The sky is a blue ocean, it is more like a blue gem, shining brightly.

At the foot of the volcano is an extremely huge volcano, which is composed entirely of dark brown stone. The crater is more like a black hole. It swallows up almost all the bald people. A powerful stream of lava flows from the crater, forming a fiery red tail.

White dust appeared in the sky, and the spiritual energy in his body was exhausted, just like an ordinary person.

Suddenly, I seemed to hear a snap of fingers.


Bai Chen's body suddenly fell, and the feeling of weightlessness came to his heart, making him feel uncomfortable and nauseated.

During this fall, Bai Chen also made many attempts, but no matter what, he could not recover his spiritual power.

The illusion space this time is obviously much stronger than the last time.

Is Su Wanxiu really planning to kill me this time?

The crater in Bai Chen's pupils was rapidly expanding, and he could feel the burning heat in the air just as he was about to fall into it.

If you fall into this crater, you will know in your mind that you are about to be swallowed by magma.

When the brain determines that it is dead, it is really dead.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen felt scared. Although he could not mobilize the innate spiritual power in his body, the Nine Nether Eyes were a skill that came with his natural bloodline.

No matter how strong Su Wanxiu's illusion was, she couldn't be restrained.

A pair of faint purple lights flickered from Bai Chen's eyes.

The moment when the Nine Nether Eyes appeared, it happened to be the moment when Bai Chen fell into the crater.


The figure in Bai Chen disappeared.

However, Su Wanxiu's illusion still existed, and the magma was still rolling around her. However, due to the appearance of the Nine Nether Eyes, she did not feel the heat of the magma.

Like white dust in water, although the lava did not melt itself, the body still fell. It was as if a heavy lead ball had been tied to it.

The infinite feeling of weightlessness made Bai Chen feel inexplicable panic.

The Nine Nether Eyes failed to break Su Wanxiu's illusion.

Time passes by, I don’t know how long it has been.

Bai Chen's mouth was dry and he stood up with difficulty. He felt that the soles of his feet were standing on the ground again. This solid feeling made him feel better.

At least there is no infinite weightlessness.

The Nine Nether Eyes were still open, and he glanced around coldly.

The scene in front of us is no longer red, but replaced by a wasteland, desolation, and desert.

Suddenly, in the entire sky, the ground trembled, the earth cracked, yellow sand poured in, and hideous cracks appeared in front of you as if someone had cut them off.

The earth trembled and the sky shook, shaking the sky and the earth.

Bai Chen stood uneasy, raised his eyes, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw a very frightening phenomenon.


Above Bai Chen's head, an extremely vast planet was slowly approaching.

The sky and the earth screamed, and the strong wind rushed into the ears like pouring down.

Bai Chen wanted to scream, but his throat seemed to be strangled, making it difficult to make a sound.

The vast planet gradually enlarged in Bai Chen's eyes, and a terrifying feeling of powerlessness spread in his heart.

Although Bai Chen knew that this was an illusion, the real feeling of despair in his mind was what made people feel heartbroken.


The planet where Bai Chen was located exploded instantly.

But Bai Chen did not die in that explosion, and the Nine Nether Eyes once again bloomed with faint purple light.

He seemed to be a dead object, floating in the dark universe with the impact of the explosion.

I don’t know how long it took, but my consciousness seemed to be stuck at this moment.

The surroundings were dark and eerily silent.

Bai Chen lowered his hands and raised his eyes with difficulty.

The dead silence in the universe once again made Bai Chen feel the despair of wanting to die.

This time, it was even more desperate than last time.

Seeing some meteorites passing by around him, Bai Chen remained indifferent and had no way of resisting.

In an instant, that feeling of weightlessness came over again.

There is a pulling force pulling Bai Chen's body.

Bai Chen gave up resistance and went with the flow. He even had the idea of ​​closing the Nine Nether Eyes in his mind.

Being able to die happily is better than this endless despair.

I don't know when, but what appeared in front of Bai Chen's eyes was an extremely huge 'black hole'.

He is so insignificant in front of the black hole, not even an ant.

Countless meteorites, planets, and light are all attracted by the attraction of black holes.

Bai Chen is also one of them.

It is like a terrifying abyss mouth, greedily swallowing everything.

Bai Chen's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it. This was a scene outlined in an illusion.

The purple light in his pupils flickered on and off, as if the purple light was about to disappear in the next second.

Consciousness is on the verge of collapse.

Bai Chen knew that the Nine Nether Eyes could no longer help him this time.

I began to feel increasingly frustrated with my actions.

Whether, we should choose a more stable method to solve this matter.

"Haha, do you really think you are a child of luck?"

"You have to solve everything by yourself?"

"What does Xiao Feng's matter have to do with me?"

"What does the battle between 12 You Ye and 12 Stars have to do with me?"

"I'm just a little innate. Even if the sky falls, there will still be tall people to hold me up."

In his last consciousness, Bai Chen slowly murmured and repeated what he just said.

In a dark room, an orange candle light flickered in the room.

Su Wanxiu leaned lazily on the chair, crossing her exquisite legs. Her legs were slender and soft, like a soft river, delicate and elegant.

Located directly in front of her is a stone table with a burning candle on it.

The candlelight swayed faintly in the dim room, like a scarred face cutting through the darkness, and the heavy load revealed a heartbreaking loneliness.

Su Wanxiu's beautiful eyes reflected the dying candlelight, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but raise.

"What a nice pair of eyes."

"Little girl Tang Yayun shouldn't blame me, right?"

"After all, Wang Shaonan is my favorite person."

As soon as the words fell, the whole room became dark.

After a moment of silence, Su Wanxiu raised her eyebrows.

I don't know why, but I feel a little lost and melancholy in my heart, but I clearly hate Bai Chen.

Maybe Bai Chen is proficient in illusions, maybe Bai Chen is rude and arrogant, or maybe it's out of protection for Wang Shaonan.

All in all, it doesn't matter now.

As a result, Bai Chen is dead.

He died in front of the illusion he was most proud of.

Su Wanxiu murmured: "When did I become so cold-blooded and ruthless?" Then she shook her head and said firmly.

"If my brother were still alive, he would definitely understand me.

I must protect everyone around me! "

It seems that self-comfort has worked.

Distorted excitement appeared in Su Wanxiu's eyes.

Su Wanxiu stood up, and when she was about to dissipate this illusion, a cold and biting voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

There was no emotion in the voice, but it was so powerful that it was like a god from heaven, making it irresistible. It also seemed as if he was talking to an ant, as if he was talking to an ant.

"You did very well!"

Su Wanxiu turned back suddenly, her eyes widened, and her voice seemed to hit her deepest soul.

If I remember correctly, that was Bai Chen's voice.

The candle that had been extinguished on the stone table burned again.

A cold purple light shone on Su Wanxiu's shocked pretty face.

That's purple candlelight.

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