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Chapter 344: What do you think this dish looks like?


Ye Shengxue opened her mouth and said with a dark face: "Dad, I'm as bad as you said!?"

"Compared with Xiaofeng, you are still far behind!" Ye Jiaxing sighed. Now he is looking at Chen Yefeng and he can say how satisfied he is.

"I think my future daughter-in-law will be pretty good, at least much better than this unreliable kid!"

Hearing that Old Chen wanted to educate himself again, Chen Yefeng's face turned black.

"Then what, Dad, didn't you prepare any gifts?"

Chen Yefeng's words stunned Chen Jianguo.

Why! ?

Because this old man really didn't prepare anything.

When Chen Yefeng watched his old Chen not speaking, he also had a general idea in his heart.

"No, Dad, today, on such an important day as your future daughter-in-law, you haven't prepared any gifts? Are you the future father-in-law too stingy!?"

Finally, there was a chance to avenge Lao Chen. Of course, Chen Yefeng wouldn't let it go easily, and began to complain wildly.

"Dad, it's not that I said you. Even if the two of us are already hard-wired, we will be a family in the future, but you can't really be unprepared for any gifts!"

"What kind of behavior do you belong to? You clearly belong to it, and you don't take your future daughter-in-law into your heart!"

"You let go..." Chen Jianguo was about to explode, but in the end he held back.

After all, the old man is by his side, and there is a future daughter-in-law, he must maintain his own image.

"Don't worry, how could Dad not prepare gifts!" Chen Jianguo looked around and said with a smile: "I just heard my daughter-in-law say that this place is pretty good, and this will be hers in the future."

Favorably, Chen Jianguo looked at the housekeeper sitting on the table not far away, "Lao Zhang."

"Master, please do as you tell." Steward Zhang quickly stood up when he heard this.

"Go and buy it here, and transfer it to my old man's name. It's also considered as a gift money for my disappointed son!"

"Good master, I will do it too!"

Steward Zhang responded and immediately got up and walked out.

After a brief period of astonishment, Ye Jiaxing immediately shook his head and refused.

"How can this be done? Our two families are still talking about what the beauties are not. The children love each other. Isn't it strange to give the beauties?"

"Does it have anything to do with you? I am a bridegroom for my daughter-in-law. Is it related to Ye Jiaxing for half a dime? Even if I refuse, it is not your turn to refuse!"

Ye Jiaxing heard that the corners of his mouth twitched, his old man was still as domineering as before.

"Xiaoxue..." Ye Jiaxing just wanted his daughter to refuse. After all, they were already a family, so they didn't spend any unnecessary money.

However, never expected, Chen Yefeng directly urged one step ahead, "Don't hurry up and say thank you!"

"Thank you uncle." Ye Shengxue said very obediently.

"What do you call me?" Chen Jianguo's face suddenly became stern.

Ye Shengxue blushed, and finally shouted, "Dad!"

In this way, Chen Jianguo's cheerful laughter echoed in the whole hall.

Seeing his own old Chen smile like a chrysanthemum, Chen Yefeng's mouth twitched.

This old Chen hasn't seen anyone in half a year!

Now I ran over to play majestic, but there is no way, who made him a real father! .

Chen Yefeng and Ye Shengxue were sitting together, next to Chen Yuan and Chen Shiyi, the whole family could be said to be enjoying themselves.

"Now I have solved a major event in my life, and there is one more thing. I hope I can see the results this year." Chen Jianguo said, looking at his precious daughter Chen Shiyi.

"When will you bring me an uncle?"

Faced with so many questions from Chen Jianguo in front of people, Chen Yefeng's sister appeared calm and relaxed.

"Are you tired of throwing your hands at the shopkeeper? If that's the case, I don't mind if you come back to preside over the overall situation and travel the world for me."

"Um..." Chen Jianguo was stunned, and finally fell silent decisively.

No way, he is a dad who has been pinched to death by his precious daughter, and there is no room for bargaining at all.

Just talking.

The door was pushed open, and the waiter began to bring up various delicacies that Ye Shengxue had never seen before.

"what is this?"

"Fish." Chen Yefeng smiled and explained her confusion.

"But I don't like eating fish very much." Ye Shengxue whispered.

"This is no ordinary fish, deep-sea tuna, just such a big piece, it should be more than enough to buy an 80-square-foot house in our West City."

Ye Shengxue: "???"

This Nizi was very puzzled, isn't it just a fish, how could it be so expensive!

"Perhaps, I can taste it!"

Looking at the cute appearance of his girlfriend, Chen Yefeng laughed, "Don't say taste it, you just use it as a meal, and I will raise you!"


Everyone ate and drank, and Xu Wei, who was Chen Yefeng’s mother, was also the mother Chen Shuyun who called Chen Yuan, ready to cook for a group of people.

This made the waiter standing next to him have to sigh that it is strange that rich people come to the hotel to cook by themselves!

Is this the legendary rich man who can really play! ?

Soon, Xu Wei was ready.

Although she wore an apron around her waist and her body was ordinary household clothes, she still couldn't hide her special temperament.

Moreover, although the years have left traces, it can also make people feel that she must be a beautiful woman when she was young.

Seeing his mother holding a plate of side dishes, although Chen Yefeng didn't know what it was, after all, his mother made it, and it must be the best in the world.

"Mom, I'll help you!" Chen Yefeng hurried over.

"No need!" Xu Wei smiled kindly, put Fluttershy in her hand on the long table in front of her, then sat on the chair next to her, took her baby daughter's hand, and asked earnestly.

"Xiaoyi, mom asks you a question, what do you think this dish looks like?"

"Huh?" Chen Shiyi, who was peeling shrimps for Chen Yuan, was stunned, as if she didn't know why her mother asked herself that way.

She glanced at her mother's cooking, but even though she was a talented woman in Kyoto, she didn't know her, so she had to say bluntly: "I don't know."

"Xiao Feng, you come to guess too." Xu Wei greeted her son again.

"Mom, I don't know!" Chen Yefeng shook his head decisively, his sister didn't know what jokes, how could he know how to pinch.

"However, no matter what he is, it is definitely the best!"

Xu Wei smiled, stretched out her finger and nodded her son's forehead, "Stop sweet words to mom.

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