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Chapter 390: This troublesome sister

"This is the person who ran over to talk to me and wanted my mobile phone number. I don't know who this is. Inexplicable?!!!" Chen Yuan said while shaking his head.

Just when Chen Yefeng was about to open his mouth to drive away this person who didn't know the heights of the earth and dared to strike up a conversation with his little princess, he heard his little princess speak again.

"My dear, don't be angry, I don't know him!" After speaking, Chen Yuan gave a good kiss to Chen Yefeng.

This made the latter suddenly wonder what happened.

Who am I, where am I, what happened, what did my little princess say, and what does it mean?

Does her head hurt again?

Or, I tried too hard just now, this little girl was knocked stupid by myself too hard! ?

Before Chen Yefeng could speak, Chen Yuan spoke again.

"You have seen it too, this is my boyfriend, is he more handsome than you, and more temperamental than you!" After that, Chen Yuan snorted proudly, as if you were not good.

After getting the answer, the younger brother with glasses and mobile phone ran up to strike up a conversation with Chen Yuan, who was trying to ask for WeChat or a contact information, and looked at Chen Yefeng slightly.

Although I don’t know what medicine is sold in the little princess gourd, Chen Yefeng will naturally not dismantle the platform at this time, let alone lose the chain. The body is strong immediately, and the king's spirit is also from the inside out. Spread out.

How could this other party be able to withstand it, he immediately put away his mobile phone and said to Chen Yuan, after a disturbance, he lowered his head and ran away dingy.

"Don't run, maybe you hold on a little longer, I will agree!"

Seeing the other person running away, Chen Yuan yelled and laughed hehe.

As a result, before the laughter had spread far, he heard a crisp sound of "Boom!"

The next second, it goes without saying.

Chen Yuan, who was just smiling as happy as a teletubbies, suddenly pouted and covered his forehead with a grieved expression.

"Brother, you bullied me again!"

"Still talking!" Chen Yefeng frightened Chen Yuan, "What were you talking about just now, what dear, what boyfriend?"

"It's a boyfriend!" Chen Yuan blushed for some reason, and the little girl who had always been boldly letting go in front of her cousin, was unexpectedly twisted now.

"No more gibberish, I will let you know why the flowers are so red!" Chen Yefeng threatened.

"Okay, brother, it's like this!" Chen Yuan took two steps back while holding his forehead, avoiding being hit again, and explained with a smile: "This is not always someone coming to talk to me. I dislike them. So just say I have a boyfriend, so that they won’t come up to talk to me, and I’m quite quiet!"

"Is there a boyfriend?" Chen Yefeng raised his eyebrows when he heard that, "Tell me, who is it? Let me check it out for you! But we have to say it in advance. If it is too bad, it must be. The dragon among the people is good, not to mention the enthusiasm of the family, it also requires a certain talent."

"No! How come!" Chen Yuan shook his head quickly.

"Then which boyfriend did you just talk about?" Chen Yefeng wondered.

"Of course it is..." Chen Yuan stretched out her white palm and pointed at Chen Yefeng.

"Are you talking about me?" Chen Yefeng's face turned black. This little girl really went to the house without a fight in a day.

"That's right!" Chen Yuan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. "Someone came over to accost me and I was annoying me. I just said you are my boyfriend!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

The blame had to be chatting and farting in the e-sports agency a long time ago, and a shirtless, muscular man walked in and asked him to single out by name.

Originally, Chen Yefeng thought he had come to single-handedly, and the computer was vacated by others, and he also provided a free account for him to use.

As a result, it was punching when they singled out!

Looking at the other side's five-and-three rough looks, of course Chen Yefeng obliged to refuse.

My generation is a civilized person, how can I do it!

Later, someone told Chen Yefeng that they belonged to the Taekwondo club.

At that time, after Chen Yefeng learned this answer, his whole person could be said to be particularly embarrassed. He didn't sin against the members of the Taekwondo club. Why did he bother himself.

Now that I heard my little princess say so, all the doubts from before were immediately resolved as if they were guarding the clouds and seeing the light!

It turned out that all this was the trouble that this little girl caused herself!

This prodigal sister! ! !

"Brother, what's the matter with you?" Seeing his cousin not speaking, Chen Yuan asked cautiously.

"Nothing, I want to give you a good reward!" Chen Yefeng said with some tears.

It's normal for a younger sister to use her as her elder brother as a shield, but...this little girl solicits hatred on herself, isn't she afraid of being attacked from behind by walking in the middle of the night! ! !

"Well, what do you reward me!?" Chen Yuan obviously hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter, and he leaned forward with a look of expectation, especially wanting a reward.

"Reward your favorite big mouth!" Chen Yefeng looked at the silly look of his little princess, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

Let's fight, I'll give up!

Don't fight, she is very skinny!

Alas...this headache-prone sister, let someone take her away quickly!

"Brother, didn't I also follow your criteria as an audit, but I found that so many people accosted me and no one was better than you!"

"Really?" Chen Yefeng grinned suddenly when she heard her little princess say this.

Among other things, the little girl's vision is indeed good!

"Of course, you are my elder brother who wished, they are all too far away!"

"Okay, okay, let's eat quickly, this time I will spare you this time. Next time, I promise to let you know why the flowers are so red!!!"

"Brother, what did you buy?" Chen Yuan, who heard that he had already sat down, asked curiously, looking at the two trays in his cousin's hands.

"Don't worry, how can I forget that our little princess likes fried pork the most, so I waited a long time in a gothic queue before I bought you fried pork, and it's still a big portion!"

With that said, Chen Yefeng also put the dinner plate on the table in front of Chen Yuan, and then sat opposite her.

Chen Yuan glanced at the things on his cousin’s dinner plate and didn’t say anything, but... Chen Yefeng said on his own: “In view of your performance just now, the little fried pork belongs to you. its mine!

Don't eat this duck leg and chicken leg ribs. I will kill it! "

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