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Chapter 375: 50 million signing bonus?

The falling snow flew all over the sky under the blow of the cold wind.

It was as if a piece of willow catkins were slapped coldly on Chen Yefeng's handsome face, just like that, Chen Yefeng, who was walking in the cold wind, walked back to the dormitory.

In the dormitory, Chu Sheng, Fan Tong and the others were lying on the bed. Chen Yefeng glanced at it and didn't know what they were doing, but he could indeed hear bursts of laughter from the three.

"Damn! It all works!?"

"This action is very difficult!"

"It's a role model for my generation!"

Seeing the three people lying there, Chen Yefeng also walked over a few steps.

"What are you guys doing?"

Several people followed the prestige. After seeing Chen Yefeng's return, Chu Sheng also asked casually: "You kid, why did you go? To be honest, did you go to see your old lover!?"

"An old lover, I just met an old friend." While speaking, Chen Yefeng also picked up the towel next to him and wiped his hair. Chu Changkong seemed to be an old friend of his. Right?

Of course, apart from this kid who always wanted to be his apprentice, the others were not a big deal.

But this made Chen Yefeng a little puzzled. The words he said at the beginning were nothing more than the popular encouragement words on TV. They weren't a kind of guidance. In current terms, this is a bowl of chicken soup. It is your own question whether to drink or not.

But now it seems that Chu Changkong didn't just take this bowl of chicken soup with his hands up and drink it, it seemed that it was quite enjoyable to drink, and there was even a little grateful flavor contained in it.

Just thinking about it, Chu Sheng's intriguing voice rang.

"I said that the person who can let Afeng go to the meeting alone in such a snowy night, I think there is an 80% probability that it may be a young lady, and it must be a very beautiful young lady. !" Chu Sheng analyzed like Detective Conan.

"My analysis is similar to yours. After all, our family Afeng is also considered a celebrity. That's a man who shocked one side in the e-sports circle. I am afraid you don't know it. The Thunder is said to have offered 50 million signing gold to sign. Get off him!" Fan Tong next to him finished speaking, and shook his head in exclamation.

If you look at it, you are also playing a game, you are really playing a game, and others have already made a fortune through the game!

Fifty million, let alone a lifetime, some people won’t be able to see so much money even in two lifetimes, let alone own so much money!

"Fifty million! A Feng, you are now a tyrant of ten million!" Chu Sheng sighed.

"What's the mess? What is fifty million, why don't I know?" Chen Yefeng was also a little confused when he heard what the two said.

"Don't you know?" Fan Tong put his mobile phone around and motioned Chen Yefeng to look at the contents of the phone.

"Do you believe it from the media?" Chen Yefeng was a little dark.

Obviously, these marketing accounts have never been a reliable one, what nonsense is said, anyway, they only need pageviews, as for what is true or not, they never care about so many.

"Don't worry about it, this kind of thing is the best, there is no way.

Let me start with, who did you go on a date with just now? Could it be my goddess Xia Wenxi? "Chu Sheng questioned with a sad expression on his face.

"What is your goddess, your goddess seems to be just a young lady! I said that this problem of beasts, you can be corrected, don't look like you have never seen a woman in your whole life, you will call the goddess when you see it, it is clearly my goddess, OK? !" Fan Tong looked sad and indignant.

"What do you mean? As the saying goes, friends and wives should not be bullied. What are you planning to do!?"

"I want to make a face..." Chen Yefeng's face was a little dark. There was nothing wrong with this, but it turned out to be like this in this guy's mouth. If there is something to do with this, wouldn't it be over?

"Why am I shameless?" Chu Sheng looked at Chen Yefeng with a look of grief and indignation, "I said Afeng, you are purely a full man, I don't know if a hungry man is hungry, if I am like you, should I still use this ?

As a single dog, I can’t be a bit privileged. I’m not like you. I’m also a young lady and a female fan. By the way, I have a little wish. You don’t even let your cousin go Ever!

Tell me about you, you are all people who have a girlfriend, but as a result, there are still so many young ladies who will follow you!

Alas... I think Chu Sheng can be regarded as a talent. Although I am not Maung Sai Panan, at least I am not ugly. Why don't you have the same treatment as you! "

After speaking, Chu Sheng sighed to the sky, and leaned on Fan Tong's body to vent his dissatisfaction.

"Damn! Fuck you uncle, I'm not a young lady, don't disgust me, and what's on you, so hard!!!" Fan Unified pushed Chu Sheng away, almost on his feet.

"Ahem! Key key, dormitory key!" Listening to Fan Tong's words, Chu Sheng explained quickly.

"Oh, are you sure?"

"Of course!" Chu Sheng said, taking out the key and throwing it on the table.

After all, there is a saying that I have been single for a long time, and sometimes I feel a little delicate looking at my roommate.

Therefore, Fan Tong was really afraid of Chu Sheng being single for a long time, so he played a show with himself to see the blossoms, the chrysanthemums were full of mountains!

Of course Chu Sheng thought the same way, so he also had to take out the key to prove it!

After all, Chu Sheng didn't want to be misunderstood by Chen Yefeng next to him. What if he told his goddess Miss Xia Wenxi?

Firstly, his sexual orientation must be normal. Secondly, what if Goddess Xia Wenxi ignores herself in the future!

What about these three... Is he such a casual person?

At least give people some time to prepare mentally, OK!


"You two are sick?!" Gao Chao, who had just moved over next to him, couldn't stand it anymore. He put up a **** with contempt and asked again: "By the way, Afeng, who is looking for you? What are you doing?"

"What else can you do? I want to invite me to play a career." Chen Yefeng replied with a smile, but his lightness made the people in the dormitory instantly calm down.

Playing professionally?


Listening to your tone, it seems that you are not excited at all, and even a little disdainful!

You know, Huaxia game players accounted for at least one-third of the number, and it can be said that one in ten million can be professional.

There are so many people who want to go to a career after squeezing their heads. They don't necessarily have this opportunity, and they don't even have the qualifications to start!

How come you feel like you don’t want to go!

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