Everyone in the Jingzhou team looked at each other in shock. The victory came too suddenly and seemed a bit unbelievable.

Wang Shaodong looked in Bai Chen's direction, full of fear, and silently vowed in his heart not to be his enemy.

It's really scary.

Today's Bai Chen, not counting the genius of the hidden sect, is already considered the number one among the younger generation of the Huaxia Kingdom.

According to the process, they will meet Quan Shanshan's team, and then Long Feibai's team.

However, the two of them couldn't even resist Bai Chen's sword.

It would be better to fulfill Bicang's idea.

There is another point that Bicang did not say.

What the hell, it was obviously just a small training camp, why did Mao make it so bloody?

If you do it a few more times, your hair will fall out.

By then, those guys will definitely laugh at themselves again.

This must not be allowed to happen.

Rat Head, who was also one of the 12 Stars Team, had the same identity, but he bowed to Su Wanxiu with a flattering apology smile. Everyone's minds were racing with thoughts, and they seemed to smell a hint of gossip.

Everyone in the Jingzhou team looked at the rat-headed man with curiosity.

The farther back you go, the more humble you become.

However, Su Wanxiu didn't care and waved her hand, not knowing what she was thinking.

Bicang secretly stretched out his arm and waved to everyone.

Everyone is a genius in Jingzhou City, how could they not understand the meaning of the rat head.

This is to dislike them.

It's just that this is where the Jingzhou team is stationed. The house has been destroyed long ago. They don't even have a place to stay now, and they have even handed over their money and mobile phones.

There is no place to stay, and the money for food has long been used up.

At this time, Ling Qianqian looked at Bai Chen, and a light flashed in her mind.

Brother Bai Chen is rich.

He was a late freshman, and maybe he didn't turn in his cell phone.

Before Bai Chen came, their life was quite hard. In addition, since he was the number one scholar in Jingzhou City, the current situation was inextricably related to his lateness.

Ye Wu has been Ling Qianqian's little follower since he was a child. He can almost understand Ling Qianqian instantly with just one look.

Ye Wu tiptoed to Bai Chen, rubbed his hands and hesitated.

"Sister...brother-in-law, I'm really sorry to ask a small question."

Bai Chen raised his eyebrows, "No!"

Ye Wu shuddered, feeling that Bai Chen was angry, and quickly turned to look at Sister Qianqian.

Ling Qianqian stared at Ye Wu with her beautiful eyes, as if to say, look at what I'm doing, hurry up.

A tall and powerful young man looked like an immature child in front of Bai Chen. He was almost crying when he asked.

"Sister...brother-in-law, lend me some money to eat!"

Bai Chen was stunned. He didn't expect that Ye Wu came to borrow money from him, and then he seemed to think of something.

Everyone's mobile phones have been handed in. I'm afraid no one in the Jingzhou team can spare 100 yuan.

Bai Chen smiled.

"Why, among all of you here, who is not from a distinguished background and whose family is extremely rich, would you borrow money from a poor guy like me?"

Ye Wu screamed in his heart, he didn't expect that his brother-in-law would be such a stingy person.

The master's temperament just now disappeared in an instant.

Shouldn't the plot be that Bai Chen pays for a treat and shows off his leadership style, and everyone's favorable impression of Bai Chen skyrockets?

Lu Jin didn't care so much and grinned.

"Brother Chen, why don't you lend us some money? I'll definitely pay you back after we go out, and where the team will stay at night is a very serious issue."

Everyone in the Jingzhou team nodded, feeling that what Lu Jin said made sense.

After going back and forth, Bai Chen also figured out the reason, waved his hand and said.

"Come with me. I still have some money for food and accommodation."

Fatty Wang jumped directly onto Bai Chen and said excitedly: "Let's go, let's do the work."


However, everyone in the Jingzhou team seemed to have forgotten a very serious matter.

Most of the ordinary people in Zhoujia Town were transferred away by the sheep-headed Su Wanxiu. They were the only people in the entire ancient town who were training.

Fortunately, there were still fresh ingredients in the small supermarket, and the prices were all marked. Bai Chen calculated that he didn't spend much of the 1 million he had. After scanning the code to pay, he left with everyone.

Not long after, everyone in the Jingzhou team came to a high-end and elegant villa.

With the idea that there is no one in the villa, there should be no problem if we rent it for a few days.

Well, someone will pay us in the end anyway.

However, the difficulties faced now have increased. Everyone in the Jingzhou team has not had a good meal for a long time.

At this time, they were already hungry.

Looking at the dazzling array of ingredients on the table, my heart was full of joy. Then everyone looked at me and me, but in the end no one got up to cook.

Finally, his eyes fell on Bai Chen.

Su Mu and Zhuang Sihan looked at Bai Chen with twinkling stars in their eyes.

The corner of Bai Chen's mouth twitched, "What are you looking at me for? I paid for the food. What does your look mean?"

Fatty Wang couldn't care so much at this time, and said as his stomach growled with hunger.

"Look at all of us, who can cook?

Ling Qianqian? Miss Ling family, can she?

The remaining few are young masters, so you are more likely to count on me.

Among them, apart from you who may be able to cook, who else can? "

Fatty Wang's words were the voice of everyone. Everyone was grateful to Ling Ling for looking at him. Although the little fat guy was not very strong, he was very clever.

How good is the relationship between Fatty Wang and Bai Chen?

What he said seemed appropriate.

Bai Chen turned his eyes to Qin Manyin. She, who also went to Zhongping No. 1 Middle School, couldn't be a young lady from a wealthy family, right?

Qin Manyin noticed Bai Chen's gaze, her cheeks turned slightly red, as if she thought of something, she turned her head and looked elsewhere, as if to say, it is absolutely impossible for me, a fairy, to cook.

Bai Chen's eyes left Qin Man's beautiful figure and fell on Su Mo and Su Fang. They had been following Ling Qianqian since they were young, and they were quite like bodyguards taking care of the young lady.

They should know how to cook, right?

Su Mo and Su Fang both shook their heads. It was true that they were guards, but besides following Ling Qianqian, the two brothers and sisters usually ate either in a hotel or in a group taking out food.

Bai Chen didn't want to speak at this time, and looked at the hopeful looks cast by everyone, haha, I didn't have such looks when I fought against Long Feibai.

After thinking for a moment, Bai Chen stood up, carried the ingredients, walked to the kitchen, and put on his apron.

Time passed, the sun set like fire, and it was already time to have dinner.

Everyone in the Jingzhou team sat around a round table, looking at the dishes on the table, including braised braised chicken, white-cut chicken, mapo tofu, pork rib soup... a total of 16 dishes.

Qin Manyin picked up the chopsticks, picked up a small piece of fish, blew on it with his small mouth, put it in his mouth, and smiled happily.

The food is delicious and salty just right. Compared with the taste of the hotel, it is home-cooked and has a bit more flavor of life.

Everyone watched Qin Manyin take the lead in using chopsticks. They could no longer bear the ancient power in their bodies and immediately joined the battle.

Seeing this, Bai Chen couldn't care less and directly joined the battlefield.

A starving ghost is reincarnated. Can he eat like this?

Hey, who took away my chicken legs? They were still in the bowl just now.

Bai Chen looked up and cursed angrily: "Fat Wang, you will not die well."

Fatty Wang's mouth kept moving, his cheeks were bulging, and he grinned: "Hey, hey, don't be so stingy."

At this moment, the entire room was filled with terrifying pressure, and a furious sound came from the air.

"Little friend Bai Chen, you agreed to treat me to dinner, but did you forget about me?"

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