Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 245: The corpse of the immortal emperor is annihilated, and the spear is turned upside down

The heavens are humming together, the eternal night owl!

Shi Hao's appearance was too amazing.

He walked alone in the emptiness of time, breaking the so-called causal limitation of time, and from the edge of life and death, he realized the mystery of the emperor's way.

The law that evolves to the extreme is still his freedom, and it is this ultimate move that allows him to go back and forth between samsara. Under the suppression of the great terror, he brazenly broke through the shackles, was born out of the cocoon, and transformed into the supreme emperor's way. Realm, return to the ultimate ancient land, with coercion sweeping the battlefield!

"Emperor Huang Tian..." Lin Feng looked complicated.

In his mind, he had already guessed the result, but the situation that was actually displayed before his eyes was very different from his imagination.


The face of the future law body was joking, pointing to the domain occupied by the corpse immortal emperor, the endless frantic storm, and said to Lin Feng: "This is his chance. In the established reincarnation, he is the destiny of this world, and we , It’s just a bunch of outsiders."

His words were not concealed, they were clearly transmitted to Shi Hao's ears, but the latter did not raise his eyelids, and only cast his eyes on the almost self-destructive corpse immortal emperor.

"I should thank you. If it weren't for your persecution, I wouldn't be able to put it to death and live afterwards, to understand the true mystery of the emperor's way."

Shi Hao spoke, and when the words fell, he also took a step.

The infinite distance, under his feet, is just a simple line. In an instant, in the frantic storm, a divine shadow suddenly appeared. The corpse immortal emperor had not yet realized the threat, he was already impacted by the pressure and resonated for a short time. Regained sobriety.

But this is not good news for the Immortal Emperor Corpse.


The earth-shattering explosion exploded, but Shi Hao fully exerted self-compression, and forced the corpse Immortal Emperor to kneel to the ground, shattering the void.

"Your time has passed."

Shi Hao raised his hand, and the powerful emperor's power turned into immeasurable light that dissipated the dark matter, sweeping the corpse of the immortal emperor and the emperor's chair under him.

All darkness passed away like ice and snow melted!

The endless imperial road runes can no longer breed misfortune.

The corpse immortal emperor was struggling frantically. On the headless body, a thick black rose, trying to swallow dark matter, seize the essence of all living beings, and replenish himself, but it was a pity that Shi Hao easily saw through it. A punch of the corpse immortal emperor. The restless energy was killed on the spot!

"You can't kill me!!!"

The obsession remaining in the body of the corpse immortal emperor is still roaring the pride that belongs to the immortal emperor: "I am the master of darkness in this world!

I am the origin of countless people of darkness!

I am the immortal emperor who transcends the rules of the heavens!

Time cannot erode me!

Time cannot record me!

I am-an immortal existence! ! ! "

The turbulent voice of Universe makes the Boundless Void collapse!

The obsession of an immortal emperor, after learning the truth, fell into hysteria after madness, its power is enough to destroy the world of ten thousand realms!

But neither Lin Feng nor Shi Hao could make this happen.

"You lost.

From now on, no one in this world can create darkness and chaos again. "

Shi Hao's supernatural power overwhelmed the sky, using the supreme method, instantly crushed all the storms into ashes, stepped on the corpse of the immortal emperor, and said:

"This world, I have the final say!"

This sound settled the universe, this foot shattered the vain, and the corpse Immortal Emperor was silent again, shattered in the endless chaotic obsession.

Shi Hao didn't humiliate him any more, all methods were used, and after the immortal Emperor realized the corpse was annihilated, he was buried in nothingness.

These heavens and worlds, at the same time, witnessed a scene of the legendary epic.

The darkness is gone, and in this 10,000-year era, it is difficult for the world to recur!

The same voice echoed in Zhou Yu, and countless creatures shouted for freedom.

Huangtian Emperor has the sole control over the ages, no one can beat him!

"now you."

After doing all this, Shi Hao finally fixed his gaze at the corner of the end of the years.

There, the long river of time stopped rushing, and the emptiness evolved countless possibilities, and reincarnation ruled all the order and rules.

In the past, present, and future, the three dharmakayas stepped into the emperor's way, overlooking the heavens and eternal ages.

But at this moment, Lin Feng clearly knew that Shi Hao was not targeting him, but the future law body that was the root of the disaster.

"The traveler standing on top of reincarnation."

Shi Hao showed his supreme power and swept everything: "You, it's time to get out of my territory."

After the words were over, the Law Bodies in the future laughed strangely, took a step, ignoring the distance, and directly met with the overwhelming Shi Hao face to face.

Shi Hao's expression did not fluctuate, his gaze turned into a symbol of the emperor's way, piercing through the ages, locking the future dharmakaya, with only one sentence: "Go away, or die!"

"Even in the past, your stubborn temper has not changed at all."

In the future, the Law Body will not move at all, and even stretch its head boldly forward, provocatively saying: "You want to kill me, you can come and try."

The moment the words fell, the sky trembled.

Shi Hao didn't have any nonsense, he directly used the supreme law, shattering the area where the future law body is located!

boom! boom! boom!

The immeasurable light penetrated time and years, and even the ultimate ancient land was instantly vaporized by coercion.

The endless residual darkness, eroded into nothingness.

Only this one trick can defeat heaven.

When the smoke dissipated, Shi Hao was silent, and even a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Are you confused?"

In the future, the voice of the Law Body came, and he actually stood in place unharmed. The supreme power of his talent just didn't seem to have any influence on him. He even said with great interest: "You can try again, but the result will be That's it."

After that, weird smiled and said: "You actually know the answer, don't forget, our previous encounter."

When Shi Hao heard the words, he remembered.

Before, when Lin Feng's real body resisted the pressure of darkness, he stepped into the taboo realm of the cycle of time, and was pulled into an inexplicable future by a force.

There, he witnessed real destruction, and an irretrievable world of despair!

Is that true or false?

Or, are they two independent reincarnations with different endings? !

"Being beyond the realm that I can't touch, I really can't hurt you." Shi Hao became extremely calm after thinking about it, and at this moment he said, he has given up meaningless hostility: "Or ~www.readwn. com~ there, what did you do to me?"

"No hands or feet." The voice of the Dharmakaya in the future is still so elusive: "It's just that it expelled the reincarnation of you and me, and made the battle between us become inevitable, and then it will happen in the infinitely distant future."

"Pretend to be a **** and play a ghost." Shi Hao sneered, and suddenly turned his eyes to Lin Feng's real body, and asked coldly: "What about him? Which one is your reincarnation in this world? You have so much noise in this world, and the purpose is again. What is it?"

"I am not interested in answering your question."

The future law body smiled, pointed at Lin Feng suddenly, and added jokingly: "However, you can try to ask him, after all, he and you are in a reincarnation and are not protected. If you want, you can even talk to him. He learns from each other."

When these words were over, Lin Feng's face instantly darkened.

Especially after feeling Shi Hao's full-fledged gaze, Lin Feng knew that he was pitted by the future law body...

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