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Chapter 334: Turn over with sister

"Brother uncle calms down his anger and just hangs out, it won't happen. It won't happen!"

"That's right, don't be angry, brother. Your body is yours. If you are angry, no one will help you!"

"Uncle is angry, we should be happy, what's the matter with you, how can you comfort me!?"

"You don't understand, if the eldest brother is angry and has nowhere to vent, Xiao Yuan will suffer!"

"Upstairs, what you said is too esoteric, I don't quite understand it, dare you dare to elaborate more!"

"It's that first, then that, and then that last, understand!?"

"Ouuuuu, Xiao Yuan is no longer my goddess..."


Just when a group of people including Chen Yuan thought Chen Yefeng was angry, Chen Yefeng spoke again.

"It's impossible to bow your head, you won't bow your head in this life, you can only try to beg for mercy to see if it works!"

Chen Yuan: "???"

"Brother, what do you mean!?"

As soon as the little girl's voice fell, I heard Chen Yefeng's voice full of misery and began to cry.

"Big brother, be forgiving, I have an eighty-year-old mother and two or three-year-old children under me. Please raise your hand and let me go.

As the saying goes, saving one's life is better than building a seventh-level buddha. If you let me go, you won't be able to build a seventh-level buddha. It is simply saving the world! "

Chen Yuan: "..."

Although it sounds a bit speechless at first, but after careful consideration, it seems that something is wrong!

Brother, you mean, you are the world! ?

Saving you is saving the world! ?

As expected of my brother, this is full of routines!

Fans in the live broadcast room can't listen anymore.

"Brother, damn, Bai reacted for you and thought you were angry, but I didn't expect you to..."

"Damn, brother, why don't you have to face it!?"

"I should have known for a long time, how can ordinary people let him break the defense like a brute anchor like Brother Uncle!"

"Uncle, can you be a little bit ambitious, can you not lose our face as a family!"

"Oh, my brother, I didn't expect you to be such a person. I misunderstood you, bah!"

"Brothers, report, spit out!"


Looking at the barrage, Chen Yefeng was about to refute a few words, but he was shot twice.

Obviously, the eldest brother was totally unmoved by his miserable selling!

"Nima!!!" Don't mention how depressed Chen Yefeng was. Everything was fine today, but at night, when I was eating chicken with my little princess, I felt that time flies so slowly.

It's not an exaggeration to use the term living like years to describe it!

After sighing, Chen Yefeng sighed leisurely: "What do you want from me, what do you want~"

When Chen Yuan heard this, he was immediately happy.

You must know that Bai Ningxin's classmate, who was at the same table all over the country, was given to her by your cousin. I didn't expect my cousin to speak casually today, it sounds so nice again.

The fans in the live broadcast room also shook their heads and sighed.

"There is one thing to say, elder brother is a singer who was delayed by the game, what game is still playing, go directly to the face value area!"

"That's right, uncle, hurry up and pack and prepare for debut."

"Brothers in the pretending family, rushed to the sisters in the face value area!"

"Although my elder brother is a bit worse than me, he can be regarded as a talented person. Packing it up, his debut is definitely better than those popular little fresh meats, and the flow is much better!"

"There is one thing to say, I want to be the agent of my brother!"

"If you say that, I have to doubt your true purpose!"

"Are you going for your elder brother's agent? You are going for your sister-in-law! I don't rarely pierce you!"

Chen Yefeng sang a few words slightly, and when he was about to chuck, he heard a series of gunshots.


He was ruthlessly knocked to the ground!


"Woahishenxian used SKS to knock down HeiTian..."


"Ah, brother, why are you smashing down again!" Chen Yuan couldn't help but yelled.

"Stop talking, come and save me!!!"

Chen Yefeng greeted her little princess hurriedly. After all, she had fallen to the ground many times. If she delays for a second, she may be killed directly.

Upon hearing this, Chen Yuan also squatted down quickly and began to save people.

Chen Yefeng also looked at the picture of himself being knocked down with a dark face. It was not that he had no experience of Zhu Xian, but that it was all perspective, self-seeing, which is like this, directly through the wall.

That is to say, in front of him, there is no cover at all, and in front of this plug-in, he is as fragile as a blank sheet of paper!

After being helped by his little princess, Chen Yefeng also hurriedly hit a first aid kit. However, just after the shot, he was shot twice again, and his health dropped a lot.

"Your uncle!" Chen Yefeng couldn't help cursing.

Now he has forgotten all the positive energy anchors and promotion of positive energy.

Now he just wants to bring the most sincere greetings to the eighteenth generation of this plug-in ancestor!

However, Chen Yefeng only greeted a little bit in his heart. After all, as a major anchor, he must always pay attention to his words and deeds. If he is accidentally caught by some caring people, he will add to the flames. Maybe I will be cold.

Chen Yefeng hadn't forgotten that someone seemed to be staring at his live broadcast room, wanting to do it himself.

So, everything, you still have to be careful!

Promote positive energy, start with me!

You must bravely say no to foreigners and dare to fight!

As soon as he thought of this, Chen Yefeng also shouted loudly: "The little plug-in dare to make an axe in front of me? Dawei Tianlong! Da Luo Fa curse is densely red, go and invite that man!

After a short period of stagnation, the barrage in the live broadcast room immediately scrolled.

"Enough, brother, don't consume dead anchors!"

"Uncle brother is rubbing my brother's heat again. It turned out to be a brute, brothers, rushed to me!"

"Although my brother had a cold, he is still active in everyone's heart!"

"Brothers, I will offer incense first!!!"

In an instant.

The barrage in the live broadcast room is full of the word Shangxiang.

Chen Yefeng provoked a plug-in like this, and the result was naturally self-evident.

With the three shots of SKS banging, he was knocked to the ground again.

But this time, the other party was obviously tired of playing and didn't plan to let Chen Yefeng go, so he made up for it and became a box.


"Woshishenxian knocked HeiTian down with SKS headshot..."


"Woahishenxian finally killed HeiTian..."


Looking at his gray screen, Chen Yefeng didn't say anything, but in his heart he greeted this plug-in's eighteenth-generation family again.

After all, some necessary procedures are still indispensable.

For example, the sun, your family, or something...

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