What is at the end of the sky?

Bai Chen thought about many answers, but he couldn't believe the facts in front of him.

The silent blackness all around seems to be painted on this world like paint.

At the end of the line of sky is a basin, surrounded by cliffs and peaks. In the middle of the basin, there is a floating fairy island.

On the fairy island, there is the outline of a palace, surrounded by spiritual energy. The fairy palace is colorful. A sphere similar to a small sun floats on the top of the fairy island, and the entire fairy palace can be seen.

"This is?"

Bai Chen didn't know where he was now, but he could imagine that this world must not have been discovered yet.

The 'little sun' on the floating fairy island is obviously a treasure, and the powerful people of China are not blind enough to see it.

After a moment, the corners of Bai Chen's mouth raised slightly, had he finally found it?

"Ding, the detection host has arrived at the sign-in location. Has the Changbai Mountain Immortal Palace signed in? The current number of sign-ins is 5.

The interval between each check-in is 7 days.

Sign in? "

It seems that he has found some extraordinary place. This place is obviously different from the outside world. Bai Chen also silently followed the system's instructions to find this place.

Bai Chen has always had a question, why can the system only sign in in such a big Changbai Mountain.

As for how Bai Chen found this place, he himself couldn't tell clearly.

It's just that in my mind, it seems like someone is pulling me somewhere.

This feeling is very magical. I have never been here before, but it is extremely familiar.

"Sign in."

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the Immortal Attracting Technique, the top technique for transforming into gods!"

Bai Chen smiled happily and said: "This time, it turned out to be a technique, and the quality is not low."

"Ding, it is detected that the Immortal-Inducing Technique can cover the current Dragon Elephant Swallowing Sky Strength Technique. Does it cover it?"


"Ding, congratulations to the host, the secret to attracting immortals is a success."


A shocking sound came from Bai Chen's body, as if all his bloodline had been sublimated, and the Immortal Leading Technique had successfully replaced the Dragon Elephant Swallowing Sky Strength.

Tao Tao innate spiritual power circulates throughout the body.

A punch was thrown out, causing ripples in the surrounding space.

Bai Chen smiled.

"199 rays, innate spiritual energy."

Bai Chen murmured that he, who was born with 6 stars, had already reached the limit of this world.

The innate spiritual energy has reached 199 rays. Looking at the entire Huaxia Kingdom, who can have so much innate spiritual energy in the innate realm.

Bai Chen felt that he was many times stronger now than before.

I am even sure that Bai Chen from before is not enough to look at now.

If he were to face Quan Shanshan again now, he would definitely be able to defeat her without using the 'fairy spirit'.

It's just something that makes Bai Chen feel depressed.

You can't sign in every day, but there is a general cooling time, and the 'Changbai Mountain Immortal Palace' sign-in location only has 5 times, and there are sign-in intervals during the period, so you can come once a week.

What does it mean?

It shows that the goods shipped at this check-in location are much better than those at Zhongping Yizhong.

Bai Chen muttered: "Just one week, as long as we can deliver good goods, that's fine."

Bai Chen urged Ting Feng Jue again.

199 rays of innate spiritual power overflowed from the body surface. Feeling the pure and majestic innate spiritual power, Bai Chen suddenly felt refreshed.

Withdrawing his mind, Bai Chen turned his attention to the fairy island in the distance.

The next moment, a star flying knife flashed across the sky in an instant, heading towards the suspended fairy island on the opposite side.

There is something obviously weird about this place.

If you go there rashly, you might die without even knowing how.

The old man in Xianxiantian is very likely to have an inexplicable connection with this fairy palace.

Sure enough, just when the Star Flying Knife was about to arrive at the Immortal Palace, a thunderous sound suddenly exploded.

Purple lightning lights up this world.

The star flying knife suddenly exploded in the air.

Bai Chen felt a pain in his heart: "If I had known earlier, I would have replaced it with something else."

Trying to get close to the Immortal Palace on the opposite side is obviously full of dangers.

For a moment, Bai Chen was stunned in place, thinking about how to cross.

After thinking for a long time, Bai Chen only thought of one way. After hesitating for a moment, a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

"I'll just give it a try. I guess I won't die, right?"

Thinking of this, Baixin has a thought.

A red and white sword box appeared in front of him. The sword box was covered with dense immortal energy. Bai Chen decisively carried him behind him.

The Phaseless Sword Box is Bai Chen's last and strongest trump card.

He firmly believed that even if there was a greater crisis, the Infinite Sword Box could withstand it.

After changing to another technique, it became less strenuous to activate the infinite sword box, but it was just not that strenuous.

If you want to mobilize the fairy sword in it, you still can't do it.

Thinking of this, a trace of disappointment inevitably flashed through Bai Chen's heart, and soon the feeling of disappointment was replaced by excitement.

He was certain that he would be able to command the Phaseless Sword Box in the near future.

At that time, Bai Chen was suspended in the air, and with a wave of his hand, the fairy sword whizzed down like a tsunami, killing gods when gods blocked it, and ghosts when ghosts blocked it.

Oh, I don’t know if there are ghost settings in this world.

Bai Chen stopped thinking too much. While his spiritual energy was rolling, he had already lifted the phaseless sword box above his head. The wind was blowing under his feet, and he slowly thought about flying to that fairy palace.


This area seemed to be conscious and alive. The night sky changed suddenly, and dark clouds rolled, stirred, and gathered in the sky and the earth. Within the dark clouds, thunder surged, like thousands of troops galloping in, roaring and tearing.

A bolt of thunder streaked across the sky, like daylight wiping the darkness from the night sky, and the sky and the earth were filled with darkness.

Hushing, whizzing, the rain fell, at first like broken beads, and gradually connected into a line, dripping down, getting denser and denser, like drizzle,


A ray of purple lightning struck directly on the Phaseless Sword Box. The lightning spread from the Phaseless Sword Box and penetrated into Bai Chen's body.

Bai Chen seemed to be holding a towering peak, his figure staggered in the night sky, and almost fell, and his whole body was missed by the dense lightning.

Bai Chen's heart tightened. A numb feeling spread throughout my body.


But just the next second.

Around the Wuxiang Sword Box, traces of dense fairy energy escaped, forming a thin veil around Bai Chen, and the numbness on his body suddenly dissipated.

Bai Chen was ecstatic inside.

"It can be done."

In this way, Bai Chen held up the Phaseless Sword Box and slowly moved towards the Immortal Palace.

The whole world seemed to be aware that a tiny ant was peeping at this treasure. Countless thick thunderbolts suddenly fell towards Bai Chen as if they were free.

The frequency is getting faster and faster.

In the end, Bai Chen seemed to be bathing in the thunder, and he could be struck by lightning at any time, leaving nothing behind.

Just like that, Bai Chen moved his body hard and slowly.

The outline of the Immortal Palace in front of me is getting bigger and bigger, and the distance to the Immortal Island is very close.

The phaseless sword box can help Bai Chen resist most of the lightning, and the remaining lightning that escapes is also protected by the spirit of the fairy.

In the violent thunder and lightning, Bai Chen seemed to be crumbling, but in fact he was as stable as an old dog.

Just two words.


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