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Chapter 361: Black fans are also true fans!

this moment.

Netizens are amazed.

At the same time, I was sighing, I am afraid that my goddess has a part in her heart.

There must be no woman who can reject such a good and handsome man.

Unexpectedly, this kid is not too old, so he is so hateful! ! !

What's wrong with being handsome, you can do whatever you want with being handsome?

The hatred of taking his wife is not in the sky!


On the other hand, Bai Ningxin, who has turned most of the black fans into true love fans, is still in a good mood lying on the bed and reading her mobile phone Weibo. Her bed is large, and the whole room is very large and luxurious, but it is lacking A trace of anger.

On the contrary, there are some places that are not as good as the places where Chen Yuan and Chen Yefeng live. Although they are a little smaller, they are full of life.

However, Bai Ningxin is now a popular female singer in China, so she can overcome some things. These are all things that a person must experience to grow up.

When Bai Ningxin is idle, she will use Weibo to keep an eye on her online activities.

Although Chen Yefeng had warned her more than once, you can watch it, but don't take it to heart.

However, after all, Bai Ningxin is also a woman. If she can really do Chen Yefeng's free and easy way, it will be quite difficult.

As a popular female singer in China, the Weibo account used by Bai Ningxin has received more than 10 million followers so far. Thank you for your attention, which is almost always the same at the same table.

She used Weibo, and like many people who did Weibo, she saw the hot searches on crazy variety shows and also saw about Chen Yefeng.

For Chen Yefeng, a man who is somewhat special to her, Bai Ningxin has always had a feeling of inexplicability. She feels that she is relatively close to him, but she doesn't know everything about him.

Whether it is his family or his experience, it is like a blank sheet of paper.

The only impression is that this person, talented and handsome, has touched his heartstrings. Although sometimes seems unreliable, he has never disappointed.

Moreover, Bai Ningxin had to admit that this man, he really helped herself too much.

Unlike the help given to him by others after he set foot in the entertainment industry, his kind of help is the kind of help that he has never thought about asking for any compensation.

All in all, Chen Yefeng is like a gift from heaven to Bai Ningxin.

Think about it, if I didn't say hello boldly that morning and took that step bravely, maybe I wouldn't meet him, and I wouldn't have the self I am now.

For Chen Yefeng, guessing the name is from the heart of thanks and a different kind of affection.

She saw various replies to discredit Chen Yefeng after some hot searches, and her face was also frowned unnaturally, and she was particularly upset because of her unconsciousness.

Looking at these replies, she thought of the day when I was going to be a singer in the trials at Nanhu Station.

If it weren't for this man, maybe he could really just sit there, quietly acting as a vase, which is the so-called leaning on the face.

It was he who gave himself a song that allowed him to get rid of this face-dependent aura.

If he weren't there, at this time, I'm afraid I would be swearing on the Internet.

Therefore, besides being grateful to Chen Yefeng, Bai Ningxin had a strong special affection, but she didn't know how to express it.

Manipulating the phone, Bai Ningxin returned to his Weibo homepage.

She began to edit the information, she wanted to let others know.

Chen Yefeng is not like some jealous people on the Internet deliberately discredited, he is excellent, but he disdains to explain.

He is not only a friendly sunshine boy, but also a talented man.

So she wrote.

"Today, I saw the hot search about Chen Yefeng on Weibo, and I was very surprised because he was a person who did not like high-profile in my impression.

He doesn’t like to be pushy, and being friendly and friendly is nothing to say to friends. You may not believe it. Although he is the same age as me, he is a talented person, a mature person, and a person that makes me self-conscious. People who are ashamed. "

"The song of you at the same table may have been guessed by most people. It was a song he gave me once.

It was written to me by Chen Yefeng. I don't know what experience he has to write songs with this meaning, but he cares for me like a lucky male god. I am very glad that I can meet him. "

"I still remember that once I encountered a difficulty, he took the trouble to enlighten me, let me step out of the haze, face myself and face everything bravely."

"As for discrediting me, I don't want to say too much. I said at the beginning that this song is not my original, but Chen Yefeng's creation. He is my friend and my lucky male god. "

"Now, I want to say a word to him, thank you."

After Ye Shengxue's long story was published, he immediately asked some people whom I met in the entertainment industry recently, and wanted them to come to support him.

After all, the entertainment industry is also a circle, and you have to report to the group to keep warm.

As one of the best female singers in the limelight, and this is the night when many people have a lot of time, at the moment when Bai Ningxin's Weibo was released, she was immediately caught.

"Hold the grass, there is something in the female myth!"

"Goddess, you who sing at the same table, you are really nice. I listened to it repeatedly all night yesterday."

"What does the goddess mean? Is this a secret confession?"

"Suddenly I envy this man named Chen Yefeng, why can't I be such a person!"

"Oh, a woman who makes use of his talents to be famous will never become a climate!"

"Who is Chen Yefeng, have you introduced me to you?"

"Brother uncle is awesome! It really is the pride of my pretending family!"


Chen Yefeng, who was boring to play with his mobile phone, of course also saw Bai Ningxin's Weibo, but he didn't feel too much, just felt unnecessary.

What's your identity?

How can you be true to these Internet sunspots? It is purely uncomfortable for yourself.

After all, most of the sunspots are venting their negative energy, no matter how well you do, he will still slander and spray.

Even if you donate, he will ask you why you donate so little!

Therefore, Chen Yefeng didn't care about these.

Let him fall in the dark, as long as he has a happy life, is it possible that he can't eat in the dark?

What's more, in Chen Yefeng's eyes, Sunspot is also a fan. He is hacking himself day and night. Is this what he can do?

Just ask!

Is there a sunspot who can do this without eating or drinking without taking revenge?

Is this a sunspot?

This is so obvious that it's a true fan! ! !

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