When Bai Chen stepped onto this fairy land, the thunderstorm outside disappeared instantly.

The surrounding scene became peaceful again.

There was looming white snow all around, there was no strong wind, no lightning, and it was as if nothing happened in the whole world.

Bai Chen smiled and said: "Haha, it doesn't seem to be that difficult."

Looking back, I saw a palace filled with fairy spirit appearing in front of me. The Immortal Palace is ancient, with layers of jade bricks, spiritual tiles, purple pillars and golden beams, all of which are extremely luxurious.

In the palace, there are more than a dozen stone statues that look like immortals. Behind the palace is paved with jade slabs, and there is actually a crystal clear stream with butterflies flying around it and the fragrance filling your nostrils.

Bai Chen was stunned and asked in confusion: "Is there anyone else in this immortal palace?"

Bai Chen stepped forward slowly. The entire fairy palace seemed to be a peaceful place, which was really incredible.

When Bai Chen came to the immortal-looking stone statue, his pupils could not help but shrink.

Among these stone statues, there is a swordsman wearing a bamboo hat and a long sword hanging on his waist.

Bai Chen knew him as the old swordsman blocking his path in Xianxian.

At this moment, three graceful women in white dresses floated down from the Immortal Palace. They had beautiful faces and an ancient Taoist charm about them.

The woman standing in the middle said to Bai Chen, "Is he the one who just passed the trial?"

Bai Chen wanted to speak, but the ancient stone statue of the swordsman turned into a human form in the next second.

This figure seemed to be no different from a normal person. The old swordsman smiled faintly at Bai Chen, as if he was very satisfied. Then he raised his hands and said to the woman.

"Yes, the road I am stationed on is exactly this boy. But I didn't expect that he could cross the thunder restriction and come to the fairy palace."

The woman looked at Bai Chen seriously, "The little guy also has an incredible opportunity.

In this case, being able to come here is fate. The ancestors have rules. Anyone who can come here will get the opportunity. "

Hearing this, Bai Chen's heart trembled. Is the stone statue really alive?

Isn't this amazing?

And can we still get a chance? Is there such a good thing?

Bai Chen's face did not change, and he wanted to see the woman's face clearly, but there was a mysterious spiritual power in her body, as if there was a hazy cover on her face.

Even the old swordsman was like this.

Bai Chen's thoughts were racing and he had an unreal idea in his head.

"Are they all ghosts?"

Ghosts are not common in this world, but that doesn't mean they don't exist in this world.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen seemed to feel that the temperature around him had dropped a bit, and a sense of vigilance arose in his heart.

hehe! What good opportunities can ghosts give you?

There was no expression on the woman's face. With a wave of her jade hand, a jade gourd appeared in front of Bai Chen's eyes.

Bai Chen was startled. Is there really a chance?

With the mentality of giving it a try, Bai Chen stretched out his hand and took down the jade gourd. He did not open it in a hurry, but imitated the old swordsman, clasped his fists and said.

"Thank you."

The voices of the woman and the old swordsman were not heard. Their bodies suddenly became illusory, distorted, and finally disappeared.

What just happened seemed to have never happened, but the jade gourd in his hand was particularly conspicuous.

Bai Chen rubbed his eyes. What just happened was really unpredictable.

With a thought in his mind, Bai Chen put the jade gourd into the space ring.

Looking around at the current situation, there is nothing different except the scene that just happened.

Bai Chen turned around and looked at the stone statue of the old swordsman again, feeling horrified for a moment.

The old man's stone statue opened his eyes and stared directly at him, with a sneer hanging on the corner of his mouth.

Bai Chen shook his head, not thinking too much, and came to lead the front of the hall.

There is a throne carved from spiritual stone. The throne is majestic and luxurious, with phoenix patterns surrounding it.

Bai Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, this fucking throne was made of spiritual stone.

I mean, is it possible to use the system to absorb all the thrones?

The idea is naive, but the reality is so cruel.

Just as Bai Chen reached out to touch the throne, an invisible force pushed him away.

Bai Chen curled his lips, "So stingy that you won't even touch him?"

The 'little sun' above the head illuminated the entire fairy palace as brightly as day.

However, in Bai Chen's view, the 'little sun' above his head is more like an eye monitoring himself.

Whenever Bai Chen wants to see clearly the 'little sun' in the sky, a flash of pain immediately appears in his eyes. He needs to slowly look away before the pain disappears.

Immediately, Bai Chen gave up the idea of ​​watching the 'Little Sun' and came to a side hall. He opened the door and entered. The room inside was filled with fairy air and there was only a jade bed placed there.

Bai Chen smiled lightly, "How about sleeping here today?"

It's getting late now, and the way back is not easy, so it's better to rest here and explore the fairy palace tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen sat cross-legged on the jade bed and could only pretend to be half asleep and half awake. Of course, he could not truly fall asleep in this strange fairy palace.

Unless Bai Chen is dying.

However, replenishing physical strength is also a very important thing.

Without thinking much, Bai Chen fell on the jade bed and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, the early morning sunshine fell on every corner of the fairy palace, adding a quiet and peaceful atmosphere to the fairy palace.

Bai Chen slowly opened his eyes. He had never slept so comfortably for a long, long time.

Feeling comfortable and energetic all over, he got off the jade bed and pushed open the door. Bai Chen was startled by the beautiful scene that greeted him.

Delicate flowers and plants are blooming, butterflies and birds are flying, and bursts of refreshing fragrance are blowing into the nostrils, just like a paradise.

After a pause, Bai Chen sighed. He really hoped that one day he could solve all the problems. It would be nice to find a place like this and spend the rest of his life well.

After gathering his thoughts, Bai Chen felt extremely comfortable walking alone in this fairy palace.

The 'little sun' above the head seemed to disappear into the clouds, as if it had not appeared during the day.

Bai Chen was looking for opportunities in the side hall.

I was disappointed that the opportunity I wanted didn’t come along.

Could it be that there is nothing that can be found in such a huge fairy palace?

After searching around again to make sure that all blind spots were not forgotten, Bai Chen came to the main hall in despair.

There is really nothing else there except 36 stone pillars and a phoenix seat carved from fairy stone.

When Bai Chen came to bring Feng Zuo in front of him, there was invisible energy around him to resist it. This was something Bai Chen had tried before.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen looked at the high phoenix throne and felt itchy in his heart, could I really just look at it?

I risked my life and death to enter the Immortal Palace, but damn, there was nothing.

The thief never leaves empty-handed.

In Bai Chen's heart, he simply forgot about the existence of Jade Gourd.

Bai Chen sat on the floor, dragging his chin, and thought quietly. He didn't know how long it took, but a flash of light flashed in his mind, and a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

"In that case, don't blame me for being shameless."

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