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Chapter 347: Two sisters and brothers struggling

After Ye Shengxue on the side heard this, how could he not know what this meant.

He immediately lowered his head and turned into an ostrich, but his face was even redder.

No way, after all, girls.

"Ahem, Mom, I think this kind of thing still needs to be considered for a long time. You see, it's not very far from Xiaoxue's house. If you go back, it won't be too much trouble!"

Chen Yefeng naturally didn't want his girlfriend to be embarrassed, so as a man, he immediately stood up and relieved.

"You bastard!" When Xu Wei heard it, she glared fiercely, and then said, "Don't mind Xiaoxue, Xiaofeng has been spoiled by his sister since he was a child."

"Mom, how can I be!" Chen Shiyi opened her mouth, and stopped talking.

Although he always treats this baby brother with infinite tenderness, he is always petting.

But, isn't this what a sister should do! ?

Besides, I am not just treating my baby brother infinitely, but also my little princess.

However, Xu Wei is now thinking about holding her grandson, and she can't listen to the complaints of her precious daughter. The eyebrows that look at Ye Shengxue are filled with all kinds of satisfaction.

And she nodded frequently while watching, seeming to be telling everyone present that this daughter-in-law Xu Wei had already identified her, and no one wanted to change.

Seeing his girlfriend lowered her head like a frightened ostrich, Chen Yefeng was also a little puzzled.

As for it, is it so subtle? As the saying goes, the ugly wife will see her in-laws sooner or later. Why is this Nizi's face getting redder! ?

Could it be said that this Nizi is also ill-intentioned towards herself! ?

Chen Yefeng suddenly felt something wrong, and it was no wonder that who made him look so handsome, his girlfriend's misbehavior for him is excusable.

"I said, don't you want a son?" Chen Yefeng approached Ye Shengxue's ear and said softly.

"Fuck you, shameless!" Ye Shengxue raised her head when she heard it, and gave him a blushing look.

"Why, don't like sons? Daughters are fine! Daughters are all small padded jackets, don't worry, I don't pick, as long as it is mine!" Chen Yefeng continued to tease nonchalantly.

"Who wants a son and a daughter from you!" Ye Shengxue snapped a bite. If there were too many people here, she would have rushed to Chen Yefeng's arms and bit him.

"Auntie, why is there an extra set of tableware!" The little princess of the Chen family who was eating next to her was full of joy, looking at a pair of tableware vacated next to her, and asked suspiciously.

As a result, it was okay not to ask, and Chen Yefeng's face turned black on the spot.

This unreliable little princess of my own family, what's the situation now, you are fine to ask this kind of question, isn't it killing my brother? ! !

This pit brother's sister, **** stuff! ! !

"Of course this is for my aunt's future grandson." Xu Wei said earnestly, holding Chen Yuan's hand.

Chen Yefeng: "..."

She was proud of her girlfriend who was still teasing her girlfriend, but now she was silent when she heard the words of her mother.

After all, he was also a face-saving person, and he was somewhat shy in his heart.

"Yeah, your mom and I, and your Uncle Ye are not too young now, they are no longer what they used to be, and our family has earned enough money, and we are tired of it.

It's time to retire, play chess, bask in the sun, and tease our grandchildren. This night, we will live a year less. "Chen Jianguo also echoed.

Chen Yefeng's face turned black on the spot. If you say who is the least reliable in his family, then it must be his own old Chen, definitely the least reliable one!

Let me ask, who has thrown such a big one of the world’s top 100 listed companies to his daughter without asking, and who can throw his son directly to his sister, and call and reprimand him if he has nothing to do, only his own elder Chen!

His own old Chen Yixin traveled the world with his daughter-in-law, showing affection everywhere, regardless of his children.

If it’s just a show of affection, it’s okay. The most annoying thing is to call your son and daughter if you have anything else to say, what’s going on. I’m traveling with your mother, so don’t worry about things like that.

They are not biological parents yet! ?

"I said, Dad, don't say anything, don't say such unlucky things today on such an auspicious day!" Chen Shiyi frowned and corrected.

Seeing his daughter seriously educate herself, Chen Jianguo was decisively guilty.

But Old Chen was afraid, Xu Wei was not afraid.

I saw the mother’s eyes widened, "Why, is it possible that your dad is wrong? My dad and I are indeed old now and have nothing to pursue. I want to drink tea every day, take a walk, and hug. Grandson, granddaughter.

Also, I said Xiaofeng, didn't I say you? Look at how old you are and how old you are. Don't worry, Mom will worry about you. "

Chen Shiyi: "..."

I had known that I would not speak anymore, but now it's better to draw the flames of war to myself all at once. This is a depressing thing!

Even Chen Jianguo, the shopkeeper, started to educate his daughter.

"I tell you that although Dad is often away from home, he always pays attention to you. Originally, I didn't want to tell you something, but in the past few years I think it's okay to tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Chen Yefeng asked curiously after the old Chen's voice fell.

On the other hand, Chen Shiyi didn't realize that this was a trap set by her parents, and she actually followed their words very cooperatively.

"What is it? I want to hear it too!"

"It's not a big deal, just thinking, when can I coax my grandson with your mother, and it's okay to take my grandson on a trip, wait a minute!"

Chen Shiyi: "..."

She finally realized the difficulties of her precious brother.

It's not until this is what happened, but every word of it doesn't leave grandson?

Also let people not eat well! ?

"Well, I think it might not be good for the company to leave me now. It's time for the group to grow. I don't have the intention to make other videos!" Chen Shiyi said solemnly.

"Sister is right!" As the only back-up for her sister at the scene, Chen Yefeng still screamed even though the front was facing thousands of troops.

"Without my sister, the group will be a mess!"

When Chen Jianguo heard it, he nodded slowly.

He also knows that in addition to the efforts of himself and the previous generation, the most important thing for the Chen Group to have is because he has a good daughter, a baby girl who crushed him in business! ! !

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