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Chapter 349: "Shabby" dowry

Seeing this Nizi dumbfounded, she seems to have not recovered her lovely appearance,

While helping her pick vegetables, Chen Yefeng secretly said in a low voice: "This is a gift from my sister!"

Such a big hotel, gift! ?

Ye Shengxue was even more confused.

Regardless of other things next to him, the little princess of the Chen family, who only knows how to eat, saw her cousin picking vegetables for her sister-in-law, she suddenly yelled.

"Brother, I want to eat too!"

"You don't know how to do it yourself!" Chen Yefeng twitched at the corner of his mouth. Obviously, he hadn't forgotten how the little girl mentioned which pot or not.

"I can't reach it!" Chen Yuan pouted and began to act like a baby.

"Small wish!" Chen Shuyun saw her daughter doing this again, and immediately scowled, "How old are they, and they're like a kid, so I'm not afraid of the big guys laughing!"

"No matter how old it is, it's a child, little bastard, I didn't hear your sister talking, hurry up!" Chen Jianguo, who was drinking with Ye Jiaxing, did not forget to defend the little princess.

"That's right, if you want me to say you don't care about so much, Xiaoyuan is so sensible, you don't need to worry about it!" Xu Wei was also spoiled, and at the same time told Chen Yefeng, "Don't hurry up and give your sister more. ."

Listening to what her brother and sister-in-law said, Chen Shuyun finally had no choice but to glance at her daughter.

There is no way, after all, she is also a little sister who likes to get tired of her elder brother. What the elder brother says, she still has to listen.

"Hey, brother, please~" After speaking, Chen Yuan put forward the clean small dish that he had eaten in front of him.

"You girl!" Chen Yefeng had no choice but to separate the two people a lot, of course, he had not forgotten his sister.

Although, my sister was seriously suspected of pushing herself out of the knife just now!


Have no idea! ! !

Who makes himself a younger brother!

"Don't hurry up, thank you Xiaofeng!" Ye Jiaxing also reminded him aloud when he saw his daughter eating the vegetables picked by his son-in-law comfortably.

"Thank you, what do the family say thank you!" Chen Jianguo said boldly.

"That is, why are the young couple so polite?" Xu Wei also followed with a smile.

"Thank you!" Ye Shengxue had no choice but to say so, of course she didn't forget to glance at this guy.

This makes Chen Yefeng wonder what to say. It seems that he is not to blame, what does this Nizi mean when she rolls her eyes! ?

"I thank you for saying thank you!!!" Chen Yefeng finished speaking, smiled and stretched out his hand and patted his girlfriend's head, a sense of sight that coaxed the child suddenly emerged.

Seeing the smiling guy in front of him, Ye Shengxue felt helpless, but there was no way. After all, in front of so many people and the parents of her boyfriend, she was helpless, she couldn't stand up and lift the table. Right.

Obviously now, I must show myself well in order to make a good impression on my future mother-in-law!

"Well, whoever is with us, you don't need to thank me, this is something you should do as a man!" After speaking, Chen Yefeng helped to pick up a lot of dishes that Ye Shengxue couldn't reach.

"Try it, the tuna from the deep sea, the fish is gold, although the meat is delicious, but this thing does not meet my appetite!"

Ye Shengxue had never eaten such expensive fish, and was very curious, so after dipping in the sauce and eating a bite, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Not to mention, there is a reason to be expensive, and it is delicious!

As for why the guy next to him didn't like to eat, Ye Shengxue didn't think clearly, but he could only be classified as a different kind.

"Look at Xiao Feng, and then at Xiao Xue!" Ye Jiaxing seemed to be drinking too much. This man who had spoiled his daughter all his life began to dislike his precious daughter.

"Look at how polite Xiaofeng is and how to take care of others, then look at my daughter.

Alas...When will I be able to grow up, let me be a dad at ease! "

Ye Shengxue: "..."

Is he really his own?

Why do you feel that this guy is his own, I shut up, can't I stop talking now? !

"Lao Ye, what are you talking about? I think Xiaoxue is a good child, much better than other girls. It is a great blessing for our Chen family to have such a daughter-in-law." Chen Yefeng's old man At this moment, mother Xu Wei can be said to stand up very decisively to protect her future daughter-in-law.

"Auntie, what is this dish? I think you made it so delicious!" Ye Shengxue was so happy that she was upheld by the future mother-in-law, and immediately began to talk boldly.

"Oh, what do you mean by this dish?" Xu Wei glanced at her daughter-in-law, and said earnestly: "It's called an early birth."

Chen Yefeng: "..."

This silly child, isn't this hitting the muzzle? Why do you have to talk a lot? Just bow your head and eat your meal. It's not good to be your silent ostrich! ! !

"Um... let's eat, let's eat, it won't taste good when it's cold." Chen Yefeng said sly, for fear that something unexpected would happen again.

After all, his own old Chen and his mother seem to be determined to hug their grandson quickly. In fact, their parents are fate, and Chen Yefeng is not easy to refuse, but... you must hug your grandson, can't you hug your granddaughter?

Compared with his son, Chen Yefeng wants a daughter!

While Chen Yefeng was thinking of beautiful things in his heart, and could not help laughing and closing her mouth from ear to ear, Chen Shiyi, who was sitting next to him, picked up the chopsticks and gently clamped a piece of ribs and placed it on the plate in front of him with a gentle voice Said: "Eat slowly, don't choke."

Although the voice was gentle, it made people feel like a spring breeze, but...Chen Yefeng shuddered suddenly.

Because my sister's gaze is so gentle!

Although it was the same before, but today's gentle gaze carries a hint of conspiracy!

My sister definitely wants to use herself as a younger brother as a shield! ! !

It must be so!

As a result, after a meal, Chen Yefeng can be said to have eaten everything, for fear of some traps waiting for him to jump inside!

Holding your grandson is not a problem, the problem is, you have to give yourself time to prepare!

A fairly harmonious lunch ended amidst the laughter of a family and the anxiety of some people.

In the afternoon, the older people happily played mahjong together, while the two princesses of the Chen family were sitting together and talking about things.

As for Chen Yefeng, the servant was feeling anxious about something Old Chen told him after eating. He looked at the series of keys in his hand, and then looked at this very luxuriously decorated hotel, and couldn't help but look around. Look, the eyes never stopped.

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