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Chapter 346: "Betrayed" by my sister!

"What are you? Look at Xiaoxue, and then look at you, you don't sit well!" Xu Wei gave Chen Yefeng a white look, but still helped him with a piece of braised pork ribs that she just made in the kitchen.

"Mom, the food you make is delicious. This hotel does not make half as good as you!" Chen Yefeng said while gnawing on the ribs.

"Don't say it's useless, hurry up and do business!" Xu Wei said.

"Business? What business!?"

"Ahem...what? Uncle Zhang still needs my help. I'll take a look!" Xu Wei didn't say a word, and Chen Shiyi stood up suddenly, and after that, she was about to go outside.

"Xiaoyi, come back!" Xu Wei yelled, and she could see the high-cold female president of the shopping mall, immediately sitting obediently on her seat.

"It's not that Mom said you, how old you are, you should worry about your lifelong events!"

"Mom... how do you make these ribs? Xiaofeng likes to eat it so much. You teach me to chant it. When you are done, your old couple will go on a trip again. If Xiaofeng wants to eat again, I can just cook it for him. ."

How could Xu Wei not know what her daughter was thinking about, she immediately slammed her face and said, "Don't divert the subject!"

"Oh..." Chen Shiyi responded, and immediately became an ostrich obediently.

Chen Yefeng can only see her sister deflated in front of her mother. You must know that even if she faces her own old Chen, her sister can deal with it calmly and easily.

Maybe this is because they are both women, so they can deal with it easily?

"Xiaoxue, don't eat all the time. I will bring you Aunt Xu with vegetables, Xiaofeng, and small wishes, and...!" Ye Jiaxing watched as his daughter lowered her head and blushed. Reminded.

Ye Shengxue was embarrassed in her heart. It was originally the two parties talking about the baby relationship today, but who knew that they didn't talk about it directly, so they directly decided on the marriage.

Although I am very happy in my heart, there must be a process of adaptation. ?

"Child, it's normal to be shy, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!" Looking at the future daughter-in-law, Chen Jianguo laughed, and had a drink with the old man Ye Jiaxing.

"Xiao Feng, so do you, don't always eat it all the time. You are almost finished eating the spare ribs made by your mother. Let Xiaoxue taste it!" Xu Wei looked down at her baby son if he didn't speak. Eating, but also interrupted aloud.

After all, she is ready to hold her grandson next year.

"She can do it by herself!" Chen Yefeng replied casually, but she immediately provokes her mother to scold him.

"Okay, okay, for young people, don't go along with them!" Chen Shuyun, a nearby aunt, quickly persuaded Xu Wei.

Of course she knew what wishful thinking her sister-in-law had played, but it was a big deal to hold her grandson, how could it be so fast.

Even if you are in a hurry, you can’t do this kind of thing. Besides, you don’t have to hug your grandson. Granddaughter is also fine!

"Yes, Auntie, my brother is not as simple as you think!" The mouth full of Chen Yuan next to him is also in line with what my mother said.

As a result, he was reprimanded as soon as the voice fell.

"You look at you like this, and you are embarrassed to eat. You can see where there are girls on your body. Didn't I ask you to dye your hair back? How many days has it been!? Why haven't you given it to me? Dye it back!"

Listening to his mother's jokes, Chen Yuan closed his mouth decisively and honestly, adopting the coping style of saying what you say, what I eat, leaving the left ear in, and the right ear out.

"Keep your voice down, don't scare Xiaoyuan!" Xu Wei pushed Chen Shuyun, and then touched the pink hair of the little princess of the Chen family and said, "I think Xiaoyuan is so cute, if I am not old now. , I also want to learn Xiao Yuan to dye one like this."

"Aunt, you are not old at all!" Chen Yuan smiled, with her aunt supporting herself, she felt more confident in her heart.

"That's right, Mom, you are still young!" Chen Yefeng also quickly flattered. As a result, this accidentally photographed the horse's hoof.

"Young or young, mother is only a few years old, so she is counting on her grandson, you little boy!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

God, mom! I am your son, my son, how can you treat me like this!


Chen Yefeng couldn't help hiding his face and crying in his heart!

Finally, he glanced at Ye Shengxue, who was blushing and almost buried his head under the table, and sighed helplessly.

It is a good thing that my mother wants to hug her grandson. She is the son who has the obligation to satisfy the wishes of the elderly.

But... the problem is that you can't accomplish such a great and glorious task by yourself!



The hotel staff put up the things they ordered one by one, and looked at the table full of all kinds of delicacies, and Chen Yuan, the little princess of the Chen family, was happiest.

No way, the little girl likes to eat, and she is not fat, and she does not know how many people have died of envy.

"Xiaoxue, don't froze, hurry up and eat!" Xu Wei said while also generously serving her daughter-in-law.

"Auntie, there are too many things. There are so many of us, and we can't finish it! Don't order so many things next time, and what they cook is not as delicious as your aunty." Ye Shengxue said like a mosquito. .


When Chen Jianguo heard it, he smiled heartily, "Don't worry, if you can't finish it, save it for the evening and eat it again. If you can't finish it today, eat it tomorrow. It won't be wasted."

"Huh?" Chen Yefeng was stunned, and he heard something wrong.

It's hard to say that the old couple plan to stay here overnight! ?

No way, how old are they, they are still young people! ?

No, the old couple is going to set themselves up again!

This is really unscrupulous in order to hold the grandson!

"That is, what is waste, what is not money, this will be our own place in the future, everyone can live here tonight, and Xiaofeng will choose a room later." Chen Shiyi also said with a smile.

Chen Yefeng's eyes widened when she heard her sister say this.

The sister who was still standing in the same camp just now became the undercover agent of the enemy camp. Who can stand it! ?

Seeing her beloved brother's blank and suspicious look in life, Chen Shiyi also returned to a younger brother. Don't blame my look.

After Chen Yefeng received her sister's gaze, she knew it in her heart. My sister is using herself to divert her attention!

It's really hateful! ! !

"That's it, there is so much snow outside, so I just won't leave tonight!" Xu Wei smiled and said to her daughter.

"Okay, then." Chen Yefeng was a little messy, a little excited, and a little bit confused.

In other words...

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