Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 246: The **** of the conspiracy, fight against the Emperor Huang!

  How many heroes have come from the ages to the present?

   Over this endless river of time, countless brilliant or dim stars emerged, densely packed, each occupying a cycle.

   Lin Feng may be one of them. With great courage, it stands out from the billions of stars and shines in the past.

   hit the emperor horizontally, dreaming back to chaos.

   He finally participated in and witnessed the past epics, and made an indelible stroke from the battle of Emperor Huangtian.

   And now, finally reached the end of a roll of history.

   Where to go, and who knows?

   Facing the destiny who broke the darkness, Lin Feng was not timid, standing on the other side of the reincarnation, looking directly at Shi Hao indifferently, his heart was calm.

   "Kill from the future, the companion who helped me put down the black disaster, now only you are left."

Shi Hao’s voice was calm and terrifying: "But since entering the ultimate ancient land, I alone have been enough to calm the darkness of this realm. Your existence is meaningless. Tell me, you don’t hesitate to cut the reincarnation and stay here. What is the reason and purpose."

   Lin Feng heard the words, his eyes flashed with helplessness for a moment, he paused on the spot, but he didn't know how to answer.

Could it be that he was asked to tell Shi Hao himself that he was trapped by his future self and used the power of the system to move through the years. In order to continue to pursue the hidden secrets of the past and the future, he had to blend in, this time and again. Was coming in the muddy water, the reason for this?

   I am afraid to say it, Shi Hao, who is outside, will definitely not believe it!

   On the other side, the future law body is still watching the battlefield strangely.

   As before, he didn't worry about the defeat of Lin Feng, who represented this world.

   After all, in the Fallen Immortal Ridge illusion before, he had crossed the cycle of reincarnation, and wanted to kill the present Lin Feng in order to correct the incomplete future.

   Therefore, Lin Feng's death will not have any negative impact on the future Dharmakaya. On the contrary, it will help the future Dharmakaya to cut off the past.

   Such a future Dharmakaya, which destroys the heavens and all realms in the future, and is superior to one reincarnation, without the fetters of the past years, will it transcend everything and become even more invincible?

  Perhaps, this is the true purpose of the meticulous layout of the Dharmakaya in the future?

   Lin Feng thought in his heart, and at the same time he felt sad.

   He is like a chess piece manipulated by humans, a puppet that can't help himself, played with the chaos of the past and the future.

   Even if he broke through the impossible shackles with great courage time and time again, he still couldn't get rid of the thread on his body after all.

   Every step down, I accurately stepped into the pit under the future Dharma body. Lin Feng seemed to be painstakingly searching for a way out of the game. In fact, every move he made was right in the arms of the future Dharma body!

   From entering the Boundary Sea, he gains the supreme power of the future Law Bodies, full of ambition.

   After the Battle of the Immortal Emperor, he joined hands with Ye Fan and others to kill the dark conspiracy, and Lin Feng could not help but continue.

   He still didn't find his own answer, but as an outsider, he perfected the ending of this scheduled reincarnation.

   Finally, it was Shi Hao's battle for the emperor in the ultimate ancient land.

   The corpse of the immortal emperor is actually the same as him, but it is a chess piece of the strongest, with great secrets in his body.

   It is the corpse immortal emperor who forced out Lin Feng's full potential, and under tremendous pressure, he called out three dharmakayas.

   This also allows the future Law Bodies to emerge, disrupting all Lin Feng's plans, and detonating the situation step by step, hoping to make the final harvest.

   The death of the corpse immortal emperor made a wedding dress for Shi Hao, and became the invincible Emperor Huangtian.

   Lin Feng's limit breakthrough, contacting the taboo area, causing the evil of the future Dharmakaya.

   This series of epic battles is dominated by Lin Feng and Shi Hao. The former struggles in desperation, and the latter is desperate to explore. They don't know all this, and they are the big plan of the future Dharma body.

   What is the real purpose?

   Lin Feng is still kept in the dark.

