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Chapter 362: Warm scene


Chen Yefeng also didn't pay much attention to it, no matter what happened, I didn't move.

What if these people will show their emotions in the dark?

This is something that happens often!


the next day.

Chen Yefeng got up early, because the members of the program group sent by Fatty Yan had already arrived.

Then it will start recording the first episode of the crazy variety show.

In other words, at the latest this week, the first issue of this variety show will be broadcast on Nanhu Satellite TV, which has a high ratings.

All they have to do now is to quickly record the first episode.

In general, the whole process is like this, recording a week in advance, and there will be plenty of time for modification and modulation later.

"Handsome guy, the theme song of the same name you created is really good. Our entire program group is complimenting you, but there are some places where I always sing a little badly." A female editor in charge of Chen Yefeng saw him Later, I couldn't help but admire.

If it weren't for being old and having a family, I might really be tempted.


Love at first sight in this world!

Chen Yefeng naturally kept a smile on his face, with a gentle look.

Although he has never participated in a variety show, he has never seen a pig run or eaten pork. He is very humble and said: "I made you laugh, I am a little embarrassed to say, this is what I wrote casually, you think I am also happy to like it."

The female director looked at Chen Yefeng's humble appearance and listened to what he said, not knowing what to say in her heart.

Simply write?

Why can't I write it casually! ?

However, even so, there was still a gentle smile on her face, and she continued to admire: "Chen Yefeng, in fact, it is not only the theme song of the show, but also the song you wrote to Bai Ningxin. It's also very good, and I also like it very much.

Did you know that this song is likely to be included in the music book? This is a great honor! "

"It's okay!" Chen Yefeng waved his hand and said with a smile: "I am friends with her, and it is not natural for a friend to help a friend. When she encountered difficulties, of course I was able to help her as much as possible. !"

"Just friends?"

"What about it?" Chen Yefeng showed an inexplicable look.

"Then you would be very wrong if you think so. I am a woman. Of course I know women better than you. The Weibo Bai Ningxin posted last night is not just as simple as a friend." The female editor sighed. After all, she and Bai Ningxin are relatively familiar. After all, they work under Fatty Yan's hands, and the female director is older, so it is easy to chat with Bai Ningxin.

Although this younger sister doesn't say anything, in fact, this is something that almost anyone can see.

No, in other words, as long as it is a little bit brainy.

Of course, except for the man in front of me!

Because the female director really feels that this person in front of her regards Bai Ningxin as a friend.


The most shocking thing to Chen Yefeng in this show is his sister.

Because my sister is actually one of the members participating in the recording.

This made Chen Yefeng a little puzzled. After doing it for a long time, her sister suddenly disappeared. Is she going to prepare for this show?

However, I think about it, there are too many tricks in variety shows now, and there seems to be nothing wrong with having a female president like my sister.

With my sister on stage, the ratings of this variety show may soar!

Chen Yefeng had this confidence, and he believed Fatty Yan must also know it.

I just don't know how he persuaded his sister.

It was late, but because Chen Shiyi hadn't gotten up yet, it never started.

It's no wonder that my sister is still sleeping late, it is because the people from the show crew came too early, and there are two women in the house.

"Sister, get up." Chen Yefeng walked to the door and shouted in a low voice.

Of course, for the two women in the next room who didn't know what time they slept, he didn't have such a harmony and kindness. He just lifted the quilt and prepared to let them feel the enthusiasm of winter.

However, after lifting the quilt, Chen Yefeng almost couldn't move his eyes.

Obediently grow the hole! ! !

This is your future daughter-in-law?

This is my sister?

The figures of these two women are so good, these long legs...

It was the first time Chen Yefeng looked at his girlfriend like this.

He swallowed very unconvincingly, then exited the room and quietly closed the door.

In the end, my sister was woken up by Chen Yefeng, but she still seemed to have not enough sleep.

This made Chen Yefeng a little angry, angry that this program group really came too early, more than an hour earlier than my sister’s usual wake-up time. If it weren’t for I went to bed too early last night, I guess there was no door this morning. People drive them!

At this time, she forced her sister to wake up. Chen Yefeng would never do it, because he wanted her sister to have more rest.

Therefore, Chen Yefeng briefly talked to the staff.

Of course, Chen Yefeng did not forget to glance at his fiancee again. After all, she was lying on her sister's bed, and of course she, the brother, had to recoup some interest.

Of course, all of this is done secretly and shooting is prohibited!

However, since others were waiting, Chen Yefeng also began to wash up briefly.

He is a man who is naturally not afraid of appearing without makeup. After all, his appearance is here, so handsome is so confident.

After washing, he received a notice from Yan Fatty, so he found a big box and a small box, and began to organize his own clothes.

The staff who are proficient in operation and technique are a little relieved. How many young people can do such simple things so well?

I'm afraid there are not many, right?

It is estimated that all the children nowadays are like the emperor, and parents take care of everything.

Time passed, Chen Shiyi finally woke up in a daze, opened the door and found that there were several strangers in the living room.

But she rubbed her eyes again, and after seeing the camera, she understood it instantly.

When Fatty Yan invited her, Chen Shiyi strongly opposed it, but when she heard that her brother was also attending, she hesitated. After hearing the smell of some documentaries, she half-pushed and half-shuffled in agreement, anyway. At the end of the year, it’s okay. It’s okay to participate in the show with the baby brother, just take it as this time to let the brother belong to himself.

After saying hello to a group of staff, Chen Shiyi also returned to the room and came out with another set of clothes.

"Sister, you are actually also interested in this." Chen Yefeng said with a smile.

"Sister is not for you." Chen Shiyi smiled softly.

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