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Chapter 343: Chen Yefeng who suddenly realized

Although Ye Shengxue was not the first time to come to this luxury hotel, she was still a little shocked by the decoration here.

Seeing the palace-like decoration inside, and the few people who seem to have a different temperament, she took a deep breath.

Needless to say, the person with good temperament in front of him was talking to his father. It must be the father of his boyfriend.

And the woman next to him who was talking to Chen Yuan's mother with a pleasant look must be her future mother-in-law.


Ye Shengxue breathed out a sigh of nothingness, trying to stabilize her mind.

after all.

She even passed the boyfriend and sister level, and the others should be fine.

To know.

Among all the people present, the most temperamental is Chen Yefeng's sister, Chen Shiyi, and Ye Shengxue can even handle her, and the others are definitely not a problem.

"What are you looking at?" Chen Yefeng looked at Ye Shengxue who looked like Grandma Liu had entered the manor. He also smiled and asked softly.

"The decoration here is really luxurious..." Ye Shengxue said casually.

"If you feel good, how about buying it for you?"


"Of course it's fake!"

"I knew you must be teasing me again!" Ye Shengxue made a grimace at Chen Yefeng, and all this fell in the eyes of both parents.

"It looks like we are worrying too much." Chen Jianguo sighed.

In fact, he is the most troublesome. After all, when he told his son about the baby kiss, this **** had a tendency to kill him and disagree.

This made the face-saving Chen Jianguo almost flew to his son on the spot, giving him his favorite big mouth first.

But now it seems that I don't need to worry about being ashamed in front of the old man.

Of course Ye Jiaxing was also relaxed. The two old men looked at their son and daughter like this, and their hearts were slightly relaxed.

It seems that even if there is no such baby relative, the two of them can't stop them from coming together.

Could it be that……

This is the legendary God's will! ?

On the other side, looking at Ye Shengxue pouting, Chen Yefeng smiled slightly.

"If you want, tell me, say it boldly, I will definitely satisfy you!

Of course, you have to pay the price! "

"What's the price!?"

"Did you see the unreliable man on the opposite side, that's my dad, for a while..."

Listening to what her boyfriend said, Ye Shengxue didn't know what else to say.

This guy suddenly doesn't know now, that his baby's relative is himself, and he really doesn't know what to say.

How could there be such a dumb, wrong, how could there be people who react so slowly! ! !

However, Ye Shengxue shook her head very decisively when she saw her boyfriend's serious look.

"You should keep your small vault!"

"What's a joke, I will keep a small vault? This is a good saying, a person must have a dream. If there is no dream, what is the difference from a salted fish?!" Chen Yefeng talked seriously.

"Then you can be a salted fish with dreams!!!"

Seeing the sweet looks of his cousin and future sister-in-law whispering nearby, Chen Yuanyi smiled enviously.

The elders of the two families also laughed from ear to ear, how satisfied they looked!

While the two were talking.

From behind Chen Jianguo, a man with a straight waist, gray hair and a suit and leather shoes walked out.

Although his temperament is not very strong, it is less than one-third of Chen Shiyi, and it is not even comparable to Chen Jianguo.

However, he could still feel a temperament similar to Chen Shiyi's.

"Master, take a seat now, master, they have been waiting for you for a long time!" The man looked at Chen Yefeng with a kind smile on his face.

Although he is only a steward of the Chen family, whether it is Chen Shiyi, Chen Yefeng or Chen Yuan, it can be said that he grew up watching them, and it is understandable to treat them as his own children.

"Uncle Zhang, I've said it so many times, just call me Xiaofeng!" Chen Yefeng smiled, and quickly walked over to help butler Zhang.

"Yes, Uncle Zhang, you just call our names!" Chen Yuan also echoed.

Steward Zhang also showed a kind and pleased smile. This is his master's son and the only heir of the Chen Group in the future!

What you can feel from him can only be education and quality, there will be no other things at all, such as arrogance and domineering, without respect!

Following Steward Zhang, Chen Yefeng took Ye Shengxue into the seat.

"Why, even people can't scream!?" Chen Jianguo said, looking at Chen Yefeng, who hadn't fart for a long time, with a straight face.

"Dad...Mom..." Chen Yefeng frowned and cried out vaguely.

After all, he still feels uncomfortable with that **** baby kiss in his heart now!

"Yeah!" Chen Jianguo nodded, then smiled and introduced: "This is your Uncle Ye, and you will be your father in the future. You have to be respectful."

"Then what dad, I have a girlfriend, I..." Chen Yefeng was half-talking, and suddenly froze.

He looked at his speechless girlfriend next to him, then at his sister who was secretly laughing, and then at this very familiar face.

Isn't this my girlfriend and his father?

Uncle Ye! ?

Baby! ?

After doing it for a long time, my extremely reluctant doll is my current girlfriend!

this moment.

Chen Yefeng figured everything out in an instant.

"Listen to your sister, you are particularly dissatisfied with the marriage I arranged for you!?" Chen Jianguo said as he looked at his son's astonished expression.

"No, of course beautiful women, I am satisfied, especially satisfied!" Chen Yefeng grabbed the back of his head and laughed hehe.

It can be said that there is no time when he is more excited than now.

The person I like is also the baby kiss my father has set for him since he was a child. Is there anything more clever than this?

Obviously, there is no!

"Xiaoxue, if this **** bullies you in the future, you can tell Dad that Dad is the master for you, and he will never be spared!"

Seeing Chen Yefeng who was grinning to the back of his head, Chen Jianguo also smiled and said to Ye Shengxue.

Of course, this attitude and the attitude towards Chen Yefeng are simply too different, as if Ye Shengxue is a daughter, and Chen Yefeng picked it up.

"My daughter may have been spoiled by me since childhood, and I am afraid she will bully my future uncle in the future." Ye Jiaxing also spoke for Chen Yefeng.

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