Wang Shaobei's heart trembled, Bai Chen? Wasn't his eye injured?

With the financial resources of the Wang family, it would be easy to obtain information about Bai Chen.

Wang Shaobei's clothes exploded, his spiritual energy rolled over, revealing his knotted muscles, and a huge mountain-opening ax with a cold aura roared out.

This huge mountain-breaking ax is also a master weapon.

Wang Shaobei is the third young master of the Wang family. If we talk about the four juniors of the Wang family, who is more in line with the golden lion bloodline of the Wang family, it is not Wang Shaonan who is the strongest, but Wang Shaobei.

Strike first and gain the upper hand is Wang Shaobei's consistent fighting method.

Suddenly, Wang Shaobei rushed towards Bai Chen with an extremely huge mountain-breaking ax, his eyes burst out with terrifying fighting intent, and he shouted loudly, resounding through the sky.

The whole body's spiritual power was fully activated in an instant, and 97 strands of innate spiritual power enveloped the whole body. With every step he took, the ground cracked like spider webs.

"Bai Chen, Bai Chen, how dare you appear in front of me? I really don't know how to write the word "death"?

This area has been sealed by the sheep-headed general, who has the power of blood. He has 6 innate stars. What are you going to do to fight me? Hahaha! "

Ling Qianqian's blood-colored spear fell behind her, and when she was about to step forward, there were bursts of piercing explosions in her ears, and she looked at the young man beside her with her beautiful eyes.

Bai Chendui raised his arm and suddenly swung it down.


39 star flying knives suddenly roared out, like a sudden rain, covering the sky.

Wang Shaobei's eyes flashed with high fighting spirit, and Bai Chen's name was like thunder in his ears. He was still feeling sorry that Bai Chen could not participate in this training camp.

Unexpectedly, Bai Chen came anyway.

Wang Shaobei raised his head and looked at the flying star knife that was shooting out rapidly. The mountain-breaking ax was suddenly swung in the void, causing ripples. An invisible air wave hit the star flying knife like a tsunami.

Grandmaster Martial Arts: Breaking Mountain Waves.

Wang Shaobei had a sneer on his lips and thought to himself.

"Even Wang Shaonan wouldn't dare to take the challenge. With only 6 stars, can you do it?"

However, the next second, Wang Shaobei's eyes widened, as if he saw something very terrifying.

The moment when the invisible air wave came into contact with the star flying knife.

The air waves were like paper, torn apart in an instant.

The speed of the star flying knife showed no intention of slowing down, and it flew quickly through the air at a tricky angle.

Wang Shaobei suddenly stopped, raised his eyes, and saw 39 star flying knives spinning at high speed, with a harsh sonic boom sound that made his eardrums hurt.

He shuddered, but when he realized it, it was too late. The Star Flying Knife had been completely locked, and all escape routes were blocked.


Cold sweat ran from the corners of Wang Shaobei's eyes.

The star flying knife instantly penetrated Wang Shaobei's huge body.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Time seems to have stopped at this moment.

The air fell into a deathly silence.

You can hear the needle drop!

Everyone's eyes widened, including Ling Qianqian, no one dared to believe what was happening in front of them.

No part of Wang Shaobei Zhou's body was intact, and there were bloody holes everywhere on his body.

A stream of blood flew into the air.

The people behind Wang Shaobei felt their scalps numb, their hearts clenched tightly, and a chill rushed straight to Tianling Gai.

The handsome young man in front of him now looked like a messenger from hell.

Wang Shaobei spat out a mouthful of blood. He didn't even open the life-saving device.

"Am I going to die like this?"

These were the last thoughts in Wang Shaobei's head.

With a bang, the huge mountain-opening ax fell to the ground, and Wang Shaobei fell to the ground with his head up.

He closed his eyes unwillingly.

Wang Shaobei is dead?

This was something that no one expected, and fear arose in the hearts of all the geniuses on the other side.

Bai Chen walked towards the opposite Tianjiao step by step.

Their steps moved backward unconsciously.

When Wang Shaobei died, they lost their backbone. At this time, they were scattered and completely lost their previous fighting spirit.

The leader, a young man with perfect innateness, said in panic.


However, can they escape?

The star flying knives streaked across the sky like shooting stars.

As shrill screams rang out, bright red blood danced in the air.

The scene was like Shura Hell on earth.

It was a miserable situation.

After a while, none of the geniuses on the opposite side could stand up.

Qin Manyin looked at all this in horror, is this Bai Chen?

His strength is obviously only 6 innate stars, why is he so terrifying.

Moreover, it was only at this time that Qin Manyin and Ling Qianqian discovered something in their minds.

Things are getting serious.

Wang Shaobei died, and everyone on the opposite side died.

All the young warriors just came here for training, but now in this scene, how will they end up.

Bai Chen's eyes remained calm as he slowly came to Wang Shaobei's body and kicked it away.

Wang Shaobei's body was kicked to pieces instantly.

The eyes of all the geniuses in Jingzhou City widened. There were no cheers behind them, only the sound of gasps.


Ye Wu was in a trance, staring blankly at the corpses in front of him, his whole body trembling, and he hesitated.

"Bai...oh no, brother-in-law, you are...really brave..."

Ling Qianqian's eyes fell on Bai Chen.

Bai Chen felt comfortable and wonderful in his heart.

It feels so good to do something as you please.

Of course he knew the consequences of doing so, but so what if he did it.

Doesn’t the higher-ups need real warriors?

I will let the people above know that I, Bai Chen, am enough.

However, not everyone agrees with Bai Chen's approach.

Wang Shaodong said directly.

"You're in trouble."

"Why have I gotten into such a big trouble?" Bai Chen said with a disdainful smile, "What happened today is all my fault and has nothing to do with you. If there is any trouble, just come to me."

Hearing this, Wang Shaodong did not speak.

Anyway, Wang Shaobei's death also had many benefits for him.

Qin Manyin and Ling Qianqian quickly came to Bai Chen's side.

"Don't worry, if something happens, we will fight together." Qin Manyin said softly.

Ling Qianqian glanced at her and said, "Resist? How can you resist her?" Then she looked at Bai Chen with her beautiful eyes, "Don't worry, the Ling family will protect you."

Bai Chen smiled lightly and spoke calmly.

"I'm not afraid of soldiers coming to stop them."

Ling Qianqian's eyes showed a hint of worry.

Ye Wu also came over at this time, carrying Fatty Wang on his back.

When Fatty Wang saw Wang Shaobei's body on the ground, he once again used the method of winking and communicating.

Fatty Wang: Well done, you are worthy of being my grandson.

Bai Chen rolled his eyes and didn't say much.

He doesn't care what other people think. As long as the friends around him choose to believe in him, he has no regrets.

Bang bang bang bang!

At this moment, there was a burst of applause.

A young man with an ordinary face walked towards him, but he was wearing very gorgeous and dazzling clothes.

Gorgeous suit, sharp leather shoes, and a long cigar in his mouth.

It's just that the boy's clothes don't match his temperament.

Bai Chen frowned slightly. When the young man appeared in front of them, no one in the Jingzhou team noticed it.

Including white dust.

In an instant, a ray of murderous intent flashed in Bai Chen's eyes, and then quickly disappeared.

There was a faint feeling of excitement coming from his blood.

The young man in front of me is not a human being, but a strange beast.


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