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Chapter 391: Brother, do you dislike me!

Upon hearing this, Chen Yuan pouted aggrievedly, showing a pitiful look.

"Brother, you know that you are bullying me, you don't feel sorry for them at all!"

Chen Yuan actually thought that his cousin would definitely give himself a bit of both duck and chicken legs.

Now it seems that the cousin is really a big bad guy!

"Brother, you give me a little bit. You can't finish eating so much. If you can't finish it, you will waste it. It is wrong to waste food. Don't you all advocate saving food now!" Chen Yuan ate small fried meat, his eyes still Forgot to look at the fleshy flesh in front of Chen Yefeng.

I just took the chopsticks and started directly, but her cousin has a life. Of course, she dare not do it lightly. She has to ask for permission. Who makes herself a sister!

"Originally, I bought this for you, but! You are really getting skinny now, and I won’t be able to educate you. If you let you get that skinny, I’m afraid I won’t be able to control you in a while. Up!"

"How come!" Chen Yuan grabbed his head and smiled embarrassedly, "Brother, what are you talking about!"

"I'm your sister, obedient and sensible, cute and charming, I won't be disobedient!"

Seeing the quirky look of the little girl, Chen Yefeng raised his mouth slightly, sketching a smile, and picked up a piece of braised pork ribs with chopsticks, "Want to eat it?"

"Yes!" Chen Yuan nodded vigorously, like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Open your mouth!"


When Chen Yuan opened his mouth very obediently, and was very happy to think that his cousin fed him by himself like he did when he was a child, he saw that a piece of spare ribs that belonged to him was turned halfway and was lost by his cousin. In my mouth.

In an instant, Chen Yuan's grievances rose suddenly.

"Brother, you did it on purpose, and you are teasing me again!"

"Yes!" Chen Yefeng smiled, "It tastes good, although it's not as good as your aunt's as my sister made, but it's OK, it's better than nothing!"

"Ah!!!" Chen Yuan was even more aggrieved. "Brother, you are abusing children, don't you know?"

Looking at the unusually developed pectoral muscles of her little princess, Chen Yefeng's mouth twitched, "Is there a kid your age, giant baby!?"

Originally, Chen Yefeng wanted to inspire her little princess, but she didn't expect Chen Yuan to be ashamed and proud instead!

"Yes, I am a giant baby, a small baby, brother, you have to take good care of me, don't bully me..."

"How do I take care of you..." Chen Yefeng's face was dark.

"Yeah...for example, don't bully Xiaowan, be nice to Xiaowan, and share something delicious with Xiaowan. Brother, you said Xiaowan is right!"

Seeing the proud little expression on her little princess, Chen Yefeng took advantage of the situation, and directly rewarded her with Chen's head knocking!

Boom! ! !

"Oh, brother, I said, you are not allowed to bully Xiaoyuan, you actually did it!"

"You say one more thing, brother is more than just hands-on."

"Huh, brother, I bought this with my meal card. I bought it, so I have the right to eat it!" Chen Yuan had no choice but to start to reason.

As we all know, it is generally unreasonable to talk to women, but... it's different here for Chen Yefeng.

Hearing what his little princess said, Chen Yefeng smiled slightly, "That's good, then brother has to talk to you well."

"Don't, let's forget it, I can't eat my little fried pork..." Chen Yuan quickly begged for mercy, there is no way, who makes himself a younger sister!

Looking at the aggrieved little girl, Chen Yefeng smiled, reached out and patted her head, then pushed the dinner plate in front of her.

"Okay, okay, let's stop teasing you, how can brother not hurt you!"


I saw that Chen Yuan's face that was just like a dark cloud, suddenly became clear, showing a silly smile.

"I know, brother will not be sorry for Xiaowan!"

With that, the little girl started to eat with excitement.

"Eat slowly, no one will rob you!" Chen Yefeng looked at his little princess who eats Hesai, feeling helpless in his heart.

The little princess just now can be said to have staged a wonderful face-changing teaching for herself, right?

This is the quintessence of the country! ! !

It can be said that it is a phenomenon-level country to protect animals!

In this way, Chen Yefeng kept watching her little princess eat everything on the two dinner plates full of dangling dishes.

It's also strange. My little princess doesn't look like she can eat this way, and she's not fat, so why can she eat this way!

Where did she go after eating so much?

Chen Yuan, who was so stared at by his cousin, burped after eating and laughed embarrassedly.

"Brother, why are you always looking at me? Are there flowers on my face?"

"Brother is thinking, where did you eat so much!" Chen Yefeng felt that this might be a worldwide problem for herself.

"It's worth talking about!" Chen Yuan heard it, patted his stomach, and ate it all.

"Brother, do you dislike me for eating too much!"

"Why, it's a blessing to be able to eat. Didn't your aunt let you eat more every time you eat? Every time I see you, I complain about how you lost weight again. So, you can eat more."

"In my aunt's eyes, it seems that no matter how thin I have been, I have never been fat." Chen Yuan was also particularly depressed.

"By the way, brother may not have time to take care of you recently, you have to learn to take care of yourself."

"What's the matter, brother, what are you going to do? Are you going to go far?" Chen Yuan reluctantly hugged Chen Yefeng's arm and began to act like a baby. "No, brother, how can you lose You are such an obedient, cute and charming sister to go on a long journey. If you can, please take me with you!"

"I see, Xiaoxue is going to study in the UK, you must be going to find her!" At this point, Chen Yuan pouted and said jealously: "Brother, Xiaoxue is your girlfriend and my best friend, but I It's your sister. You can't treat it differently. If you leave, what should I do? If I don't have enough to eat or wear warmth, my aunt will know by then, they won't let you go!"

It sounds like Chen Yuan is selling badly, but Chen Yefeng is not an ordinary person. He knew his little princess too well, and he immediately realized that this little girl was threatening himself!

Simply, Chen Yefeng didn't talk nonsense, he started directly, and first rewarded Chen Yuan with a knock on the head of the Chen family.

"Brother, would you take me one? Anyway, I have nothing to do. You take me one, and Xiaoxue might thank you again!"

"Take your head!" Chen Yefeng reached out and knocked on Chen Yuan's forehead, "Brother is going to compete, not to play."

As a result, Chen Yefeng explained for a long time before persuading his little princess.

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