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Chapter 389: Dear?

Looking at the two people inside, Chen Yefeng didn't pay too much attention.

After all, no matter what happens now, it has nothing to do with him.

When Chen Yefeng walked out of the school infirmary, the voice of his little princess came from behind him.

"Brother, wait for me!"

People followed, Chen Yefeng didn't wait to turn around, he felt a huge force behind him, and then Chen Yuan hung on Chen Yefeng's body like a koala.

"Hurry up, how well are you like this!" Chen Yefeng repelled helplessly, but this was useless.

"I don't, brother, you carry me, I will reward you with one!"

"If you don't hurry down, I will reward you with a big mouth!"

"Hmph!" Chen Yuan hummed coldly, and honestly let go of the hands that hugged Chen Yefeng's neck, and then changed his hands to hug his cousin's arms, with his head resting on his shoulder, a warm look Look like.

This made many young ladies who wanted to come up and ask Chen Yefeng for WeChat all thumped their chests and cried out. A good pig is so attracted by cabbage!

"Why did you come out?" Chen Yefeng asked casually looking at the little girl next to her.

"Xiao Yu's brother went, and then I came out." Chen Yuan finished speaking, looking at Chen Yefeng with a smirk.

"What are you smirking?" Chen Yefeng reached out and knocked on Chen Yuan's forehead very familiarly.

"Oh, brother, you go lightly, the person you got it hurts to death!"

"I'm laughing, it's better for my brother. I feel that Xiaoyu's brother is cold and cold. It's not gentle at all. Saying thank you to me is like I owe him five million!"

Hearing how his little princess described Lu Qingkong, Chen Yefeng didn't say much.

Indeed, since the incident, Lu Qingkong has indeed changed like an individual, becoming indifferent and somewhat ruthless.

"Don't go to class?"

"No, I'm going to sleep anyway, and even if I don't sleep, I definitely won't be able to learn it. When the final exam comes, I just need to make up for it.

Looking at the answering little girl with a straight face, Chen Yefeng's face turned black.

"I said, you are quite self-aware!"

"Of course, I won't look at whose sister I Chen Yuan is!"

Listening to what the little princess said, Chen Yefeng didn't wait to be happy, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

"I said, are you complimenting me?"

"Of course, my brother is the most perfect person in the world. If Xiaoxue were not my best friend, I would definitely disagree with the marriage between you two!"

"We are two talented women, is it your turn to object!" Chen Yefeng smiled and squeezed Chen Yuan's face.

The two brothers and sisters were also strolling around on campus. It happened that he didn't have much time in the future, so it's a good thing to accompany his little princess.

Of course, apart from the male compatriots around who look at their eyes as if they want to eat people, the others are not a big deal.

Soon, it was time for lunch.

Chen Yefeng hadn't eaten much in the college cafeteria, most of them were brought back by Chu Sheng and the others.

So for this reason, he has a few more dads for no reason.

Isn’t there a good saying, as long as you bring me food, then you are my second-born parents!

Following Chen Yuan's back, Chen Yefeng didn't speak, he also smiled as he watched the little girl hop around, showing no worries.

No way, as a qualified brother, he certainly hopes that his little princess can live such a carefree life.

"Brother, what do you want to eat?"

After entering the canteen, Chen Yuan turned his head and asked aloud.

"I..." Chen Yefeng was a little entangled. "To be honest, I want to eat too much, but I don't seem to have a meal card. I don't know where I left the meal card issued at the beginning of school."

"I have a meal card again, there is still a lot of small money in it!" Chen Yuan took out a meal card from his pocket.

"How much is a lot of money?" Chen Yefeng asked casually.

"It seems that it is only five or six thousand, I haven't spent the last charge!"

I heard that Chen Yefeng's eyes suddenly widened. This prodigal little girl, with a meal card charging so much, how long will it take to spend five or six thousand!

"I'm not in charge, I don't know how much firewood, rice, oil, and salt are expensive!" Chen Yefeng reached out his hand and knocked on Chen Yuan's forehead very accustomed to it, but the little girl pouted in protest.

"Brother, you are bullying me, I want to go back and tell my uncle!"

"Your wings are stiff?"

I heard that Chen Yuan pinched his waist with both hands, raised his head, and said very aggressively, "No!"

"You haven't dared to threaten me yet!" Chen Yefeng knocked twice again.

No way, after all, he has developed this habit. After that, there is not much time to accompany the little girl, so now he can't make a fun.

"Brother, I was wrong. Let's eat first. When you are full and strong, it will not be too late to knock!" The threat failed, and Chen Yuan had to be softened.

Seeing the pitiful look of her little princess, Chen Yefeng smiled and took the hand of the little girl from Fancara, and the two of them entered the dining hall.

As the saying goes, it’s a bit of a soft mouth, and short hands. Although this is his own family, Chen Yefeng still feels distressed for his little princess looking at the line like a long dragon.

Ask her to find a place to sit down first, and then she bowed her head and slammed into the long crowd.

Chen Yefeng was very experienced in jumping into the team, and this was also the result of Gao's influence when he was in Sky Blue High School.

But even so, Chen Yefeng still bought lunch after about twenty minutes.

No way, this way, but the young lady asked him for WeChat no less than five times, which was too long.

Had it not been for that he rarely came to the cafeteria to eat, Chen Yefeng really wanted to buy a mask next time, so as not to waste so much time because of this kind of thing.

With the dinner plate, Chen Yefeng also looked at the figure of his little princess, and soon he saw Chen Yuan's figure in a corner by the window.

It's just that, besides that, there is another person standing next to her, holding a mobile phone, not knowing what she is talking about.

Seeing that Chen Yefeng quickly moved forward and walked over quickly.

The younger sister is in danger, and it is natural to be obliged to be the brother!

"You are here! Honey!"

When Chen Yefeng walked and approached, Chen Yuan found that his cousin later said hello, but also showed a sweet smile.


This smile made Chen Yefeng a little confused.

How long has this been apart, why has this little girl started talking nonsense?

What the **** is my dear?

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