The star flying knives flying all over the sky are already extremely fast with the blessing of the power of the fairy spirit.

Xiao Feng shouted, "Seeking death."

The muscles all over his body were swollen like knives and axes, and the tendons were squirming like earthworms.

The whole body exudes a strong black evil spirit, and the red muscles look more like a bloody demon from hell to outsiders.

Xiao Feng struck out with one palm across the void, and the endless fairy power turned into a huge intercontinental missile and roared away.


In just an instant, the star flying knife that was conceived from the phaseless sword box lost its spirituality and exploded in the air like a goddess scattering flowers.

Bai Chen waved his big hand and put the star flying knife into the space ring. He raised his brows and turned to look at Xiao Feng with solemn eyes.

However, there is still the shadow of Xiao Feng somewhere in the same place.

A strong sense of crisis surged into my heart.

Bai Chen didn't even think about it and urged Tingfeng Jue with all his strength.

Just as a strong wind rose from the soles of Bai Chen's feet.

Xiao Feng's fist has already landed in front of his eyes.

A violent black evil energy lingered around his fist and struck directly at Bai Chen's face.

With this punch, Bai Chen's head might explode.


With all his strength to use the Tingfeng Jue, Bai Chen's head dodges with difficulty.

The violent force hit Bai Chen's chest, and his chest quickly dented. His body was like a kite with its string cut off, and his whole body was blown away.

Bai Chen's figure fell rapidly, and he was about to submerge into the Tianchi lake.

In an instant, a flash of red light quickly passed by, catching Bai Chen as he fell into the lake.

The speed was so fast that it was beyond reach, and a long ripple was drawn on the mirror-like lake.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Ling Qianqian.

Bai Chen felt an extremely soft feeling on the side of his face, as if he thought of something, he quickly escaped from Ling Qianqian's arms.

It's so embarrassing, I'm such a dignified man, being hugged by a female princess?

Ling Qianqian's cheeks were red, and she seemed to feel that her behavior just now was a bit too intimate.

When he was about to speak. There was only a sound of wow, and Bai Chen spat out a large mouthful of blood.

Bai Chen felt the pain in his chest. It was really extraordinary pain. It was as if his internal organs had shifted in his body.

Ling Qianqian stepped forward to check quickly.

The other side.

Xiao Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, looked down carefully, grinned, and turned his eyes to Su Wanxiu again.

"Why does Mr. Sheephead only order a group of children to explore the road?"

Su Wanxiu snorted coldly, and her slender jade hands shot out the power of the fairy spirit in the void. A wave of terrifying spiritual power rippled on the ancient yellowed book, pointing directly at Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng stood on the huge green lotus petals, watching Su Wanxiu's attack, inadvertently shook his head, seemed a little disappointed, and spoke.

"Lord Yangshou, if you have no other ability, it would be better for you to choose to stay alive today.

It is inevitable to suffer some physical pain. "

After the words fell, Xiao Feng's figure was like lightning, quickly passing through the waves of spiritual power.

Xiao Feng's physical body was so terrifying, and the wave of spiritual power hitting him had no effect at all.

In an instant, he was in front of Su Wanxiu.

Xiao Feng raised his right hand, made a fist and punched it out suddenly.

A simple punch, but full of violent aesthetics.

The surrounding space seemed to emit a mournful scream, and the space gradually began to distort.

Su Wanxiu's beautiful eyes reflected this punch, and there was no expression on her calm face.

However, in the next second, something magical happened. Xiao Feng suddenly stepped back while waving his fist.

It's like pressing the rewind button on a video, which seems incredible to outsiders.

But that's what happened.

The person who made the move was Bicang.

Bicang grinned, "Xiao Feng, have you forgotten my existence?"

Xiao Feng's face was solemn, and he originally planned to use lightning speed to quickly take down the sheep's head.

It's just that Bicang's time retrieval is really a bit unbelievable.

Thinking of this, Xiao Feng no longer hesitated and leaped onto the huge green lotus petals again.

As the Tianchi Qinglian bathes in the morning light, the Qinglian's own spiritual power is further stimulated.

A violent and savage spiritual power spread from the stamen of the green lotus.

Spiritual power instantly poured into their respective geniuses.

Huge numbers of geniuses are already floating on the surface of Tianchi.

Fortunately, they were all in Tianchi, and their physical bodies were not destroyed by Tianchi Qinglian's violent spiritual power.

Xiao Feng, who was above Qinglian, looked in the direction of Su Wanxiu and snorted coldly. Then he didn't speak.

With a raised hand, he took out a tall syringe and aimed the needle at the trunk of Tianchi Qinglian.

Insert it in and push some substance into it.

Xiao Feng smiled and said, "12 stars, that's it?"

Bai Chen looked puzzled, why did this guy give Tianchi Qinglian an injection?

What was just injected?

What is the use?

No, there must be information we don't know yet.

Bai Chen looked at Su Wanxiu, who was still calm and calm.

This point made Bai Chen confused and muttering in his heart.

"What are you waiting for? Relying on time again?

Isn't Bicang a traitor? "

Xiao Feng laughed wildly.

"Let's use the power of the geniuses of China."

The petals of the huge green lotus turned from white to black, and the branches gradually turned yellow and were about to wither.

The Tianchi Qinglian, which was about to wither, vented all its violent spiritual power at once, as if it had been ordered.

The world is filled with majestic and vast spiritual power.

At this moment, white spiritual energy spurted out from the stamens of the green lotus, and its spiritual power was hundreds of feet high.

Bai Chen twitched the corner of his mouth, can this Qinglian last?

Vomiting so much at once?

I'm afraid it will wither in the next second.

However, in the next second, wisps of spiritual power emerged from the bottom of Tianchi Lake, flowing along the roots of the green lotus and flowing into the green lotus itself.

This time, the green lotus that was supposed to be withered suddenly returned to full health, as if it had been resurrected with chicken blood.

When Xiao Feng saw this, he grinned to an exaggerated degree.

Tianchi Qinglian is like a tireless production machine, continuing to spurt out vast spiritual power.

At this point, Bai Chen thought of something and quickly turned to look in the direction of Fatty Wang and others.

At this point, the bodies of the geniuses soaked in Tianchi can't help but absorb these violent spiritual powers.

Very soon their faces were filled with expressions of pain.

Once it exceeds the capacity of the physical body, it will explode and die in the next second.

Bai Chen looked at Xiao Feng and thought to himself.

"What are you planning?"

Xiao Feng looked down, met Bai Chen's eyes, and moved his lips slightly.

"Fox Fairy, if you don't retreat, you will die."

Obviously, Xiao Feng had some reservations in the battle just now.

Bai Chen couldn't figure it out. Could it be that Xiao Feng's target wasn't Tianchi Qinglian?

Then, he shook his head. No matter what his goal was, the most important thing at the moment was that Fatty Wang and the others would not last long.

Gotta find a way!

Xiao Feng looked in the direction of Tianchi with an arrogant expression.

"Death by explosion may be a happy thing for you little kids who have never experienced war.

Wouldn't it be nice to just die silently like this?

Only those who are alive have pain, and those who die will be happy and eternal. "

"Death! Death! Death!" Xiao Feng's face was distorted, ferocious, and crazy. He raised his arms and kept shouting.

Like a manic psychopath.

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