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Chapter 333: Uncle brother calm down!


Just when Chen Yefeng had just pretended to be over, suddenly a gunshot rang next to him, and then Chen Yefeng found that his health had dropped a little.

"Xiao Yuan, did you shoot randomly again!" Listening to the gunshots coming from behind him, Chen Yefeng couldn't help but asked his little princess.

No way, who always makes this little girl a headache when playing games.

"Brother, I swear to the lamp, not me!"

As soon as my little princess finished speaking, there was a bang again, and Chen Yefeng's blood volume dropped again.

At this time, Chen Yefeng was completely confused.

Because the little princess in front of her was motionless, which means she did not fire the shot just now.


Who fired this shot! ?

Could it be this god! ?

At this point, Chen Yefeng also reminded her little princess.

"Little wish, pay attention, this is not an ordinary god!"

"It's okay, brother, Xiao Yuan believes you, you can definitely kill this plug-in!" Chen Yuan immediately cheered on his cousin.

"Generally, I am not afraid of self-seeing or something. The problem is that this person can penetrate the wall, which is a bit difficult!"

Chen Yefeng's voice fell behind, and immediately another gunshot sounded, and then he could see that his blood volume had dropped a lot again.

Looking at the airtight look around him, Chen Yefeng can be considered to understand, this is not a simple fairy, it is not comparable to the kind of micro-self-pointing perspective, this function of penetrating the wall ranks among the fairy In the list, if you say less, you have to rank in the top five.

Chen Yefeng also knows that there are a lot of plug-ins, and there are people who have made a special plug-in ranking list, like the number one, the plug-in of the emperor of heaven, that is to blow up the plane directly at the beginning, so that no one has any game experience.

At this moment, fans of Chen Yefeng's live broadcast room were also instantly happy.

"Animal anchor, you also have today? Think about the way you pretended just now, then look at the way you are now, and ask if you can slap your face!"

"I have said it many times, don't pretend to be forced, pretended to be struck by lightning, why don't you listen to my uncle!?"

"Brothers, don't be embarrassed, the eldest uncle just said, generally Xiaoxian would not put it in the eye, just go through the wall, and it is not the emperor who started the bombing of the plane, my eldest brother can do it easily!"

"Yes, I really thought my elder brother didn't have two brushes!?"

"Don't be afraid of your jokes, if my elder brother meets a plug-in, then he has never won!"

When Ye Ge saw this, he smiled and typed and said again: "If you can solve this fairy, I will brush a hundred planes for you, absolutely not breaking my promise!!!"

Although the plug-in through the wall is no better than the super-powerful plug-in of the Emperor of Heaven that started bombing the plane, it is not something ordinary people can do.

Brother Ye is fancy this point, that's why he is so arrogant, knowing that Chen Yefeng doesn't know where he is, and he can't fight at all, so he is so arrogant!

Seeing that Chen Yefeng didn't even know where he was, he was knocked out so much, Ye Ge laughed happily.

On the other side, Chen Yefeng looked at his own blood volume, and quickly took a first aid kit and drank two bottles of drinks.

Even if you die, you can't leave anything for the plug-in.


This plug-in seems to not only penetrate the wall, but also see through. As soon as Chen Yefeng's front foot replenishes the blood volume to the safety line, he was shot again in the back foot, and his blood volume dropped a lot.

"Nima! Don't let me know where you are, or I will let you see what a humanoid plug-in is!"

Seeing Ye Ge provoking himself so recklessly, Chen Yefeng's mouth twitched.

Of course, he can only be incompetent and furious now. After all, he doesn't know where the opponent is. He has good marksmanship, but there is no way at all.

The little girl Chen Yuan is even more depressed. She just wants her cousin to take her to eat chicken. How can this journey feel more difficult than Xitian learning!

It's the bombing zone again, and it's also a plug-in. This is as difficult as ninety-nine and eighty-one, OK!

"Brother, what should we do now!?" Chen Yuan couldn't help asking.

"It's okay, hold on first!"

While soothing her little princess, Chen Yefeng quickly took another first aid kit.

As a result, when Chen Yefeng ran out of a first-aid kit, the plug-in actually shot twice, hitting his blood volume to half blood again.


Chen Yefeng almost cursed.

As the saying goes, a scholar can be killed but not insulted!

This guy actually teased himself so much, he's playing a monkey here! ?

"With the ability, show up to fight with me!" Chen Yefeng couldn't help but roared in the public voice.


As soon as the voice fell, Papa was shot twice again.

"Damn, I said, everyone is out for trouble, can you give me a face? If you don't give me face, don't blame me for not giving you face!"

Although Chen Yefeng threatened with one sentence after another, it seemed that there was no use at all, and the gunfire was still sounding, but this time he did not hit him. Instead, he hit him at his feet with a sense of sight to catch a turtle in the urn.

"If you don't stop, I'm going to come up with my own assassin!"

Chen Yefeng was in a hurry, but the fans in the studio were happy.

"Brothers, my uncle is anxious. After watching the live broadcast for so long, I finally see that my uncle is anxious!"

"Thanks to this fairy for letting us see how the eldest brother was abused!"

"Brothers, put the protection on the public screen!"

"This is not a plug-in, this is a justice executor, this is maintaining the majesty of our pretending family!"

"Ahhhh, youth is over, my brother pretended to fail!"

Even Brother Ye was crazy typing and he said, "I advise you not to pretend to be forced, and quickly admit a mistake to the elder brother, and then hand in the small wish, otherwise, you must be good-looking!"

"Is Chen Yefeng that kind of bullying and fearful of hardship?!"

"I think I was a professional player anyway, let me bow my head with the plug-in, I tell you, this is absolutely impossible!!!"

"As an anchor, a positive energy anchor, promoting positive energy is the duty of my generation!"

"My brother is awesome!"

Chen Yuan, who was Chen Yefeng's number one little fan, immediately clapped her palms in excitement.

However, as soon as the applause fell, Chen Yuan heard a pop in his earphones!

Chen Yefeng's abrupt betting on the table also confuses Chen Yuan and the fans in the live broadcast room.

What is going on! ?

The mentality of being caught up by the plug-in? It's going to be vulgar! ?

I originally thought that my eldest brother was a kind of wantless and gentle person, but I didn't expect that he would be angry too!

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