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Chapter 387: Careful wish

After watching the few people leave, Chen Yefeng also ate the breakfast brought back by the three of them, and then slowly got up from the bed.

After getting dressed, Chen Yefeng, who just wanted to go out, received a call from her little princess.


"What's wrong?"


After simply listening to the little girl's words, Chen Yefeng also rushed towards the school infirmary without stopping.

Although it is an infirmary, Magic City is a first-tier city after all, and with the addition of Magic City Academy, it looks like a small hospital.

"Excuse me..." After entering the infirmary, Chen Yefeng stopped a medical staff member and asked briefly.

After getting the answer, he walked into the ward at the end of the corridor on the second floor.

When he gently opened the door of the hospital room in front of him, he saw his little princess sitting on the hospital bed, and on the bed was Lu Jiayu, who was a little pale.

"Brother, you are here!" Chen Yuan hurried over, grabbed Chen Yefeng by the arm, and dragged him to the bedside.

"Xiao Yu just fainted suddenly for unknown reasons!"

Hearing what Chen Yuan said, Chen Yefeng also looked at Lu Jiayu, her face was particularly pale in her sight, and she couldn't say anything without blood.

"Are you okay?" Although the relationship with Lu Qingkong is indeed not tolerant, Chen Yefeng will not do the same to Lu Jiayu because of this.

Although the two of them are brothers and sisters, Chen Yefeng doesn't know how to eat chicken.

What's more, my little princess and Lu Jiayu are very good friends.

"I'm okay." Lu Jiayu replied gently. She seemed to want to lean on the bed, but she couldn't use any strength at all.

"What about the doctor? Why don't you call the doctor?" Chen Yefeng knocked on the forehead of his little princess as he spoke.

No way, he felt that the little princess who was confused from time to time must have forgotten!

However, this time he seemed to blame the little girl.

"Shout!" Chen Yuan clutched his knocked forehead, "Brother. You know you bullied me!"

"Brother is wrong, okay!" Chen Yefeng helplessly stretched out his hand and rubbed Chen Yuan's head, with a doted look on his face.

"Okay!" Chen Yuan responded happily, and then ran to the side and brought the hot porridge that was just aside to Lu Jiayu's side.

"Xiaoyu, it's cold now, you can drink quickly."

"Thank you, I don't really want to eat."

"How can it work? The doctor said just now, you are relatively weak, how can you do it without eating!" Chen Yuan is also rare and domineering, "Listen to me, eat quickly!"

"Come on, open your mouth, ah~"

With that said, Chen Yuan held the spoon and cautiously fed it.

Seeing her little princess like this, Chen Yefeng was also a little surprised. He didn't expect this little girl to take care of others.

But sometimes it is like a child, which makes people headache.

Soon, a bowl of porridge was drunk by Lu Jiayu under Chen Yuan's feeding.


At this time, the door was pushed open.

Hearing the opening of the door, Chen Yefeng slowly turned his body, and saw a doctor in a white coat slowly walk in.

"Sister Qin..." Lu Jiayu yelled softly when he saw the incoming person.

"Yeah." The visitor nodded, but when she saw Chen Yefeng next to her, she was slightly surprised.

If I remember correctly, this person seems to have seen it somewhere...

Qin Xiao didn't think too much, walked over and began to take Lu Jia's body temperature and heartbeat, and asked her some physical feelings.

"Your brother can get rid of me and take good care of you. If he knows about you like this, he will probably hate me to death." Qin Xiao said as he took off his stethoscope.

"Have you not eaten on time recently?"


"I said no, remember, you must eat on time, your body is your own!" Qin Xiao seemed to have known Lu Jiayu for a long time. After staring at it, he said half-jokingly and half-threateningly: "If this happens again, I will give a short report to your brother!"

"Don't, Sister Qin, don't tell my brother, he is so busy, I don't want to trouble him..."

"That won't work, your brother told me, if you have anything, let me call him, wait here, maybe he will be here in a while."

After speaking, Qin Xiao turned and left the ward, leaving Chen Yefeng and the three of them behind.

"Xiao Yu, do you know the doctor?" Chen Yuan asked like a curious baby.

Lying on the hospital bed, Lv Jiayu nodded gently, "My brother knows her better, get rid of her and take care of me."

"So..." Chen Yuan nodded, and then very carefully helped Lu Jiayu begin to peel the banana.

Soon, as Qin Xiao said, Lu Qingkong came.

After all, this was Lu Qingkong's only relative in this world, the only baby sister, so when Qin Xiao received a call, Lu Qingkong didn't care about anything and hurried over.

Seeing Lu Qingkong who suddenly appeared in the ward and approached the bed in a storm, Chen Yefeng did not expect that he would come so soon.

"Brother! I seem to have seen him somewhere!" Chen Yuan said quietly, staring at Lu Qingkong, holding his cousin's arm.

"Shhh, don't talk." Chen Yefeng patted the little girl's head to signal her to be quiet, and immediately looked at the two brothers and sisters in the hospital bed.

When recording a variety show before, Chen Yefeng had seen Lu Qingkong, but apart from some necessary interactions in the show, there was no other exchange between the two.

Chen Yefeng knows how much Lu Qingkong loves this younger sister, and he is a little overdoing, which can be said to be doting.


Lu Jiayu, who was lying on the hospital bed, gave a soft cry.

"Don't talk." Lu Qingkong's voice was surprisingly gentle. This feeling made Chen Yefeng a familiar face.

Because when my sister talks to herself, she feels this way too.

"How are you feeling?"

"It feels no problem!"

"I heard Qin Xiao say, you didn't eat on time?"

"I..." Lu Jiayu wanted to quibble, but after touching Lu Qingkong's eyes, she lowered her head for the last time and whispered: "Brother, I'm sorry."

"Okay, okay, pay attention next time, brother can't stay by your side all the time, you have to learn to take care of yourself."

"Stay here and wait a while, brother will be back soon."

Lu Qingkong finished speaking, then turned and looked at Chen Yefeng again.

Just when Chen Yefeng thought this guy was going to say something, he didn't expect that he would just walk past.

"Wow, brother, Xiao Yu's brother is so cold!" Chen Yuan curled his lips, then hugged Chen Yefeng's arm with a proud face, "It's still my brother, he is handsome and gentle, he is just mine. Male god!"

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