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Chapter 335: The eldest brother is a beast!

"Brother, what should I do?"

Chen Yuan wanted to help her cousin as soon as possible, but every time she thought that she hadn't waited for the little girl to act, her cousin became a box.

So, the little girl panicked!

A cousin my age said that he would be gone, so what should I do by myself? !

"It's okay, as the saying goes, no matter how good the house is, it is only a temporary residence. This small box is our permanent home!"

Chen Yefeng was also particularly depressed. After all, he had already named that man, so he almost moved out his name.

But as a result, this is not scary at all!

Just as Chen Yefeng was thinking very depressed in his heart.

When I heard the YY voice, my little princess rang out with a little angry voice.

"Brother, I'll avenge you!"

Although Chen Yefeng was very speechless in her heart, she was still a little touched. After all, the little girl has grown up, and finally she doesn't need to hide under the wings of her own brother, she can stand up!

At this moment, all the fans in the live broadcast rooms of both parties started to cheer!

"Xiaoyuan has grown up, she has grown up!"

"Yeah, yeah, she is no longer the woman who begged for mercy when she met an enemy!"

"Brothers, the warrior will never return once he has gone. Little wish will bring us a new shock!"

"Little wish, come on, avenge your uncle!"

"Little hope you can rest assured, I will always be the man behind you!"

In this way, the eager wish for revenge, a look of grief and angrily preparing to avenge his cousin, just like a soldier about to go to the battlefield!

However, although the momentum is in place, the atmosphere is rendered quite well.


The result was so bad.

"Be careful..." Although Chen Yefeng didn't expect much of his little princess, the necessary care was still indispensable. After all, he was an older brother.

"Brother, don't worry, I will avenge you!"

While Chen Yuan replied, he was also manipulating the character to take out a fragmented grenade, with a sense of sight that he was ready to pull the bolt and die.

However, as soon as the conversation between the two of them was over, they heard the sound of gunfire.

Next second...


"Woshishenxian used SKS to headshot ShiXiaoYuanA..."


"Um..." Chen Yefeng was stunned.

Although I didn't have much hope for my little princess, but...this is too much.

Once the strong man is gone, he will no longer restore the original. It's just a thought in his heart. I didn't expect that my little princess would really be gone forever!

The little girl who was originally aspiring and determined to avenge her cousin, looked at her gray screen, and also pouted instantly!

"Woo, brother, I was eliminated, ah, ah, Xiao Yuan didn't avenge you!"

"Calm..." Chen Yefeng suppressed his smile and comforted his little princess.

"He was originally a plug-in, even brother is not an opponent, it is normal that you are not an opponent."

"Brother, are you comforting me?" Chen Yuan asked.

The little girl was so happy in her heart, but she heard her cousin accidentally laugh.

At this moment, Chen Yuan's originally excited expression suddenly became a bit resentful.

"Brother, you still laugh at me, you are all to blame!"

"What's wrong with me!?" Chen Yefeng was a little confused, where did he provoke his little princess, and it was okay just now, but suddenly he began to feel resentful.

"I blame you, brother, if it weren't for revenge for you, I wouldn't be a box!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

How do you feel that my little princess seems to have lost the great opportunity to eat chicken? What a joke, my brother is killed in action, she is a teletubbies, how can she eat chicken!

"Okay, blame me on me, let's go." Chen Yefeng finished, and smiled helplessly. There is no way. Being a brother is to spoil his sister. Who makes her little princess like to stick to herself so much.

"Hehe..." Chen Yuan laughed hehe.

However, Chen Yefeng felt an unusual feeling through this laughter.

This little girl, I am afraid that she will make some very unreasonable requests to herself again! ?

"Brother, since you think it's your fault, do you have to make up for me!"

Listening to the tone of her little princess's successful conspiracy, Chen Yefeng also knew that she had been fooled again.

"How do you want me to compensate you?" Chen Yefeng deliberately reminded him just in case: "Say it first, it's impossible!"

In a word, fans in the live broadcast room can't stand it anymore.

"Listen, listen, is the eldest brother still talking about humans? Don't even think about it!"

"Little wish, my elder brother doesn't want me, I won't despise you!"

"Can the one upstairs have a face, I haven't spoken yet!"

"Whoever gave you the courage, dare to hit my wife's attention, all give me the calf, the little wish is mine!"

"Uncle beast, you don't even cherish this kind of opportunity!"

"I suspect that elder brother-in-law may not be able to do it, otherwise it makes no sense to remind Xiao Wish like this!"

"Uncle, you tell the truth, isn't it impossible!"

Looking at the barrage, Chen Yefeng's mouth inevitably pulled out again.

These fake fans! ! !

And after hearing what his cousin said, Chen Yuan also opened his mouth with dissatisfaction.

"Brother, you have changed! You are no longer the good brother who loves Xiaowan!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

"Brother, since you didn't take me to eat chicken just now, let's have another one!"

"What the hell? Come again!" Chen Yefeng's tone couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What's the matter!" Chen Yuan raised his mouth again, and said in a tone that you disliked me: "Brother, you don't love me anymore, you have another woman!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Look, look, what a headache it is to have such a sister!

"Brother, just take me one more sentence!" Chen Yuan saw the miserable behavior, and immediately began to act like a baby.

"It's so late, it's time to go to bed!" Chen Yefeng naturally didn't want to. Although the system has tasks, after all, there is no stipulated time and punishment, so he doesn't need to worry.

What's more, I was really unlucky today. Looking back on just now, good fellow, that is simply not a game played by people, it seems that people all over the world are targeting themselves!

"Sleep!? Brother, what are you suggesting again!"

"My God, Xiaoyuan, she's just a child, how can you treat him like this, brother!"

"Big uncle, I take you as my uncle. It's unforgivable that you want to green me without thinking!"

"Uncle brother, I advise you to be kind and don't do bad things!"

"Brothers, this is not a scumbag!?"

"Uncle, if you dare to broadcast live, just ask if you dare!"

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