The sound of rage echoed throughout the villa, and everyone felt their eardrums hurt. Two figures slowly appeared in front of everyone.

Sheep head, Su Wanxiu.

Rat head, Bicang.

Bicang looked at the devouring Jingzhou team and twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, "You haven't had a meal in how many years." He coughed twice and said.

"Ahem, cough, little friend Baichen, have you forgotten what you promised me?"

How can Bai Chen forget, but you didn't give me your contact information, so you can only keep these words in your heart, and you can't say them openly, and then he smiled lightly.

"Brother Big, sit down quickly, I will add some dishes."

Su Wanxiu smiled and persuaded Bicang.

"Don't mess around. We are just here to deliver the holy water. We will leave immediately after delivering it."

After the words fell, two bottles of holy water appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Everyone in the Jingzhou team looked happy. They didn't expect to be able to get the holy water. You must know that Bai Chen only got two bottles before.

Ye Wu's eyes widened, looking at everything in front of him in disbelief, and said foolishly.

"Do we actually have one too?"

Fatty Wang grinned and said, "Haha, if you don't want it, you can sell it to me."

Ye Wu: "Dream."

As everyone spoke, happy smiles appeared on their faces. Everyone was in a good mood. Seeing this, Su Wanxiu obviously didn't like staying in crowded places and was about to leave.

Ling Qianqian spoke softly.

"Lord Sheep-Head, Lord Rat-Head, since you're here, it's better to finish your meal before leaving. It's just two more sets of bowls and chopsticks."

Hearing this, how could everyone not understand what Ling Qianqian meant? Su Wanxiu could only stay after everyone said something to me.

Bi Cang laughed, it would be nice to stay for a meal.

The white dust turned into a gust of wind and floated into the kitchen. After a while, there were many more dishes on the dining table.

Su Wanxiu stretched out her white forearms, picked up a small piece of green vegetables with chopsticks, and ate it in small bites, with a happy smile on her face.

I didn't expect that this kid Bai Chen, who looked rough, was actually a good cook.

Bicang was also surprised, looking at Bai Chen as if he had discovered a new continent.

Bai Chen smiled lightly, "I'm used to it at home, so the taste can't be compared with the chefs outside, but the food I cook is really delicious."

Ye Wu, Lu Jin, and Fatty Wang were working hard, raising their hands from time to time.

The four girls, Zhuang Siyao, Su Mo, Qin Manyin, and Ling Qianqian, seemed a little worried about whether they had eaten too much and whether they would gain weight tomorrow.

Wei Feng and Su Fang, both from Tianping No. 1 Middle School, were holding appetizers and clinking glasses with them.

Both of them had slightly red faces, and the atmosphere was just right.

Only Wang Shaodong seemed out of place with everyone, sipping a small drink alone and minding his own business.

Bai Chen didn't care and put a chicken drumstick in his bowl first. Fortunately, to save time, he bought a week's worth of ingredients.

Time passed slowly in a cheerful atmosphere. After everyone had eaten and drank, the rat-headed Bicang burped heavily, holding a toothpick in his mouth, and slowly spoke in detail.

"Haha, seeing you look like this now reminds me of those days."

Su Wanxiu frowned, "Are you too drunk? Why are you bringing this up?"

"No, on the contrary, now I think he is the most sober." Bicang took a sip of beer and said slowly, "I don't know, how many people are left in our class?"

Su Wanxiu didn't speak this time, her beautiful eyes were lost in thought, and she didn't care about the eyes of everyone. She picked up a bottle of wine and started blowing it.

Bai Chen was surprised that the dignified and elegant Mr. Yangshou could also drink, and when he drank, he drank fiercely!

No one interrupted them. The sunset outside the window had already set. The dark night sky was rendering the entire sky. The cold wind was blowing the swaying curtains. Bicang felt that his whole body was much clearer and said with a wry smile.

"I'm sorry for making you laugh.

Looking at you now reminds me of myself back then. "

With a bang, Su Wanxiu's wine bottle hit the table hard.

Her chest rose and fell violently, and the two red clouds on her pretty face were very charming. Her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly and stared at Bicang, as if thinking of something, she spoke slowly.

"With the help of wine, I really have one thing I want to ask you."

Rat-headed Bicang did not speak, but looked at everyone with a wry smile, clasped his hands together, apologized to everyone, and then spoke in a low voice.

"It's gone, it's gone, it's all gone."

Everyone understood what it meant, and when they were about to get up, they heard Su Wanxiu's loud shout.

"Sit down for me." Su Wanxiu grabbed a bottle of liquor and blew on it.

Just now it was beer, now I drink straight white.

Wang Shaodong looked at it blankly, that was my wine, and did not dare to say the word "no".

Bai Chen was the first to choose to sit down, followed by Ling Qianqian and others.

Now that things have developed to this point, Bai Chen also wants to hear what Su Wanxiu has to say.

After all, the soul of Bagua has begun to burn in my heart.

Su Wanxiu said coldly, "Is that you?"

Bicang was silent and did not speak for a long time.

Su Wanxiu continued to ask: "Did you do what happened back then?"

Bi Cang recalled the past events in his mind, "Xiu Xiu, you drank too much."

Su Wanxiu's voice rose a little, "Let me ask you, was it you who did what happened back then?" After saying that, the spiritual energy rolled around her body, and the whole villa began to shake, and the wine bottles, bowls and chopsticks on the table fell to the ground. .


The world seemed to have quieted down, and everyone looked at each other in confusion. Should they avoid getting involved in this situation? After all, it is better not to get involved in the affairs of the older generation.

Bai Chen was about to get up and leave, but was glared at by Su Wanxiu.

"Don't think too much about Mr. Yangshou, I'm just going to get some food and drinks."

After a while, several plates of peanuts were placed in front of everyone, and the peanuts were still fried.

Fatty Wang ate by himself and felt good.

After someone took the lead, everyone looked at the two adults with interest. There was a glimmer of expectation in his eyes, as if to say, the show is about to begin.

The corner of Bicang's mouth twitched crazily, "Damn it, Bai Chen, you little brat, don't let me catch the chance."

The next second, Bai Chen was very understanding and gave cigarettes to all the boys present, including Bicang, who also didn't forget to light a fire for him.

After Bai Chen looked at Su Wanxiu's expression and determined that there was no danger, he lit the cigarette in his mouth.

At this point, Fatty Wang, Wang Shaodong, Lu Jin and others also got angry.

Only the idiot Ye Wu didn't take offense. He looked at everyone angrily and said.

"Damn it, I'm the only honest person. Lao Ke said you can't bring anything with you."


Before he finished speaking, Bai Chen threw a green lighter directly over him. Ye Wu quickly took the lighter, puffed, lit the cigarette, took a long puff, and blew out the smoke ring.


Bicang was shocked by Bai Chen's operation.

Damn it, now is the lyrical stage, can you be more serious?

Then he looked at everyone with eyes flickering in anticipation.


Bai Chen smiled lightly and said, "Master Rat Head, please start your performance. Don't feel pressured. Just treat us as NPCs."

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