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Chapter 388: Fight brother scene

"Go go, you stay here with Xiao Yu, brother is still okay, if you remember anything, call me."

"Then what if there is something you can't solve?" Chen Yuan pouted.

"Then call our sister!"

After knocking on Chen Yuan's forehead, Chen Yefeng also turned and walked out of the ward.

After the two brothers left, Chen Yuan ran to Lu Jiayu's side, found a stool and sat down.

"Xiao Yu, what does your brother do?" While talking, Chen Yuan peeled a banana to Lu Jiayu.

"Xiao Yuan, I was full just now, don't peel it for me, peel it again, you eat it yourself!"

"That won't work, you have eaten a lot, how can you be full!" Chen Yuan said as he handed the banana to Lu Jiayu's mouth involuntarily.

"Xiao Yu, you have to learn from me, like if I don't eat a roast duck every day, then today is a waste of life!"

"Puff......" Lv Jiayu was amused by Chen Yuan.

"Then do you think about how to eat every day?"

"Of course, only delicacy and my brother can't live up to it!" Chen Yuan finished speaking, and became silly.

"By the way, Xiao Yu, you haven't told me what your brother does!"

"My brother is the same as your brother!"

"What!? Is your brother such a brute?" Chen Yuan exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" Lu Jiayu frowned, not clear what Chen Yuan meant.

"Your brother is the same as my brother. You don't cherish such a cute, charming, obedient and sensible baby sister, so run to hook up other sisters?"

Lv Jiayu: "..."

"No, what are you talking about indiscriminately!" Lu Jiayu gently patted Chen Yuan, "I mean, my brother is also a professional player!"

"Is it awesome?" Chen Yuan asked.

"of course!"

Seeing Lu Jiayu's smug look, Chen Yuan snorted coldly, "Hmph, let me tell you Xiaoyu, no matter how good your brother is, he is definitely not as good as my brother!"


"Because my brother is handsome!"

"My brother is also handsome, OK!"

"Xiaoyu, let me tell you, my brother is kind to me!"

"My brother is also very good to me."

"That's okay." Chen Yuan sighed after realizing that it seemed useless no matter what he said.

Anyway, my cousin is definitely the best brother in the world. There is absolutely no need to question this point.

"Xiao Yu, take another one."

"Xiao Yuan, do you treat me like a pig?" Lu Jiayu was helpless, "Eating on time does not mean that you must eat to death."

"I don't care, anyway, I will urge you according to my appetite!"

"Can you eat so much at one meal?" Lv Jiayu was a little surprised, because Chen Yuan was clearly slim, should be big, should be small, with perfect body, not like a foodie at all, unlike The kind of person who can't control his mouth.

"These may not be enough~" Chen Yuan smiled happily, then broke off two bananas and ate each one.

"Xiaoyu, let me tell you, when my brother was a kid..."


When the two were discussing matters about their brother's childhood, Lu Qingkong had already come to Qin Xiao's office.

When Qin Xiao, wearing a white coat, saw Lu Qingkong, his expression was obviously wrong.

Sure enough, the most important thing in his heart was his younger sister. It has only been more than half an hour since he called and notified him, and he actually rushed over so quickly.

I remember the last time I asked him for dinner, he refused without any hesitation.

However, this stupor was quickly put away by her. She put down the steaming water glass in her hand, sat down on the chair again, stared at Lu Qingkong, her lips lightly opened, and asked: "What are you doing here? Did you go to see Xiao Yu?"

"I watched, come and see you by the way." Lu Qingkong said quietly, without the gentleness when talking to Lu Jiayu just now, and some were just calm.

After that, Lu Qingkong was also very familiar with sitting on the chair next to him.

Chen Yefeng, who happened to be passing by, saw this scene, and the whole person was also stunned. It seemed that there was something between the two!

"I just came back from the ward, you still have to remind Xiao Yu so that she can eat on time." Qin Xiao said.

"Well, I have reminded her, what happened to that thing, that is the thing I got rid of you." Lu Qingkong said, her expression suddenly became a little silent.

"I'm already in contact, I believe there will be results soon, but I can't guarantee that I can contact you."

Qin Xiao's tone was a bit scared that the smell of Lu Qingkong's blame was mixed in it, and Chen Yefeng was also a little stunned when he heard it.

It seems that Lang Youxin's concubine accidentally happened.

"Well, please, if you contact the other party, you can tell them that money is not a problem." Lu Qingkong finished speaking, and then looked at Qin Xiao. This was the first time he looked at her directly after entering this room. .

"How about you?"

"What do you mean?" Qin Xiao asked instead.

"How can I know?" Lu Qingkong took a deep breath and looked aside, trying not to make contact with Qin Xiao's.

Because he owed this girl too much.

Looking at Lu Qingkong who was silent, Qin Xiao sat in a chair calmly, looked at Lu Qingkong, and then glanced at Chen Yefeng before he said, "Speak, you come to me except that one. What's the matter?"

"My arm is a bit uncomfortable." Lu Qingkong shook his arm slightly as he spoke.

Chen Yefeng was also stunned, because he found that when Lu Qingkong shook his arm, the corners of his eyes twitched obviously.

At this time, Qin Xiao's aggrieved expression finally changed a little, and frowned, revealing a slightly worried look.

"Didn't I tell you that you want to take care of it, why don't you listen?"

The tone is both blame and worry, of course, the smell of concern is more mixed in it.

"I can't help it, you know some things about me." Lu Qingkong didn't look at Qin Xiao's eyes too much, staring directly at her, avoiding as much as possible.

"Wait for a while."

"This is the first time you have said this, and after a while, there will be many more paragraphs." Qin Xiao sighed helplessly.

"Is it the fifth time or the sixth time?" Lu Qingkong counted again, "I can't remember it clearly."

"Your memory is still so bad." Qin Xiao showed a strong smile, deeply lost in the eyes.

"All right." Lu Qingkong answered calmly.

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