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Chapter 326: Chen Yefeng was sniped


After about five minutes, some fans who did not line up with Chen Yefeng, but kept watching him all the time, heard good news.

"Brothers, hurry up and get ready, elder brother is coming soon!!!"

"Damn, this **** has finally arrived, and we must let him know today, who is responsible for pretending to be the family!"

"Brothers, all cheer up, kill the eldest brother, take away the little wish!"

After Ye Ge heard it, the whole person was immediately refreshed, and at the same time he quickly issued instructions: "Brothers, it's still the same sentence, Brother Ye will come later, beat Lao Tzu to death, remember not to hurt Little wish, kill elder brother, I will give elder brother a red envelope!"

"Don't worry, Brother Ye, the brothers have specified that you won't let Brother Uncle get too comfortable!"

"Brother Ye, what do you mean, are we the ones who are coveting your red envelopes? We just look at the uncle's unpleasantness!"

"That's right, you're too indifferent when Ge Ge mentioned the red envelope, but how big is the red envelope!?"

"Even if there is no red envelope, we will also specify to help you arrange the big brother!"

"Brother uncle is a shame for me to pretend to be a family. It is our duty to clean up the door today!"

"That is, occupying so many young ladies, and in the end I dare not even let go of the fart, he must be arranged!"


"By the way, I don't know if I should tell you one more thing!" That was not in the same round as Chen Yefeng, and the person in charge of monitoring said again.

"What's the matter, don't be like a lady, hurry up!" Ye Ge immediately said impatiently.

After all, he could immediately punish this brutal eldest uncle, and it would be impossible for Ye Ge not to get excited.

Even if you dare to grab a small wish with yourself, even if you are her brother, you must have a good education to let you know what it means to be someone outside the world, there is a genius outside the world!

"Well, Brother Uncle is a little different today."

"It's not the same?" Ye Ge was also slightly stunned when he heard that he immediately said: "You tell me how is he different?!"

"Um... you may not believe it. He is following the bombing area, and the bombing area has followed him all the way. It's really evil! The person watching is particularly puzzled: "If you don't believe it, when he comes over, You should be able to see it! "

"What the hell, the bombing zone followed him all the way!?" After Ye Ge heard it, he also subconsciously glanced at the small map in the lower right corner of his own.

It's not so good, there is indeed a red area not far in front, not too far away from you, doesn't this red area represent a bombing area!

Rumble! ! !

The sound of the explosion came from the front, causing Ye Ge to look forward subconsciously.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, it's startled at first glance.

I saw,

Not far in the front, there are two people running hard in tandem, if it's just this, it's not a big deal.

The most important thing is that there are explosions happening around these two people from time to time, which can be said to be running away from the bombed area!

"I'll go! Uncle brother didn't read the almanac from time to time when he went out today, so unfortunate!"

Ye Ge, who had never encountered such a situation before, could be said to be stunned directly in place. This was really incredible, and the bombing area was chasing after the bombing.

Brother brother, what on earth did you do to get such a luxurious treatment!

Brother Ye shook his head and sighed, feeling a pity for his little wish, but there is no way, whoever makes Xiao Yuan the sister of the elder brother, there is no way.

Of course, none of this is important for now.

The important thing is.

When Ye Ge found out that the red area in front of him disappeared, the place near him on the minimap turned into a red area again.

In other words, here I have become a new round of bombing zone!

"This is so..." Ye Ge was almost cursing.

I hid here well, but after the eldest brother came, the bombing zone followed. Isn't this a brute anchor?

"Brother Ye, what shall we do? Do you want to hide, bombing the area!"

"What are you afraid of? It's natural for my eldest brother to be chased and bombed by the bombing zone. We don't do anything wrong and don't be afraid!"

"Yes, the bad luck of the elder brother is his business, we must not be as bad as him!"

"This bombing zone is obviously coming towards him. If we hadn't stopped here, this is his only way. In other words, he would still have to be bombarded when he came over!"

"Don't say anything, cheer up!" Ye Ge greeted everyone and also gave them some warnings.

"Anyway, my eldest brother is a world-class professional player. We can't be careless. Although there are too many ants, we can kill elephants, but we still have to be careful and careful. We must not underestimate him. !"

"Don't worry, Brother Ye, we still know the truth!"

"Uncle brother is right in front, brothers, don't be polite and beat me to death!"

"Remember, don't accidentally hurt our princess's little wish, just hit the brute anchor, brother brother!"

"Brothers, remember, all of us don't wear a shirt, but don't beat our own people. It's a waste of money, brother!!!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely make arrangements for Brother Uncle clearly!"

While a group of people on YY channel discussed, Chen Yefeng, who took her little princess to the iron bridge, was immediately dumbfounded after witnessing this strange scene.

I see.

At the front of the bridge, on the iron bridge, behind the rock beside the iron bridge, more than a dozen guns were stretched out instantly, and a dozen people fired frantically at him.

"Brother, what's the situation!" Chen Yuan was also cold.

"You ask me who I want to go!" Chen Yefeng didn't know what to say.

"Brother, how many people did you order?"

"Is the double ranking I ordered!?" Chen Yefeng muttered as he hid, "How do these people feel like they are waiting here on purpose!?"

"Damn, I was sniped, right?"

Naturally, Chen Yefeng was not a fool, and he knew what was going on after a little thought.

It must be some fans deliberately taking the lead!

"Brother, what are we going to do now, I feel that the opposite side seems to be an illegal team!" The little girl also smelled something wrong.

"Don't worry, follow brother!"


After Chen Yefeng finished speaking, he greeted his little princess to find a small **** as a shelter to avoid being killed by random guns.

The fans in the live broadcast room were almost laughing.

"Uncle, what's the matter with you, how domineering you were just now, just a few people are actually persuaded? You are still not a man!?"

"Haha, elder brother, do you still want to bring Xiaoyuan to eat chicken? Don't be ashamed, let me change me now!"

"Hand in the gun and don't kill, bah! Jiao Xiaoyuan will not kill!"

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