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Chapter 348: Don't get drunk or return!

"I really envy you young people, your dad probably hasn't had the enthusiasm of his youth." At this moment, Ye Jiaxing sighed and stretched out his hand to gently pat Chen Yefeng next to him.

"Actually, it's no exaggeration that our group is supported by your sister alone."

"Yes!" Chen Jianguo nodded.

"However, for the immediate things, these are nothing!"

Hearing what his old Chen said, Chen Yefeng suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"If this is nothing, then what counts!?"

"Of course you two have to hurry up!"

"What do you mean?"

"Hold grandson!" Chen Jianguo and Xu Wei said in unison.

"Ahem! This..." Chen Yefeng glanced at Ye Shengxue secretly, and found that the latter was blushing and staring at him with his big eyes. He said decisively: "Um, no hurry, no hurry! Let's return. At school."

"That's okay! You always know the principle of getting on the bus first and then changing the fare." Chen Jianguo taught his son with an attitude of being an overcomer.

This made Chen Yefeng almost broke out on the spot. Do you know what exactly he was talking about, old Chen? What is the mess of getting on the train and then making up the ticket?

"Ahem!!!" Chen Yefeng pretended to cough twice to conceal his embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, his own old Chen is also an old driver, and he can say such a connotation!

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it. Let's eat as soon as possible. What should we do after dinner? It's been a long time since my father and I have seen each other. We have to relive the past." Ye Jiaxing said while talking. , While drinking with Chen Jianguo.

A long time after the meal.

"Little breeze, let our uncle have a drink." Ye Jiaxing said with a flushed face and smiled.

The elders poured the wine, Chen Yefeng naturally did not dare to hold it up, and quickly picked up the cup.

Ye Shengxue, who was watching this scene, blushed even more. Originally, his father was so happy with his boyfriend that he should be very happy, but why is he a little shy and can't let go of his hands and feet!

"Mom, what kind of dish are you cooking?" Chen Yefeng didn't want to keep the conversation on the table centered on the two of him and the unnecessary grandson, so he pointed to a dish that he had never eaten before. Inquired.

Xu Wei heard that she gave a light cough, smiled slightly, and said to her baby son with a little bit of petting: "Don't always eat by yourself. Give Xiaoxue more orders. You will live with you in the future. You can't always be so selfish, you have to have love!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

I'm so special, why am I being selfish! What kind of couple live their lives, they haven't reached that point, okay!

It's over. I'm afraid today I'm in a catastrophe. If this son doesn't need it, he has to take it, and he has to take it!

"Did you not listen to what Mom said?" Xu Wei said in a tone that hates iron and steel.

"Oh, my son's eyes are getting bigger and bigger, and he doesn't even listen to what mom said." As he said that, Xu Wei sighed again, she was totally different from what she was just now, and can be called Hollywood level. Acting.

Chen Yefeng: "..."

"Certainly, can't I just clip her!" Chen Yefeng stretched out his hand and touched his face, looking helpless.

"Eat! Eat quickly, don't be silly!"

With that, Chen Yefeng took a few chopsticks and placed them in Xiaodie in front of her future wife.

"Thank you!" Of course, Ye Shengxue seemed very polite, after all, she was guarding her future mother-in-law.

"Haha!" Chen Yefeng snorted coldly. This woman, it seems that when she gets married, she must not let her go, she must let her know how good she is!

"What's the matter with you, Xiaoxue said thank you!" Xu Wei stabbed Chen Yefeng with her elbow.

"Mom!" Chen Yefeng was almost crying, I am your son! ! !

My son’s parents haven’t seen each other for a long time. After meeting, he enjoys all kinds of affection. ! !

It doesn't matter if you don't enjoy the pampering of your parents, it doesn't matter if you pamper you all to your girlfriend, after all, it is the future daughter-in-law, but he even threatens to hold some grandson!

This is something that people can do! ?

I want the horse to run, and I want the horse not to eat. Is this possible?

Of course the answer is no!

"Oh, my son has grown up and has his own opinion. The mother is also old, can't control, can't control!" Suddenly, Xu Wei sighed, as if feeling the rapid passing of time, in the blink of an eye the ignorant boy grew into The young Pianpian.

Upon hearing this, Chen Yefeng suddenly asked the sky in silence: "..."

My mother is really a bit awkward if she doesn't go to Hollywood to make a movie!

Got it! Can't I thank her?

Chen Yefeng took a deep breath and spit out again, as if he wanted to spit out all the depression in his heart and sigh.

Seeing Chen Yefeng like this, Ye Shengxue couldn't help but feel happy. Who made this guy ridicule herself just now.

He also said that any son or daughter will do, as long as it belongs to him. Now that the retribution is coming, it is deserved! ! !

Of course, Ye Shengxue still had to find an excuse to conceal her happiness, she gently picked up the glass of red wine that Chen Yuan had just poured for her, and took a sip.

The taste is naturally not as sweet and glutinous as milk tea, with a bit astringent taste, but the mellow taste after drinking it is endless.

Although Ye Shengxue, who doesn't drink, knows that this is definitely a good wine, and he deserves to be the best wine brought back from abroad by his boyfriend and father.

She took a sip, and she couldn't help but exclaimed, "This wine tastes pretty good!"

"Drink more if you like it!" Chen Jianguo smiled, and while clinking glasses with Ye Jiaxing, he stood up and poured another glass for his future daughter-in-law.

"Thank you Uncle Chen yet!" Ye Jiaxing reminded.

"Thank you Uncle!" Ye Shengxue said.

"Also called Uncle!" Chen Jianguo's face was stern, and he seemed unhappy.

"You should call with Xiaofeng!" Xu Wei said with a smile next to her.

The gentle smile was like a spring breeze, gently brushing Ye Shengxue's side, making her a little shy, but she still softly shouted, "Thank you, Dad."

"Hey, this is the right thing!" Chen Jianguo smiled happily, and continued to toast and drink with his old buddy Ye Jiaxing. "Come on, drink, I tell you that we two will not be drunk or return tonight!"

"Although you two drink, the hotel has already been bought anyway, even if you are drunk, you can live here by then!"

Hearing what Xu Wei said, Ye Shengxue felt a little clouded.

I thought Chen Yefeng was just playing with him, but I didn't expect to actually buy it! ?

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