pile of broken copper and iron in the blink of an eye!


Chen Yefeng saw this scene and was stunned on the spot, not knowing what to say.

This is such a special self is really just thinking about it, why did you really blow up me!

Damn, the Blue Hole didn't mean that I was handsome and was deliberately targeting me?

If this is the case, shouldn't I let my sister go directly to buy the blue hole!

Anyway, my family has a big business, let alone buying a blue hole, even if it is ten, one hundred, or one thousand, it is not a problem.

However, if this is the case, it will not change the result of being bombed!

Moreover, if you really want to buy, it will definitely not be so fast, and you can't transfer money to WeChat within a second.


When Chen Yuan saw this scene, he also pouted, looking sullen and extremely aggrieved.

This baby is just as old as a car, how can I say it is gone!

"Brother, the car is gone again!"

"I saw it..." Listening to the complaining voice of her little girl, Chen Yefeng said that he was also very difficult to do.

There is no way, this bombing zone is deliberately targeting itself!

Whatever you want, it will destroy it!

"Brother, then, what should we do now?" Of course, Chen Yuan just complained casually, anyway, she didn't care about this, she just had to follow her cousin behind!

Because my cousin said, I just need to be a little princess quietly, and I don't need to worry about the others.

Fans in the live broadcast room also ridiculed.

"Uncle, tell the truth, what on earth did you do to make the bombing zone target you so much!"

"Uncle, tell the truth, did you not wash your hands in the toilet last night, or how unlucky!"

"All I said, to be a man must be fraternity, you can't refuse the little sister, as a bargaining force for the family, you must fraternity!"

"Yes, for men, can this be called fraternity, can this be called a scumbag, this is obviously a home for all women in the world, this is a warm man!"

"My uncle is probably getting UZI in my heart now, and my sister has been beaten in the face again!"

"Last time I brought my sister, this time I brought the real sister. As a result, you lost one time, brother, and another time. Isn't this dead waste?"

"Brothers who think Brother is trash, please type the words dead trash on the public screen!"

"Please don't praise the anchor casually, please post more, just use waste to motivate the anchor!"


Looking at the barrage, Chen Yefeng almost spit out old blood.

This means that he is handsome and thick-skinned, and he is not afraid of fans ridicule. If he is replaced by another rookie anchor, he will probably be guilty of a cerebral hemorrhage!

However, I can't blame myself for this. It is obvious that this bombing zone saw that I was too handsome and deliberately aimed at myself, is it good?

"Brother, then you said, the car is gone, and the safe zone is so far away from us, what should we do next?"

Listening to her little princess's inquiry, Chen Yefeng also smiled and said, "Then what do you think?"


Chen Yuan held his head high and thought about it slightly.

"Run drugs, or what else can we do!"

"How much medicine do you have?"

"It's okay, brother, I have a lot of things on me, don't worry, if you don't have enough, just ask me for it, just take care of it!"

Listening to the proud voice of her little princess, Chen Yefeng couldn't help but laugh.

no way.

My little princess is like this. When she is smart, she is a headache, and when she is silly, she is silly and cute.

"Brother, this bombing zone is too annoying, for the first time I think the bombing zone is so annoying!"

"Don't be afraid, if you have the ability, it will blow up this car again!"

As soon as Chen Yefeng finished saying this, he saw that this car, which had been scrapped to no good, was bombed again!

"This..." Chen Yefeng was completely stunned.

What kind of self does this count as utterance? What do you say, let you blow it up, you blow it up, you really don't give me Chen Yefeng, the world's most handsome face!

The fans in the live broadcast room were all stunned.

"I really understand it, no wonder my eldest brother brought all three rookie chickens to get such good results in the domestic competition!

It's because of this reason after doing it for a long time! "

"The thinking upstairs is extremely scary, think about it carefully, it seems that a team of people is always eliminated by Skyfire in that game, brother, tell the truth, did you arrange this!"

"Uncle said that I don't remember this pot!"

"Brothers, the manipulator of Skyfire already knows who it is. Weibo takes the big brother, do you understand what I mean?"

"Damn, my eldest brother's mouth is amazing, no wonder so many young ladies like to play with my eldest brother, this mouth, tut!"

"There is something wrong with you upstairs, you just tell me what your uncle's mouth is, and you don't say anything specific, you are not deliberately trying to fool us!?"


The barrage of Chen Yefeng’s live broadcast was raging, and after Chen Yuan was stunned, he took a reluctant look at the jeep that had been bombed twice, and then asked with some doubt: "Brother, why? What do you say!?"

"Um..." Chen Yefeng didn't know what to say, so he could only find a reason and said, "This is just a coincidence, a coincidence!"

"Really?" Chen Yuan was particularly depressed!

"Of course, or else you really think you can do whatever your brother said!?"

"That's for sure, my brother is so powerful, isn't it normal?" Chen Yuan suddenly turned into a qualified little fan.

"It's only occasional, I'm lucky. If I say it every time, it would be too unreliable!" Chen Yefeng smiled, and then continued talking: "If you really say something, what do you mean? , Have the ability to come to another bombing zone!"

As a result, Chen Yefeng had just finished talking here, and in the lower left corner, the disappearing red area near the two of them appeared again!


Chen Yefeng was stunned. I was really just talking casually. How could this guy really open a bombing zone for himself.

Fans in the live broadcast room also booed again.

"Now we know why we let Brother Uncle pretend to be the leader of the family. With this mouth, Brother Uncle, no one can easily defeat him!"

"It turns out that this is the true strength of the eldest brother, it is in Xialong Aotian clothing!"

"Big Uncle, the mana is boundless, unifying the Jedi to survive, pretending that the family is unmatched!"

"Brothers, let us rush to Su Liyang's live broadcast room, this stuff has sinned against our elder brother!"

Seeing that there are some fans with unknown goals in rhythm, Chen Yefeng is helpless.

After all, you don't know whether he is a black fan or a reverse fan, or a brain fan.

Of course, since this kind of thing happened, Chen Yefeng would not be afraid of it.

there is always a solution to a problem!

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