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Chapter 325: Waiting for the fish to take the bait

The car must not be able to drive, Chen Yefeng had no choice but to greet her little princess to continue her drug-traveling journey through mountains and rivers.

"Brother! We are too far away from the safe zone!"

Chen Yuan looked at the safe zone far away, and his whole body was not well.

Although this is most likely the longest game she has lived since she came into contact with PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, it is a bit boring.

In addition to running poison, it is on the way to running poison!

And what Chen Yuan wanted to do was to follow his cousin to kill and kill, to cross the survival island, not to run drugs like this infinitely!

"There is no way, who will let us without a car."

Looking at the safe area, Chen Yefeng also had a headache, but he couldn't help it. This man was unlucky enough to drink cold water.

What's more, he now feels that he seems to be a bit bad luck, not just bad luck.

But very unlucky! ! !

It stands to reason that the safe zone is so far away. Chen Yefeng should have taken a shortcut. However, after calculating and calculating in his heart, he found that even if he took the shortcut, he would never reach the safe zone at all, so he had to shorten the run Under the premise of distance, try to run poison along some car brush points as much as possible.

After about a few dozen seconds, the excited voice of my little princess came from the headphones.

"Brother, there is a kart ahead!"

"Kart?" Chen Yefeng was stunned, "What's the mess, you little girl, what else can you say nonsense!"

"It's a bouncing car!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Is this really a thing! ?

This prodigal little princess!

I saw that Chen Yuan ran towards the kart in his mouth full of joy, and seemed to be happy that he finally didn't have to run poison.


Just when Chen Yuan had just ran about half of the distance.

Boom! ! !

The go-kart in the little girl's mouth was smashed into a pile of broken copper and iron.

"This is so..."

Chen Yefeng couldn't help it, and began to explode.

Although it is now advocating civilized live broadcast to support positive energy, the method in front of him is really intolerable!

My day you dam! ! !

Chen Yefeng felt that he was going crazy. This was the first few times, and it was a matter of repeating it again and again. He didn't expect this to happen three times in a row.

Blue Hole, you're afraid that you didn't see me being handsome, and deliberately aimed at me! ! !

Fans in the live broadcast room didn't know what to say.

"I said, elder brother, you must have done something hurtful, otherwise it would not be so miserable!"

"Uncle, tell the truth, what have you been doing recently? Did you go to the toilet without washing your hands!"

"This is more maddening than blowing up the eldest brother, but, to say something that shouldn't be said, anyway, I am looking at the heart of the people!"

"After all, the brute anchor, it is reasonable to encounter such a brute bombing zone. Don't panic, don't be surprised!"

"You have enough, don't blackmail my elder brother anymore. As the brother-in-law of elder brother, I am determined not to laugh at your elder brother!"

"Xiao Yuan is so pitiful. I thought I could eat chicken with my brother, but I never expected that all the unfortunate things would happen!"



Listening to her little princess's dissatisfaction in the earphones, Chen Yefeng also sighed slightly.

Who is this to blame, the Blue Hole is aimed at him, or is he too unlucky?

After thinking about it, Chen Yefeng just felt that this could only be to blame for being too handsome, or else he would be targeted everywhere for no reason!

"Brother, I feel something is not right today!"

The little girl who had complained to her cousin was also a serious analysis.

"Brother, think about it, even if we are unlucky, we have to have a degree, but look at it, now that we two brothers and sisters can no longer be described in the word unlucky, it is simply very unlucky.

It's just unlucky **** opened the door for unlucky, unlucky got home! ! ! "

"Brother, what can you do?"

Chen Yefeng twitched at the corner of his mouth, "You ask me, I ask who to go, I also want to find a way, but the problem is that there is no way at all. Is it possible that we can still fight the bombing zone?"

"Of course it's impossible." Chen Yuan said.

"Then it's over." Chen Yefeng sighed, "Forget it, let's continue running, the big deal is to be poisoned to death, the big deal is to start the next game early!"

After Chen Yuan responded, he followed his cousin to continue toward the safe zone.

Now the two people no longer have any illusions about such things as vehicles. Obviously, the bombing zone took the wrong medicine today and deliberately aimed at themselves!

The two brothers and sisters, one after another, continued to move towards the safe zone. Of course, neither of them knew anything.

On their only way to enter the safe zone, many fans have been waiting for a long time.


In another YY channel, some fans who were not lined up with Chen Yefeng and Ye were passing on some information to the organizer, that is, Ye Ge from time to time.

"Justified by heaven!"

After Cai Tou heard it, he didn't feel anything wrong. It was not too many for this kind of animal anchor to be bombed by sky fire ten times a day.

"Uncle brother was given justice by heaven!"

"This is not very normal! Who will let him brag without blinking!"

After about a few minutes!

"Damn! Big brother was blinked again!"

"What the hell!?" Hearing the report again, Ye Ge was a little anxious. "In fact, I can't say that I am anxious, I can only say that I have been sniping for so long in vain.

It was hard to gather so many people to stop him. If this is because of the bombing area and let him escape, wouldn't it be too cheap for him? "

"It wasn't that he was bombed, to be precise, the car was bombed again!"

Listening to the explanation of the good brother, Ye Ge was also stunned.

What kind of detrimental things did this guy do? Although he was fine, he didn't even have a car to run drugs!

Looking at the safe zone so far away, Brother Ye felt that this eldest brother must have done something damaging to the heavens, or else it makes no sense. It is the bombing zone and the scourge circle!

Moreover, I am here to bring justice to countless big brothers who pretend to be in the family! ! !

"To be honest, my uncle is a bit unlucky today!"

"This is not a very normal thing, the uncle is so brutal, so unfortunate is also a matter of course!"

"But, what should I do if my brother-in-law is killed halfway by the bombing area? Wouldn't the brothers wait for a long time for nothing by then!?"

"If he really becomes a box halfway, then we can laugh at him, otherwise, we can snipe him and take away small wishes, so no matter what, we will not suffer!"

A group of people continued to squat silently while discussing, waiting for Chen Yefeng to take the bait.

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