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Chapter 332: One hundred planes!

"Of course, you don't see who the brother is!"

Chen Yefeng didn't pay attention to it, and it was very natural to put the cup up.


"Uncle brother is starting again, be careful of bombing the area!"

"Okay, the scar is forgotten to hurt? Forgot how you were punished by the bombing zone just now?"

"Uncle brother, this is just itchiness, just get used to it!"

"Is this the lever of pretending to be the family? It's really funny!"

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Chen Yefeng waved his hand disdainfully, and said, "I am self-confidence. I don't understand self-confidence, and that's right, people like you. I don't understand my handsome mind. "

"Brother, you are right." Chen Yuan also agreed with a smile.

"Brother. But you are a little bad!"

"Huh? What's wrong with brother?" Chen Yefeng asked suspiciously.

"Brother, you don't love your cute, charming, sensible sister!"

"Why don't I hurt anymore!"

"When you were a kid, you kept talking to Xiao Yuan, now that you grow up, you start to dislike me!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

It was because I was ignorant when I was a child, and I played home. Now that I have grown up like this, can it be the same! ?


The explosion of the sky fire falling in the bombing area sounded at this time, which can be regarded as alleviating Chen Yefeng's embarrassment.

The people in the live room couldn't stand it anymore.

"Brother, are you a man? You can bear this!?"

"That's right, Big Uncle, Xiao Yuan is provoking you, this can't be a good punishment!?"

"Uncle, if you don't punish Xiao Yuan, he will dare to push his nose on the face another day!"


Looking at the barrage, Chen Yefeng coughed slightly and said earnestly.

"Little wish, it used to be before, now is now, this is different!"

"What's the difference, I am still your obedient, cute and charming baby sister!"

"This is true, but the problem is that you have grown up now!"

"So what!" Chen Yuan pouted and coquettishly, "In front of Brother, Xiao Yuan will always be a child!"

"You don't understand, what brother said is big, not a single age!"

"Ah? What do you mean?" The little girl was immediately confused.

When it was over, my cousin started to say something that he didn't understand at all! ! !

"It's nothing, come here, I will show you a baby!"

While talking, Chen Yefeng took out a shock bomb and threw it out, and Chen Yuan also subconsciously moved the mouse when he heard his cousin's words.

The result is self-evident, with only a buzzing sound, the screen instantly turns white!

"Brother, what are you doing!?"

"It's okay, just wash your mind!" Chen Yefeng said with a black face.

In fact, Chen Yefeng's purpose is also very simple. It is to divert the attention of her little princess, so that she doesn't always worry about these things.

Otherwise, the brother myself is too Alexander, it is too challenging to endurance!

Fans in the live broadcast room can't stand it anymore.

"Uncle, you are running away again, you should face it boldly!"

"Yes, brothers must see a result today!"

"What a good sister, how can you bear to start with Uncle? Then, everyone is brothers. I will suffer a bit. Let me come!"

"Break up and kick my sister-in-law, our Xiaoyuan is 10,000 times better than her, OK?"

"I really envy my elder brother who has such a clingy sister. I am different. I fight with my sister every day!"

"The one upstairs is okay, at least there is a younger sister! You can't experience the feeling of an only child like me!!!"

"Evil elder brother, quickly apologize to Xiaoyuan!"


Chen Yefeng looked at the barrage, also very helpless, who knows this kind of sister, it is really helpless.

Helplessly, the corners of Chen Yefeng's lips almost reached the back of his head.


The bombing area seemed to be exaggerated by the anger of fans in the live broadcast room, and the bombing continued.


A prompt appeared in the upper right corner, and four more appeared in an instant.

The four people suffered misfortune in the bombing zone!

Just when Chen Yefeng felt regretful for the tragic experience of these four people, he saw another screen-like killing prompt appeared in the upper right corner!


"Woshishenxian knocked down gggfff with SKS headshot..."


"Woshishenxian knocked down tttfff with SKS headshot..."


"Woshishenxian killed Datadan with a headshot of SKS..."


"Woshishenxian killed matafeijian with SKS headshot..."



Chen Yefeng glanced slightly, and instantly understood the ID!

I am a fairy!

Chen Yefeng swears to the sky that he has never seen such an arrogant person when he grows up. I'm afraid that others don't know that he is open!

What's more, the gun of his idol's fame is used, which is a hint to not want it!

Looking at the series of kill reminders in the upper right corner, he felt a kind of domineering domineering.

Worthy of being a god, his parents sacrificed to the heavens, and sure enough the magical power is boundless!

The gods who suddenly began to exert their strength caused the number of more than thirty people still alive to be rapidly reduced.

In the blink of an eye, half of the number of survivors was left.

Fans in the live broadcast room also gloated at this time.

"It's over, elder brother, you treat Xiaowan like this, the gods can't stand it, ready to clean up you!"

"The eldest brother is really a shame in the world of leading sisters. He has never successfully brought a sister to eat chicken!"

"Big brother upstairs, do you know that brother brother didn't let younger sister successfully eat chicken?"

"You are not right, you always feel that there is something in your words, please come with me, please, I will make a transcript!"

"Uncle brother, let me take care of Xiaoyuan from now on, you can quickly find a solution to the gods!"

"Upstairs, I think you are a toad and want to eat swan meat!"

Having quit the game, Ye Ge, who was in Chen Yefeng's live broadcast room, also laughed and said, "If you can take my goddess to eat chicken, I will fly a hundred planes!"

"Fogcao! Brother Ye is planning to take care of your uncle? One hundred planes are about to catch up with my breakfast money!!!"

"Brother Ye, see if I can do it, although I don't have a handsome brother, but I have a strong body and can endure hardship!"

"Uncle, please promise Ye Ge. Ye Ge a hundred planes as a gift is not enough!?"


Naturally, Chen Yefeng saw the barrage sent by Brother Ye, and when he looked at this guy, he seemed to be preparing to see his own joke, and he also dismissed it with a smile.

"It's just a mere fairy, I haven't encountered any kind of plug-in Chen Yefeng, but Zhu Xian, this is not a trivial matter to me!?"


"I didn't shoot!" Chen Yuan pouted aggrievedly, "Brother, you know to blame me!"

"It's not you who is it?" Chen Yefeng was stunned.

"I do not know either!"

"You don't know, but the voice came from behind me. Just stay behind me!"

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