The 'Fairy Sword' exudes an ancient charm and quickly penetrates the defensive formation in front of Xiao Feng.

The 18 defensive formations in front of him had almost no defensive effect and disintegrated instantly like paper.

The 'Fairy Sword' suddenly inserted into Xiao Feng's chest.

Xiao Feng's face was gloomy, and a trace of fierceness flashed through his heart. Mysterious innate energy quickly surged in his palms, and he tightened his grip on the 'Fairy Sword' in front of him.

The 'Fairy Sword' was wrapped with terrifying inertia and shot out together with Xiao Feng himself.


The townhouses collapsed in an instant.

Kicks up a lot of smoke and dust.

At this point, this small town, which was originally harmonious and peaceful, was devastated and littered with rubble.


Bai Chen's face was pale and he was breathing heavily. The Qingling Sword was stuck on the ground to support his body.

He raised his eyes and stared ahead.

One of the 12 You Ye, the beggar, Xiao Feng, is at least at the peak of Nascent Soul, and may be still above it.

As expected, the next moment.

Xiao Feng, who was hidden under the rubble of the ruins, suddenly burst out of it.

The 'Fairy Sword' is a one-time consumable item and needs to be nurtured in the Phaseless Sword Box for a period of time.

Controlling the power of these fairies is a very consuming task.

Controlling 39 star flying knives at once is undoubtedly Bai Chen's strongest trump card.

Although Xiao Feng didn't know what method he used to block the 'Fairy Sword', he didn't even see any injuries on his body.

The injury on his chest also recovered instantly.

Xiao Feng's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

Is this the kind of strength a 6-star innate person can have?

Haha, are you a liar?

No wonder the doctor said that if you underestimate the fox fairy, you may die without knowing why.

When Xiao Feng thought that the Fox Immortal only had innate strength, but he had such methods, if his strength improved again, it is estimated that the ranking of 12 You Ye would have to be re-divided.

Suddenly, a figure quickly passed across the sky.

Xiao Feng glanced out of the corner of his eye. After pondering for a moment, he showed a faint smile, clasped his fists towards Bai Chen and said.

"Classmate Bai Chen, we have lost this time. Next time we meet again, we won't be so easy to talk to."

Bai Chen expected to speak, but noticed a beautiful figure slowly appeared in front of him.

Under the dark blue glasses are a pair of bright eyes, a high nose, and fair and smooth skin.

A white cheongsam makes her figure dignified and elegant.

Where the legs are crossed, a pair of straight and slender legs, paired with a pair of white high heels, makes people feel like a noble princess.

The woman frowned and spoke coldly.

"Bai Chen, you are so courageous."

After saying that, he glanced at Xiao Feng on the other side and said, "I hate the iron."

"Haha, and you, Xiao Feng, are you so free and easy when you watch your companions being killed?"

Xiao Feng spread his hands and said, "They are weak, do you blame me?"

The woman's chest was heaving violently, and she had a headache as she looked at the devastated battle marks.

Just now, she took a break and read a novel for a while.

Surprisingly, such a big thing happened.

The 30 young geniuses all died at once.

Moreover, Wang Shaobei, the young man with the power of the golden lion bloodline, also died.

This is a huge loss to humanity.

And she is the person in charge of this training. She must have a great responsibility for such a big thing happening.

Thinking of this, she stared at Bai Chen with cold eyes, wishing she could shave him alive right now.

Bai Chen knew in his heart that the dignified and beautiful woman in front of him was definitely not someone to be trifled with.

In terms of strength alone, it's not something he can see through now.

Bai Chen took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

"I did this thing alone. How you want to deal with me is your business, but Wang Shaobei bullies my brother, that's not okay.

If I had to choose again, I would still do it. "

The woman's eyes narrowed slightly, as if she was thinking.

Xiao Feng, who was standing opposite, was startled. Brother, you are really brave. Do you know who is standing opposite you?

The woman spoke in a deep voice, "Tang Yayun, this little girl, I don't know how I trained you to be so vulgar and ignorant of etiquette."

Hearing this, Bai Chen already had a lot of guesses in his mind.

There are only a few people in the world who can call Tang Yayun a little girl, and she is undoubtedly one of the 12 stars.

Combined with the help Wang Shaonan received during the previous battle, there is no doubt that the person standing on the opposite side must be the sheep head, the sheep general.

However, Bai Chen was surprised that the sheep head turned out to be a woman, a very dignified and elegant woman.

The cheongsam woman spoke again.

"I am Su Wanxiu, one of the 12 stars with the head of a sheep. I will truthfully report what happened today." After a pause, he said. "You'd better not think about running away. If this area hadn't been cleared out long ago,

Without the casualties of ordinary people, I will never let you go. "

Bai Chen grinned, with a very indifferent attitude, stretched out his finger and pointed at Xiao Feng, "Master Yangshou, is he not wrong?"

The corner of Xiao Feng's mouth twitched, wishing he could beat Bai Chen violently again, and this time he would definitely not let go.

Why are you dragging me into trouble? Don't you know my current identity?

I'm 12 Youye. Let's talk about how the newbie who just joined has such a rebellious behavior.

Bai Chen's eyes flickered, hoping that Yangshou would quickly notice that something was wrong with Xiao Feng.

That's right, you should check the second- and fifth-year-old guy opposite. He is a spy from 12 Stars. You're welcome.

Of course, Su Wanxiu didn't notice anything different about Xiao Feng. While looking at Bai Chen coldly, she took out her mobile phone and started making calls immediately.

It didn't take long before he put away the phone. Speak slowly.

"Well, your Jingzhou City wins this time. Everyone in Wang Shaobei's group is eliminated, including you, Xiao Feng."

Xiao Feng was suddenly confused, what is going on?

Although Wang Shaobei and others in our group are all dead, haven't I still not lost now?

Xiao Feng was about to speak.

Su Wanxiu quickly interrupted him and said.

"Don't ask, this is not your concern. As a teammate, you didn't help me immediately. This is your problem."

After saying that, he looked at Bai Chen again, "And you, of course I know what happened, but what you did may not be a bit too much. I don't know why the superiors are willing to let you go.

However, you will definitely suffer in future training, so you should be mentally prepared. "

Xiao Feng was immediately unconvinced. Was it wrong that I, one of the 12 You Ye, would lose to a boy with a 6-star talent?

Although he couldn't say it out of face, Xiao Feng finally turned his eyes, as if he thought of something, and spoke.

"Ah, yes, yes, Lord Sheephead, everything you said is right. I will immediately find a place to think about it and see where there is room for improvement."

After saying that, Xiao Feng's figure disappeared from the place.

Bai Chen was a little confused. Just now he wanted to tear me into pieces?

Su Wanxiu just answered a phone call, and her attitude almost changed 180 degrees.

Bai Chen spoke silently in his heart.


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