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Chapter 345: I'm absolutely biological

In a word, this small group of people is also filled with an atmosphere called embarrassment.

Chen Shiyi was even more directly speechless: "..."

She couldn't think of it anyway, her mother would actually do such a trick for herself.

As the younger brother, Chen Yefeng was also stunned. His mother cooks herself personally. This seems to be a trap. It is still a set for her sister and herself!

There is something wrong with this!

What are you kidding about, what your mother is talking about, what unborn grandson, although the relationship has long been determined, but the progress has not been made!

As Xu Wei said a word, the whole air suddenly filled with a smell of embarrassment.

Watching his old Chen and his future father-in-law clink glasses and drink, regardless of what happened here, they enjoyed themselves very much.

For a long time, Chen Yefeng couldn't help but broke the embarrassment with a loud voice, "Um, Mom, I'm all hungry, let's eat first, can we eat first?"

"Haha!" Ye Jiaxing also laughed when he heard it, and patted Chen Jianguo on the shoulder, "I heard that, the children are hungry, let's eat first."

"It's not in a hurry to eat, eat early or late and never die!" Xu Wei smiled, then glanced at Ye Shengxue who was silent, and said, "Xiaoxue, go to the kitchen with me and help Auntie live a bit?"

"Ah...I..." Ye Shengxue was suddenly called, blushing, and some didn't know what to say.

"Go and help your aunt, it's time to learn how to cook when she grows up." Ye Jiaxing said.

Ye Shengxue didn't know what to say, so she could only answer, and then lowered her head and followed behind her future mother-in-law without saying a word, but her face was scary.

Suddenly, the two people who were still holding hands suddenly only left Chen Yefeng alone.

"So what, I'll go to Uncle Zhang to see how he is talking." In order to prevent her mother from making trouble for herself, Chen Shiyi directly found a reason and slipped away with Chen Yuan.

This made Chen Yefeng ready to call her little princess, and her wish to stay as a shield for herself suddenly fell through.

No way, there is only one shield, and although my little princess listens to her own words, she also listens to her sister's words.

The most important thing is that I must be listening to my sister!

Therefore, Chen Yefeng had no choice but to bite the bullet and stay here.

That's it, isn't it just holding the grandson?

"I'll have a good drink with me later." Ye Jiaxing looked at Chen Yefeng, the more satisfied he became.

Just say how when I saw this little guy, I had a feeling of deja vu. After a long time, I was actually the son of my old man.

"Farewell, uncle, I actually don't know how to drink, if I drink too much, I'm afraid to tell you two brothers by then!" Chen Yefeng refused half-jokingly.

"Our old Chen once said, don't drink if you don't know how to drink, so as not to lose words after drinking.

"In your own home, don't care about these little things. That's all. Your dad just brought me a bottle of good wine from abroad. Let's try it later."

Hearing what the future father-in-law said, Chen Yefeng just wanted to refuse, when he heard his own old Chen's voice.

"That `s a deal."

"That... well..." Chen Yefeng had no choice but to respond like this.

Can't let the future mother-in-law's enthusiasm be rejected mercilessly.


What does Own Lao Chen mean?

What do you mean by mom?

I always feel that this is a feast for the family!

As time passed by, Chen Yefeng could be regarded as realizing what it means to live like years.


Ye Shengxue followed Xu Wei, and the two kept coming out of the kitchen with various steaming delicious dishes.

Although I have asked the hotel to do a lot in advance, there is no other way. Xu Wei is in a good mood today, and she just wants to show her cooking skills.

After all, I saw my future daughter-in-law, and I had to show what I said, or else how could I hug the fat grandson quickly.

In addition, Chen Shuyun, his aunt, followed behind, and of course Chen Shiyi, who didn't know where he ran, was taken back.

If it is said that Chen Shiyi is the cold female president outside, which makes people daunting, then in front of Xu Wei, she is the child who seems to have made a mistake and becomes conscientious.

This is also impossible, after all, in Chen Yefeng's eyes, his mother's temperament is not more than her sister's.

If I were not her son, I am afraid that standing next to her would feel uncomfortable and could not let go.

Looking at her baby brother who was sitting on a chair and looking at the dishes on the table, but his body was a little trembling, Chen Shiyi showed a helpless look.

Chen Yefeng nodded, expressing that he understood, and at the same time he returned a look in your eyes that asked for much blessing.

Of course, Chen Yuanke, the little princess of the Chen family, doesn’t care about so much. The little girl sees so many delicious foods made by her aunt. She immediately sits at the table and is always ready to treat her stomach. .

"Little wish!" Looking at her daughter's impatient look, Chen Shuyun gave a voice warning very soon.

"It's okay, Xiao Yuan is still small." Xu Wei smiled and put Chen Yuan's favorite fried pork in front of her, "It's all a family, and you don't need to be so indifferent, just eat if you want."

"That's how old Xiao Yuan is, and she's still a child. You control her so strictly every day!" Chen Jianguo also smiled and spoke for Chen Yuan.

As the little princess of the Chen family, Chen Yuan can be said to have suffered all kinds of spoils.

"Brother, she's still a child, she's a freshman, she's not young anymore!" Chen Shuyun curled her lips helplessly, facing her old brother and her sister, she had nothing to do.

This feeling is like Chen Yefeng facing Chen Shiyi, or Chen Yuan facing Chen Yefeng.

They are very obedient.

"What's wrong with the freshman year, isn't it still a child, Xiao Yuan, tell your uncle, what do you want for a New Year gift?" Chen Jianguo smiled and looked at Chen Yuan, his eyes full of doting.

"Hmm...I haven't thought about it yet!" Chen Yuan thought for a while with his head held high, and answered like this.

"If you don't think about it, eat first, and wait until you think about it!" Xu Wei said, while also picking up vegetables for Chen Yuan.

"And Xiaoxue, you can eat too, don't be polite with your aunt, we will all be your family in the future, if you have any gifts you want, tell your aunt, aunt will buy it for you!"

As Xu Wei said, she also helped Ye Shengxue pick vegetables.

Upon seeing this, Ye Shengxue hurriedly moved the porcelain plate in front of him, and also thanked him.

"Mom, what about me?" Chen Yefeng blinked, a little black.

He is absolutely biological, otherwise it would be impossible! ! !

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