  Perhaps the truth will be revealed only when everything ends and the fangs of the Dharmakaya are exposed in the future.

   But by then, will Lin Feng still have his life to find out?

   is obviously unlikely.

  Because he was outside, Shi Hao, who also had infinite doubts, couldn't wait any longer.

   "It seems you don't want to tell me."

   Shi Hao took a step and came to Lin Feng. The power of Emperor Huangtian shook forever. He just said: "Then fight."

  The words fell, no matter whether Lin Feng agreed with him or not, Shi Hao had already taken action, and he didn't give any explanation.

   The emperor is terrifying!

   There is no fancy magic, only a real attack, Shi Hao rushed towards Lin Feng and smashed the endless starry sky with a punch!

   Behind Lin Feng, the worlds of death were instantly annihilated by the power of the fist and turned into nothingness, nothing to stop, no one to beat!

   Only this punch penetrated the past, the present, and the future, turning into a light penetrating through the past, shining brightly on the peak of the heavens!

   Under the boundless splendor, it was Lin Feng who was locked down by Shi Hao's murderous intent.

  He has no way to escape, he has only one choice to face it fearlessly!

   "He is at ease!"

   Facing this unrivaled divine might, all the supreme methods have become a joke, Lin Feng can only fight with Shi Hao's ultimate move.

   In an instant, an endless river of time emerged on the battlefield.

   Lin Feng stood on the other side, calling out countless avatars of the years, and shot together, forcibly cutting off a period of time.

   This caused Shi Hao's fist to hit the void and fell to the ground, but then Shi Hao's anger ignited the boundless sky.

   "This is my way, you are not worthy!"

   With a low growl, it shook the Nine Heavens Divine Sea, tearing apart the world in all directions!

   Shi Hao waved angrily, overturning the long river of time, without God's might, obliterating all Lin Feng clones, and even forcing Lin Feng out of his body.

   He raised his hand again, grasped countless threads of fate, and severely smashed one of the links between him and Lin Feng!

   Boom! ! !

   The violent buzzing sound echoed in Lin Feng's mind, like a thunder in the sky!

   Shi Hao actually directly cut off Lin Feng and the medium of Supremacy!

  This makes Lin Feng no longer able to evolve the magic of the heavens, and he can't use the ultimate ultimate move like otherness and otherness.

   The ability to directly block all laws!

   "Watch it well."

Shi Hao opened his hands, and the long river of time rushed to his feet. In the eternal years, ray of starlight rose Shi Hao stood at the top of all the starlight, and he was connected with everything. Together, the clones of the same aura looked down at Lin Feng indifferently:

   "My way, you can't learn it!"

  He is at ease!

   Countless Shi Hao shot together, shattering all the rules and order, becoming a **** of self, and directly exploding the reincarnation that envelops Lin Feng with one blow!


   Lin Feng vomited a big mouthful of blood, and was suppressed by Diwei to the corner of time, with nowhere to escape.

   For the first time, he was so powerfully forced to a dead end!

   "No matter what your purpose is, stop here." Shi Hao said blankly.

  The words fell, he raised his hand and accumulated terrifying power to completely obliterate Lin Feng, who had offended him!

   At this time, the future law body moved. He came to Lin Feng, who was seriously injured, and said lightly: "It seems that you need help."

  Unexpectedly, Lin Feng suddenly shot at this moment, blasting the future law body into the air of reincarnation behind him!

   Looking in front of him again, Lin Feng raised his head, his eyes were red, like a **** and demon trampling on the world, only said:

   "I stepped through the cycle of reincarnation, no one can defeat me, even if you stand in my way, I can't kill it!!!"

   The moment the words fell, the river of time was frantic. The reincarnation oven of Lin Feng's three dharmakayas in the past, present, and future vibrated together, exuding a desperate atmosphere of destruction, swept through everything, and tore this Fang Zhouyu apart!

   Shi Hao's face changed drastically: "Are you crazy?! Want you to destroy this world?!"



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