The young man glanced at the corpses on the ground, as if looking at animals, and didn't care.

His dark eyes met Bai Chen's purple eyes and he spoke silently.

"My name is Xiao Feng, nice to meet you."

Bai Chen looked calm, but his heart was already in turmoil.

Strange beast, why are it here? Could it be the doctor’s ‘slice’?

"You guys go back first." Bai Chen said to everyone, and then came to Xiao Feng.

Ling Qianqian and Qin Manyin looked at each other without speaking.

He took everyone in the Jingzhou City team and left silently.

I don't know what kind of punishment awaits them.

Wang Shaobei's death was like a dark cloud hanging over everyone's hearts. Only then did they understand a truth.

You must not be an enemy of Bai Chen.

Bai Chen's apparent strength is absolutely incomparable to that of ordinary people.

Bai Chen didn't think much about what happened next. When he saw the injuries on Fatty Wang's body, he only had the thought of killing Wang Shaobei.

As for the subsequent results, haha, let’s talk about it then.

Bai Chen was now sizing up the strange beast in front of him.

Xiao Feng spoke slowly, "Are you afraid of me when you let them leave?"

Hearing this, Bai Chen was startled, as if he thought of something, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Who are you?"

Xiao Feng smiled and said, "Yes, no wonder the doctor will look at you differently."

"Codename: Beggar, one of the 12 You Ye, Xiao Mengxin, just joined us and can't wait to make contributions.

What an excellent employee. "

Bai Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, is that really the case? No wonder I didn't see the doctor's 'biopsy', it was just a different person monitoring me.

Bai Chen said coldly: "Why are you here? If you are discovered, your fate can be imagined."

Xiao Feng Youyou said: "This is not your concern. We naturally have other tasks here."

"Us?" Bai Chen's pupils shrank, "Who else is there?"

"No wonder the doctor asked me to monitor you carefully. It's really smart." Xiao Feng said with a smile.

Bai Chen said lukewarmly, "Didn't you tell me that? Stop pretending!"

Xiao Feng smiled meaningfully, "It's not easy for you to do this. It's really a headache."

Bai Chen smiled lightly, "As a member of Wang Shaobei's camp, what are you going to do now?"

Xiao Feng's eyes lit up as if he had thought of something, and he said: "Let's fight, of course we can't let others see that something is wrong with us.

Right, Lord Fox Fairy. "

Hearing this, Bai Chen took action decisively, and with a clang, the Qingling Sword and the Fiery Dagger were directly unsheathed, and they suddenly slashed towards Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng said with a playful smile: "Don't be so anxious, right?" Immediately, the figure turned into a black shadow and disappeared from the place.

Bai Chen snorted coldly, waved his big hand, and 39 star flying knives were swept across the sky quickly by the strong wind.

Xiao Li's Flying Knife + Tingfeng Jue.

Seeing this, Xiao Feng opened his legs slightly, as wide as his shoulders, slowly raised his palms from the air, and silently executed a set of extremely slow punches.

Boom, the airflow composed of spiritual power directly hit the star flying knife.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The star flying knife directly hit the spiritual air flow, making a harsh metal collision sound like hitting a copper wall.

Bai Chen shook his hand.

The star flying knife flew all over the sky. When it was knocked away, it quickly turned around. After resetting its direction, it shot out again. The blade rotated at high speed, and the sound of sonic boom resounded again.

Xiao Feng raised his eyes, smiled slightly and said, "It's not enough."

He suddenly stamped his feet towards the ground, and countless fine stones shot out, flying towards the stars.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The star flying knife was knocked away again.

Bai Chen's eyes narrowed, Xiao Feng's strength was unfathomable.

Bai Chen's eyes flashed with faint purple light, and Xiao Feng's steps stopped.

The Nine Nether Eyes opened again.

From Xiao Feng's perspective, the surrounding world has undergone earth-shaking changes. The sky is under his feet, and the entire Zhoujia Town is above his head.

The whole world is turned upside down.

Xiao Feng smiled and said, "It's a good fantasy, but compared to nightmares, you are good." Then he slowly raised his arm and punched out.

A simple punch can even be said to be extremely slow.

However, the next moment, the upside-down world imagined through Bai Chen's imagination collapsed.


The next second, Bai Chen's figure flew out upside down, and the Qingling Sword suddenly plunged into the ground. Sparks flew everywhere, leaving long traces, and then he gradually stabilized his figure.

Two tears of blood appeared on Zi Baichen's eyes.

Feeling that the fantasy world was destroyed, the sight of Xiao Feng's eyes gradually blurred.

"Damn it!"

Xiao Feng tapped the ground with his toes, and his figure appeared next to Bai Chen like a ghost, and he slowly spoke.

"What other skills are there? If you don't use them, you might..."

After finishing speaking, he added his lips and said excitedly.

"Maybe you will really die."

As he finished speaking, Bai Chen felt terrifying spiritual power coming from his side, and a strong wind quickly rolled up around him.

Xiao Feng's eyes flashed with a hint of joking, as if asking, "Can you run?"

With a rumble, Bai Chen's figure flew upside down again.

Crash into a villa on the side.

The villa collapsed instantly, flooding it and sending up bursts of dust and smoke.

Xiao Feng looked up at the sky and said slowly, "There shouldn't be any problem with this, right?"


Rubbles were flying, and a burst of spiritual power rose into the sky from under the ruined area.

A short knife filled with scorching heat shot out.

The short sword of fierce fire rolled up hot flames and pointed directly at Xiao Feng.

With Xiao Li's flying knife and a master-level weapon, Bai Chen already wanted to test his strength.

As Xiaoyao became more proficient in the divine refining method, this trick was finally used by Bai Chen.

Xiao Feng's eyes were calm, he raised his left hand, spread his fingers, and spiritual power gathered from his palm.

When the raging dagger was about to reach Xiao Feng, it suddenly floated in front of his palm, unable to move forward even a cent.

"Haha, is this all you can do?"

After saying that, 39 star flying knives flew quickly in the sky, like locusts flying all over the sky.

Xiao Feng sneered.

"Your flying knife has no effect on me..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Feng seemed to feel something, and his eyes suddenly shrank.

Xiao Feng stopped playing around and looked at the group of star flying knives very seriously, with a hint of danger in his heart.

"This is impossible!"

He quickly twitched all the spiritual power he could use in his body, and instantly formed a defensive formation in front of him.

There are a total of 18 defensive formations.

Each high-speed rotating star flying knife emits a touch of fairy spirit.

The 39 star flying knives seemed to have spirituality at this moment, gradually forming a sharp long sword in the air.

There are 39 touches of light blue fairy energy lingering on the long sword.

In Xiao Feng's eyes, the fairy sword expanded rapidly, and a hint of fear emerged in his heart.

When the fairy sword came into contact with the first of Xiao Feng's 18 defensive formations.

With a bang, the defensive formation collapsed instantly.

The fairy sword, with its remaining power unabated, quickly flew towards the second defensive formation.

At this moment, Xiao Feng felt infinite regret in his heart and cursed directly.

"Damn, this is too big."

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