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Chapter 339: Ye Jiaxing's old buddy

Chen Yefeng was so heartbroken that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Is he really a popular anchor with nearly tens of millions of people? How do you feel that the people in the live broadcast room are all their own black fans, all of them are a group of fake fans, I can't wait to be angry with myself.

Apart from sadness, Chen Yefeng also quickly released the broadcast.

After the broadcast, Chen Yefeng took a wash and was ready to go to bed.

However, just as he was about to take a good night's sleep, the door of the room was knocked from outside!


Chen Yefeng asked casually, the voice of his little princess was also heard outside.

"Brother, it's me, your cutest, charming, sensible sister!"

"Um..." Chen Yefeng thought it was her aunt, but she didn't expect it to be this little girl, what did she knock on her door this night! ?

What does she want to do! ! !

"Come in, the door is unlocked." Chen Yefeng said, the door of the room was also pushed open by Chen Yuan from the outside.

As the door was slowly pushed open, Chen Yuan's small head also came out of the crack in the door.

"Brother, are you still asleep?"

Chen Yuan opened the door and ran to Chen Yefeng's bed and sat down.

"What do you want?" Chen Yefeng subconsciously pressed the quilt tightly, backed up and leaned on the bed.

"Nothing! I just missed you, come and see you!"

"After reading it, go back to sleep!"

Seeing the serious and lovely appearance of her little princess, Chen Yefeng also said very helplessly.

"Brother, this is for you!"

When Chen Yefeng just wanted to ask something, she saw her little princess acting like a trick, taking out lollipops, apples, bananas, and a packet of snacks from her pajamas pocket.

Looking at the snacks in his little princess's hands, Chen Yefeng was a bit dark.

This big night, this little girl is so edible, tell me, can it be great! ?

"You can eat by yourself, I'm not hungry." Chen Yefeng curled his lips when he finished, and motioned to her little princess to put it away and take it home.

"I can't eat it!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Good guy, I thought it was my little princess who brought it to me, but I didn't expect it to be the leftovers!

Isn't this my good sister Chen Yefeng?

"Then you put it aside, brother will eat it in a while."


Chen Yuan nodded, then turned and ran out.

Just as Chen Yefeng was a little confused and puzzled, she suddenly realized that this little girl had actually brought the garbage she had just eaten over and exchanged it with the trash basket in her room.

"Hey, brother, I will do a full set of dramas!" Chen Yuan smiled, "Brother, so when Mom calls me to get up tomorrow morning, I won't get scolded!"

"I really can't do anything with you." Chen Yefeng smiled helplessly, and began to eat what was left of her little princess.

At the same time, Ye Shengxue, who was accepting her father's conversation at home, protested in dissatisfaction.

For Ye Shengxue, her parents divorced early, and her father can be said to be the person who loves her most in the world.

In the past, Ye Shengxue was very obedient, studied hard, worked hard, would help at home every weekend, and rarely spent money.

However, today Ye Shengxue really can't help it. This is also the first time she has had a temper with her father since she has grown so sensible.

"Dad, I said, I already have a boyfriend!" Ye Shengxue was very depressed, because just now, he was told by his father to take her to see an old friend tomorrow.

Originally, Ye Shengxue didn't think this was a big deal, but she didn't expect that Dad's next sentence made her suddenly wonder what to say.

Dear baby, is there anything more ridiculous than this kind of thing! ?

Ye Shengxue felt like she had subverted her understanding of her father!

For a long time, Ye Shengxue felt that although her father was a bit old-fashioned, he would not deliberately ask herself to do something. Of course, she was also very competitive and obedient.

I even tried my best to get into the Kyoto Academy by myself, but I never expected that some kind of baby boy appeared now! ?

This is simply ridiculous, **** open the door, ridiculously home!

"That kid who sent you home last time?" Ye Jiaxing asked.

"Yeah..." Ye Shengxue nodded, although a little embarrassed, but his eyes were very firm, and he had been firm in this life.

"What Dad introduced to you is ten thousand times better than him!" Although Ye Jiaxing hadn't seen his old man's son, it wouldn't be too bad if he wanted to come. After all, his old man is a person who can't meet ordinary people.

Originally, Ye Jiaxing felt that his old buddy might have forgotten the agreement between the two people, but he didn't expect that he hadn't forgotten it.

This is also a place that makes Ye Jiaxing very excited. Although their identities are very different, the feelings still exist.

"Even if it is one million times excellent, I won't agree!" Ye Shengxue's tone was firm and her eyes were firm.

"You kid..." Ye Jiaxing felt helpless.

I want to be angry, but this is my baby girl after all. I sighed and didn't know what to say.

"Dad, you can't force me to like someone I don't like, anyway I won't agree to it anyway!"

Ye Jiaxing was very entangled in his heart. On the one hand, he still remembered his affection even if he was developed, and on the other hand, he was the baby girl who was dragged by him to the big.

Either way, Ye Jiaxing felt a little hard to choose.

But he is a father after all, so he sighed helplessly after seeing the firm look of his precious daughter.

"Well, you don't like Dad and won't force you."

"Really?" Ye Shengxue was overjoyed when he heard it, "Great, dad, I know you love me the most!"

"Dad, are you hungry? I'll make you supper!"

"Dad is not hungry." Ye Jiaxing shook his head, thinking of what he had agreed with the old man was another moment of worry.

"Dad promises you, but you also have to help dad."

"Hmm, dad you say!"

Ye Shengxue nodded obediently, as long as she didn't agree to this absurd baby pro, she could consider anything else.

"Go to see your Uncle Chen with your dad tomorrow, and explain things to him clearly, or else you let your dad put this old face away!"

"Uncle Chen?" Ye Shengxue was stunned.

She rummaged in her mind for a long time, and did not find out from her memory the uncle Chen her father knew.

"Why am I not impressed!?"

"Of course you have no impression." Ye Jiaxing smiled with a nostalgic look on his face, "This is what your dad met when he was young, and he was a good brother who wore a pair of pants with your dad back then.

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