Su Wanxiu's face was filled with shock, and the purple candlelight reflected in her eyes became stronger and stronger.

Immediately afterwards, the dark room was filled with dazzling light.

Subconsciously, Su Wanxiu suddenly closed her eyes, formed seals with her hands, and quickly activated her fairy power.

As for why you closed your eyes.

Su Wanxiu felt that if she didn't close her eyes quickly, she would definitely die.

There are thousands of thoughts in my mind.

This kid Bai Chen is full of weirdness, no wonder Tang Yayun thinks so highly of him.

Thinking of this, Su Wanxiu felt very uncomfortable.

Unconsciously, my mind fell into deep thoughts and memories.

"Hurry up, brother, and you stupid guy." Su Wanxiu pushed the two young men hard with her small hands.

One of them was dressed in white, handsome, smiling, and looked very similar to Su Wanxiu.

The other one has an ordinary appearance, but is quite tall, with a muscular body and a naive smile on his face.

It was Su Han, and the other one was young Bi Cang.

The three of them originally agreed to take a vacation and go to a nearby park to play, but Su Han and Bicang looked sleepy and did not wake up at all.

The two of them yawned from time to time.

Su Wanxiu pouted her mouth and said very dissatisfied.

"I really admire you two. You rarely have time to rest and you still play games all night long."

Su Han shrugged and looked at Bicang beside him with an idiot's eyes.

"Haha, I'm convinced. I'll go to bed after winning a few games at night. Who knew my teammates would be such good people?"

Bicang was not convinced and said in a loud voice, "You still have the nerve to criticize me?

Your AD record has never been positive. "

The two sides exchanged words with each other, neither one convinced the other. In the end, they glanced at each other, snorted coldly, and both turned their heads to look in other directions.

Su Wanxiu didn't blame them. They had been good friends since childhood.

Just as Su Wanxiu was about to increase the strength in her hands, her body suddenly trembled, and she seemed to recall something in her mind.

She slowly stopped walking and looked at the two teenagers walking in front of her infatuatedly, pursed her lips, and two lines of crystal tears flowed from her eyes.

The sky was clear, and the sun shone on the figures of the two teenagers, stretching their figures very long.

Su Wanxiu murmured to herself, "Why did I see it? Is this Bai Chen's illusion?"

At this moment, the two teenagers in front suddenly turned around, were startled, and ran over quickly.

"Xiaowan, what's wrong with you?" Su Han was about to take out a tissue to wipe the tears on Su Wanxiu's face.

Bicang was in a hurry, very nervous, and spoke quickly.

"What...what happened? Oh...oh...Sorry, I deleted the game today."

Su Wanxiu shook her head, even though she was extremely excited, she was as happy as a child.

She stretched out her arm and was about to take the tissue from her brother.

Suddenly, the sky scene changed suddenly. The originally cloudless sunny day disappeared in an instant, like a black dye that had been rendered without any brilliance.

I can't see my fingers.

Deathly silence.

Su Wanxiu was suddenly startled, her delicate body trembled, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead. She had seen this scene before.


A beam of light opened in the sky, and what came into view was the scene Su Wanxiu least wanted to see.

There were corpses scattered all around. Everyone died with a single blow. Their chests were hollowed out, revealing holes filled with blood. The blood soon dyed the ground red, and finally gathered into small pools of water.

The faces of the corpses were all so familiar.

Su Wanxiu held her head and screamed as if she was going crazy.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

This scene was the hell of her life and her inner demons.

It had been a long time since it happened, so why did they come here again? Su Wanxiu remembered all the names of the corpses.

It was everyone in their generation.

108 people!

Each person's appearance comes to mind like a video clip, and the memory fragments of each person's interactions come flooding in.

At this time, Su Wanxiu still looked aloof and elegant.

Suddenly, she understood that all this was just an illusion and not real. Then her body started to move slowly. At first, it was very slow, but gradually she started to run.

There was thick blood on the soles of her feet, which made running very uncomfortable. At first, it affected her gait, but as she ran faster and faster, the blood splashed around her feet dyed the white of her lower body red. cheongsam.

The place was obviously not very big, but Su Wanxiu was like a prisoner trapped in a cage. No matter how she ran, she could not escape from here.

Plop, as if he tripped over something.

Su Wanxiu fell heavily to the ground, her head on the ground, and fell into the thick blood. The pungent smell of blood filled her mind.

A strong feeling of vomiting rose up in his throat.

She couldn't even think.

Su Wanxiu was about to stand up. When she raised her head, a pair of wide bloody eyes stared directly at her. That was her best friend.


Su Wanxiu was so frightened that she kicked her legs back repeatedly.

In an instant, Su Wanxiu swallowed the things she wanted to vomit into her stomach again.

She stood up with difficulty, her eyes were scarlet, her delicate body was trembling, and suddenly her whole body was stunned.

In front of him was a tall man wearing a black robe.

The man in black robe was clutching a bright red heart in his hand, but his back looked surprisingly familiar.

Su Wanxiu seemed to have thought of something and muttered something in her mouth.


The man in black robe turned back and glanced coldly at Su Wanxiu.

Just when Su Wanxiu wanted to see the face of the man in black robe clearly, she couldn't see it clearly.

Her hands were covered with bright red blood, and she rubbed her eyes vigorously. What she saw before her eyes was a blood-red world.

She didn't care so much at this time, but she didn't know why, but now she desperately wanted to know who the man in black robe was.

However, the man in black robe smiled faintly and stepped aside.

A man whose face was similar to Su Wanxiu's was half-kneeling on the ground.

It was Su Han.

Su Wanxiu’s brother.

At this time, his brother's chest was penetrated, and a blood hole was flowing with bright red blood.

"no no!"

Su Wanxiu's eyes were about to burst, she was hysterical and ran towards Su Han with all her strength.

"Ah ah ah, don't... don't... want... like this, brother, no no no... leave me!"

Su Wanxiu didn't care who the man in black robe was, and tried her best to run to Su Han's side.

However, the distance of a few meters is like thousands of mountains and rivers, and it can't be reached for a long time.

Tears and blood mixed with blood flowed down her delicate face.

At this moment, a cold word floated in the sky.

"Is it fun?"

Su Wanxiu was shocked. She seemed to have thought of something, and boundless fear arose in her heart.

Although Su Wanxiu already knew who it was, when she saw it with her own eyes, she couldn't help being surprised. She pursed her lips and spoke tremblingly.

"Bai...Bai Chen is"

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