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Chapter 376: An ordinary team

"Are you agreeing?" When Chu Sheng heard the news, he bounced off the bed, almost holding Chen Yefeng's thigh.

Chen Yefeng nodded, "Well, I agree!"

"Doesn't this mean that you will be a multi-millionaire from now on?" Chu Sheng looked envious, "I also have talent, why no one is looking for me!?"

"Fuck off, what did you invite you to do with your technology that made it into a box? Do you want to be funny?" Gao Chao slapped mercilessly.

"Yes, do you think you are the two of us?" Wu Liang was also dismissive.

"Never mind the two of us, Afeng once said that the two of us are inexperienced talents for China E-sports in the future. What about you, what stinky fish are you?"

Chu Sheng: "..."

"You two are not as good as me!"

"However, Afeng, when we ate together just now, didn't you say that you were not interested?" Wu Liang asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, I didn't really plan to play, but then I thought, my girlfriend wanted to study in the UK, and it happened that this world tournament was in the UK, so I plan to take advantage of this world tournament, and we will follow Traveling at public expense!" Listening to Chen Yefeng's answer, a group of people didn't know what to say.

Should this be a good man, or is he a bit arrogant?

The PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds World Tournament is indeed held in the UK, but why do you think that you will definitely be able to make it to the World Tournament, and you can go to the UK for free after the game!

In terms of stepping back, even if you can really qualify for the World Championship, your original purpose is to take this opportunity to find a girlfriend!

What does this make people say about you?

No dream?

Is it salted fish?

Or is it that you are a little too ignorant of other opponents?

"Are you satisfied with my reason?" Chen Yefeng looked at several people with a smile.

"Satisfied with your uncle, I won't pretend to take you like that!" Gao Chao scolded with a smile.

"That's it, you are good at acting!" Wu Liang felt the same way, after all, he knew it well.

In terms of pretending to be forced, Chen Yefeng dared to recognize the second place, that is definitely no one dared to recognize first!

"But having said that, did you agree to LN's request?" Fan Tong obviously still remembers the 50 million signing price.

"No." Chen Yefeng shook his head.

"Then who did you promise?" Chu Sheng asked.

"It's just a very ordinary team." Chen Yefeng said that naturally there was no fraud. For other teams, the team that Chu Changkong was going to form was indeed a very ordinary team, even so ordinary that it couldn't be more ordinary. Team.

After all, Chu Changkong didn't say anything except for inviting himself.

The current environment of the e-sports circle is not as difficult as it was when Chen Yefeng first started his career. Although it has only been three years, the changes in these three years are considerable.

Chen Yefeng remembered that when he first started playing professionally, because his father did not support it, and the team funds were indeed a little insufficient at the time, it was really not enough to eat and wear.

Had it not been for my sister to use pocket money to fund herself at the time, she might not be able to go on.

But in the current e-sports circle, it is different now.

If you choose manual, you can get up to 10 million yuan of signing money, a good training environment, and excellent catering, all of which mean that e-sports is being accepted and recognized by the society!

"How much is the signing fee?" Obviously, for Chu Sheng and Fan Tong, they are more concerned about this issue.

"No question..." Chen Yefeng said honestly.

"You prodigal thing!"

Hearing Chen Yefeng's answer, the two of them suddenly lost their breath.

How can anyone join the team without asking for the signing bonus! ?

"Are you planning to work for nothing?"

"Nor." Chen Yefeng shook his head, "Didn't I say it, can I go on a free overseas trip then."

"and then?"

"Then it's gone."

"That's it?" Chu Sheng was a little depressed, as if he had missed the five million prize.

"As for..." Looking at Chu Sheng's expression, Chen Yefeng was a little confused, why this guy seemed to be more anxious than himself.

"Of course, we are brothers!" Chu Sheng hated that iron was not made of steel. "I asked this for your own sake? What are you doing for nothing?!"

"Don't worry, I am not short of money."

Chu Sheng: "..."

Could it be that...this is the waywardness of the rich?

You ignored the 50 million signing bonus, but instead ran to join an ordinary team that was nothing!

"God, I guess you must be crazy!"

"Uncle Mad, I can't explain it clearly to you. Anyway, you just need to know. There is absolutely no surprise. It's only 50 million, it's not worth mentioning!"

"Maybe this is the world of the rich!" Fan Tong next to him doesn't know what to say. In his eyes, the signing fee of 50 million is actually not worth mentioning, and it is still a mere 50 million. !

Listen, is it still human?

After talking to a few people for a long time, Chen Yefeng also fell asleep, otherwise these guys always pestered themselves to inquire about various young ladies.

If it's someone else, it's just that they even have to ask what their little princess likes. Who can bear it?


the next day.

Since Chen Yefeng had agreed to Chu Changkong's invitation, Chen Yefeng would naturally not be negligent?

So after waking up and washing briefly, Chen Yefeng went to an address that Chu Changkong sent him a text message. As for schoolwork, Chen Yefeng had asked Teacher Tang Yue to help him.

After all, this was the woman that my sister had funded at the time, and it was considered to be her sister's woman, and it was easy to help myself.

When he came to the place where Chu Changkong was, Chen Yefeng looked at it slightly. This place was not too big, nor too luxurious.

Of course, this is only compared to the first-tier cities like the Magic City. If it is other third-tier cities, then it can be considered a more luxurious place.

It can also be seen that the life of e-sports players is getting better and better now. Although Chu Changkong is a few years older than Chen Yefeng, he can form a team by himself and rent a decent place. As a training base, it is enough to prove that he has made a lot of savings in recent years.

Seeing that Chen Yefeng came so soon, Chu Changkong was a little surprised, but he was also a little happy.

It seems that the master is still the master, and he does what he says!

"Master, did we start training directly? I took advantage of the relationship and rented a custom server. At that time, we can invite other teams to play training games."

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