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Chapter 340: Bad days

"Special, how special is it?" Ye Shengxue asked curiously.

She rarely saw her father describe a person in this way, so she was very curious.

"His family background is very good. Although I don't know much about him, I can feel the temperament that is different from ordinary people. This is not formed by nature. It is accumulated from generation to generation, a kind of innateness. The temperament of coming."

Ye Jiaxing showed a look of nostalgia, with a smile on his face.

"It's just that he doesn't want some people to be like that. Others are very easy-going and approachable."

Ye Shengxue was stunned. It was the first time she saw her dad comment on someone like this.

"and then?"


"Nothing?" Ye Shengxue didn't know what to say.

"Dad's friends are not ordinary people, although Dad actually doesn't know much about him."

"What's the matter, my boyfriend is not an ordinary person." Ye Shengxue said unconvinced.

Because she couldn't help but think of Chen Yefeng, it seemed to be a bit similar to what Dad said. Although it looked a little uncomfortable and mean, there was an unspeakable temperament in the whole person.

This seems to be similar to what my father said, not deliberately pretending, but a temperament that has been accumulated from generation to generation.

If Chen Yefeng just made Ye Shengxue feel a bit similar to the temperament accumulated in the family era that her dad said, then her boyfriend's sister would reveal this temperament at a glance!

Thinking back to the moment when she saw her boyfriend's sister, Ye Shengxue felt endless pressure and a deep fear. She would lower her head very unnaturally and didn't dare to look directly at her.

Perhaps this is the kind of temperament that has been accumulated from generation to generation in Dad's mouth, a kind of forceful aura!

So that during that meal, Ye Shengxue's whole body was always very nervous, and she didn't dare to speak loudly.

However, in the later contact, Ye Shengxue gradually relaxed, because where his boyfriend's sister was, it was a good cold goddess.

He speaks softly, has an elegant manner, and is very caring for people.

At that moment, Ye Shengxue was a little bit jealous of her boyfriend, she could have such a sister.

"Not an ordinary person? How unusual can it be?" Ye Jiaxing smiled and asked calmly, as if he wanted to inquire a little bit about the kind of person who captured his daughter's heart.

"Hmm..." Ye Shengxue thought for a while, and suddenly realized that she didn't know how to describe it.

Some people can't tell what is good, but they just want to like it.


Ye Shengxue didn't know how to describe it. As a talented girl in Kyoto, she was a bit poor in words, so she had to say so.

"It's a handsome guy." Ye Jiaxing laughed twice when he heard his daughter's answer.

"But you can't just look at the surface of a person." Ye Jiaxing also knew that it was useless to say this now. After all, no one was young yet, but he still spoke to persuade him.

"I don't care." Ye Shengxue, who had never played a petty temper, also played a temper this time.

"You child." Ye Jiaxing smiled helplessly, "Go and rest early, and see your Uncle Chen with me tomorrow. Even if you don't agree, you must at least accompany your dad to see it."

"Yeah." Ye Shengxue nodded, then let out a long sigh of relief.

As long as it's not a **** baby boy, everything else is easy to say!


the next day.

After Chen Yefeng woke up, he received a call from his sister. On the phone, Chen Shiyi told him in a gentle voice that he was dressed more handsome and that he was going to meet someone with his parents today.

"Do they even know that there is a son like me?" Chen Yefeng's mouth twitched as he listened to what the older sister on the phone said.

"What's wrong? Angry?" Chen Shiyi said with a smile.

"Of course not!" Chen Yefeng also smiled, "By the way, what kind of wind did our parents smoke this time?"

"Did you say that about your parents!" Chen Shiyi warned, "Do you still remember the baby kiss that my sister told you last time?"

"No, they are real!?" Chen Yefeng felt that his head was big.

What kind of unreliable parents, throw such a big group to their sister, and forget it as a shopkeeper.

I don’t care about my son every day. I didn’t expect another baby boy to appear now!

What age are these? Who is still popular with this stuff! ?

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Chen Shiyi smiled, "In a while, you will pack yourself up and come to Huasheng Hotel with small wishes. Our parents seem to have already rushed over."

"But I already have a girlfriend..." Chen Yefeng said tangledly.

"The one last time?" Chen Shiyi asked.

"Yeah!" Chen Yefeng nodded.

"It's indeed a good girl, but maybe what my dad introduced is not worse than her. What if she is better than her?" Chen Shiyi said with a smile, "You can't make a conclusion early, you have to compare your talents. Row."

"That won't work, I'm a very attentive man!" Chen Yefeng said.

"Yeah, I can't tell, my brother actually wasted a scumbag face."

"Sister, do you talk like that?"

"Well, I won't say it, but I listened to my dad. His old man's daughter is a talented girl in Kyoto." Chen Shiyi continued, "It is not an ordinary person who can enter the Kyoto Academy."

"What's wrong, my girlfriend is too." Chen Yefeng disapproved.

"Anyway, you can come over with a small wish later."

"Isn't it alright?" Chen Yefeng showed a bitter expression, this is too bloody, his own old Chen is simply too unreliable!

"Don't listen to what my sister said?" Chen Shiyi's tone was serious.

"Listen, of course I listen to what my sister said." Chen Yefeng sighed, but had no choice but to agree.

The siblings chatted briefly for a while, and finally Chen Yefeng hung up the phone.

After throwing the phone on the bed, Chen Yefeng also sighed long.

In fact, to be honest, Chen Yefeng said in his heart that he hadn't seen his mom and dad for a long time.

After all, as a son, it is impossible to say things you don't want.

However, Chen Yefeng felt very depressed when he thought of those baby dears.

However, the bed still has to be raised, and it is still necessary to go.

After waking up, looking at her hair in the mirror like a bird's nest, Chen Yefeng also hurriedly took a hot bath to make herself look more energetic.

However, when he walked out after washing, he was a little embarrassed.

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